-Caveat Lector-

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: US Ready to Escalate Colombian War; 1 Million Cubans Protest
Date: Mon, 22 Jan 2001 23:12:16 -0600 (CST)
From: Michael Eisenscher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Organization: ?
To: undisclosed-recipients:;

January 19, 2001
US General: Colombia Civilians Safe
Filed at 2:57 a.m. ET

BOGOTA, Colombia (AP) -- With the United States on the verge of sending
helicopter gunships into Colombia's war, a top U.S. military commander
expressed faith that Colombian troops would not harm civilians with the
lethal hardware.

Marine Gen. Peter Pace, chief of the U.S. Southern Command, also said at a
press conference Thursday evening that U.S. policy toward Colombia was
unlikely to change radically after President-elect Bush takes office on

``Obviously the new administration will do its own assessment, but we'll
meet our obligations to your government,'' Pace told mostly Colombian
journalists at the Defense Ministry. He noted that Washington's $1.3
billion aid package for Colombia received bipartisan support in the U.S.

Under the package, two U.S.-trained army battalions are poised to launch
operations in Colombia's southern cocaine-producing region, and U.S.
special forces troops will soon begin training a third battalion here.

Addressing concerns that the aid will lead to more civilian casualties,
Pace said Gen. Mario Montoya, who will command operations involving the
U.S.-supplied helicopters and U.S.-trained troops, is ``responsible'' and
will use intelligence data to carefully plan missions.

But with civilians suffering the most casualties in Colombia's war, Pace's
confidence was met by unease.

The helicopters, which United States will begin delivering to Colombia this
month, will be armed with weapons that can spew out as many as 50 bullets
per second.

U.S.-trained army battalions flying aboard the helicopters will try to
seize coca fields and laboratories from leftist rebels and right-wing
paramilitary gunmen -- who earn millions of dollars by ``taxing'' the
narcotics industry -- so unarmed planes can spray the coca with herbicide.

Much of the coca, the main ingredient of cocaine, is produced by peasant

Gen. Fernando Tapias, the commander of Colombia's armed forces, said
farmers and their families would not be caught in the cross fire.

``The army ground troops have the task of protecting the people on the
ground, not just to prevent (rebels and paramilitaries) from shooting at
the helicopters,'' Tapias said at the joint news conference.

But Colombia's armed forces have a spotty record on human rights and

Last August, troops opened fire on schoolchildren walking in the hills to a
picnic, mistaking them for rebels. Six children died. Some military
officers have also been charged with collaborating with paramilitary death

U.S. officials say the aid is necessary to curb drug production and help
Colombia's military hit back at guerrillas who profit from the cocaine trade.

Pace said the first Huey helicopters would arrive later this month. More
sophisticated Black Hawk helicopters will arrive during the second half of
2001, he said.

Copyright 2001 The Associated Press

Friday January 19 12:31 PM ET
Castro Leads 1 Million Cubans in Anti-U.S. March

Reuters Photo
By Andrew Cawthorne

HAVANA (Reuters) - A stern-faced President Fidel Castro (news - web sites)
led more than one million Cubans in a march on Friday on the U.S.
diplomatic mission to protest immigration policies blamed for the deaths of
two young airline stowaways.

Combining white tennis-shoes with his olive-green military uniform, and
flanked by student leaders, Castro waved a Cuban flag, chanted ``Down With
the Murderous Law!'' and glared at the imposing U.S. building as he led the
marchers past.

Havana blames the 1966 U.S. Cuban Adjustment Act, which offers preferential
treatment for Cubans seeking residency in the United States, for
stimulating illegal immigration like the dramatic recent case of two
military cadets.

Alberto Vazquez, 17, and Maikel Fonseca, 16, broke into Havana airport on
Christmas Eve and hid in the undercarriage of a London-bound British
Airways Boeing 777 just before takeoff.

Presumably dying in mid-air from oxygen shortage and freezing temperatures,
their bodies were later discovered in Britain, one in a Surrey field after
falling out of the aircraft, and the other at London's Gatwick airport.

``These two brothers died because of this murderous law,'' said a young
military cadet at the front of Friday's march.

With the discovery of a note left behind saying they dreamed of living in
the United States, the two are being presented by Cuba as naive victims of
the ``siren calls'' from its politically estranged northern neighbor.

In what was Cuba's first mass protest of the year, the marchers filed past
the U.S. Interests Section on Havana's sea- front Malecon boulevard for
three hours in disciplined fashion, chanting slogans, and waving flags and

Friday's march came as Cuba began the New Year in an even more militant
mood than usual -- warning incoming U.S. President George W. Bush (news -
web sites) that he would become the 10th American leader to serve his term
without toppling Cuba's government; strongly criticizing some foreign media
in Havana; and jailing a former Czech finance minister who met with dissidents.

Both Castro Brothers In March
Reuters Photo

The massive mobilization by Cuba's ruling Communist Party virtually
paralyzed Havana, with many protesters bussed in from schools and
workplaces in outlying areas of the capital. After the march ended, state
TV said more than 1 million people -- half the population of Havana -- had
taken part, a figure eyewitnesses generally agreed with.

As well as Fidel Castro, other senior leaders like his brother and armed
forces' head Raul Castro, and National Assembly President Ricardo Alarcon
took part in the march.

``We are not going to allow any law, any blockade from the United States,
do away with our revolution,'' said another military cadet, referring to
the U.S. economic embargo.

Such marches were a familiar sight in Cuba throughout last year,
particularly during the colossal custody dispute over young shipwreck
survivor Elian Gonzalez, whose case was another example of the Caribbean
island's immigration problem.

The march was part of what Castro calls an ongoing ``Battle of Ideas'' --
an attempt to demonstrate to the world the logic and justice of Cuba's
socialist system, and to expose the ``lies and hypocrisy'' of U.S.-led
``imperialist capitalism.''

On the immigration issue, which has been one of the Cuban government's main
concerns for the last year, U.S. officials retort that Castro's own
authoritarian system and economic shortcomings are to blame for driving
people to desperation.

Most of the immigration tragedies take place in the Florida Strait, where
thousands of Cubans have died in recent decades -- - often in horrific
circumstances in shark-infested, stormy seas -- trying to leave.

``They (the United States) use immigration like a political magic wand,''
wrote columnist Luis Sexto in state daily Juventud Rebelde (Rebel Youth).
``With it, they fabricate an image that the country is being emptied and
divided, and at the same time they steal a doctor from his patient, an
engineer from his project or an artist from the soul of the nation.''

Copyright © 2001 Yahoo! Inc., and Reuters Limited. All rights reserved.

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