-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/22/01 10:24:56 PM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> http://www.indymedia.org/front.php3?article_id=19439

  That site had this quote only:

“…I would say on some federal lands, particularly in the lower 48 states and
some offshore areas, you can do some kinds of drilling…”
Sen. Charles Schumer, [D-NY] January 11, 2001

  Here is a fuller version of what he said:


We’re going to have to meet each other halfway on energy. We are on the verge
of an energy crisis. Demand is going up, supply is flat. Logic says, reduce
demand and increase supply, but Washington has been deadlocked because
Democrats say “reduce demand” and Republicans say “increase supply.”

I think there can be some compromises. First, I would say any package that
doesn’t emphasize conservation and alternative fuel sources is at best
incomplete, and also not likely to pass. The thing I called for today is the
single thing you could do on either demand or supply side to help reduce the
costs of home heating oil, of gasoline, et cetera.

I think on the supply side we’ve made real advances. And while I don’t
consider opening up the Alaska wilderness area, I would say on some federal
lands, particularly in the lower 48 states and some offshore areas, you can
do some kinds of drilling, as long as they’re done in a really
environmentally sensitive way. I think I’ve talked to environmentalists who
agree with that. Now we can reexamine that and open that up. At the same
time, I think we should look at alternative energy sources—not just wind and
solar, but things like fuel cells, which produce electricity in a very
pro-environment way and a very economical way. Tax credits for Star-smart
appliances which use electricity. You know, we did a great job in the late
’70s, early ’80s, and it was mainly on the demand side. And we should do
that again.

This bill you’re introducing would change the classification of SUVs—

—and minivans to cars rather than trucks, for mileage purposes.

And thereby force them to a higher standard.


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