-Caveat Lector-

Anomalous Weather Worldwide


Scalar Electromagnetics and Weather Control

Source: http://www.tricountyi.net/~randerse/weather.htm

The following is one example of correspondence between Tom
Bearden and persons interested in some of the applications of his
Scalar Electromagnetics theories [note that Bearden is now
calling his system Energetics and refers to it as a subset of
Superpotential Theory, if I understand him right.]. Bearden sent
me several such correspondences as a general "update" on where
he's at nowadays (Spring/Summer 1998). As usual, he cannot
discuss exact methods or circuitry for devices to accomplish
these feats of magic-- only the general principles. Can we glean
enough from his writings to perhaps reach a "critical mass"
enabling us to perform a leap of logic or two, and figure out how
to build some of these devices?

Subj: Re: Anomalous weather worldwide
Date: 98-05-26 13:39:18 EDT

Dear (correspondent):

The anomalous weather worldwide is not accidental. In
superpotential theory, which was initiated by a paper by E.T.
Whittaker in 1904, it is possible to produce EM force fields and
force field energy at a distance. Whittaker 1904 showed that all
EM fields and waves can be decomposed into two scalar potential
functions. It follows that, by assembling two such scalar
potential functions in beams, one can produce a "scalar potential
interferometer" where the potential beams intersect at a
distance. In that interference zone, ordinary transverse EM
fields and energy appear.

A scalar potential is also just a harmonic assembly of
bidirectional longitudinal EM wavepairs, as shown in a paper by
E.T. Whittaker the year before, 1903. So one can produce the
necessary longitudinal waves, in arrays, to "assemble" a scalar
potential with any desired interior LW composition.

Thus by using longitudinal EM waves (LWs), one can produce
potentials, fields, and waves to order.

It turns out that a longitudinal EM wave, since it cannot vary
transversely a priori, cannot vary its 3-spatial energy density.
Instead, it must vary in the time domain. What results is that
one has created an oscillation of the curvature of spacetime,
when one makes a longitutinal EM wave.

Now one can engineer clusters of ST curvatures, by proper
assembly of LWs. This is a very powerful general relativity,
because the strong EM force is being used as the agent of ST
curvature. This particular EM GR does not appear in the
textbooks, but has been utilized by the Russian KGB in
clandestine weapon development since the 1950s.

Here's how the weather engineering is usually accomplished:

First, take two scalar potential beam transmitters, separated on
the necessary baseline to form a beam interferometer. Let them
interfere at a distance. Now in that distant interference zone
(IZ), there is an ambient vacuum potential (spacetime potential,
or spacetime stress). If the electrical circuit grounds of the
interferometer transmitters are biased ABOVE the ambient
potential in the IZ, then scattering EM energy (heating) emerges
in the IZ. This is the exothermic mode of operation. If the
electrical circuit grounds of the interferometer are biased
negatively below the ambient potential in the IZ, then convergent
EM energy (cooling)  emerges in the IZ. This is the endothermic
mode of operation.

So by merely biasing the electrical grounds of a scalar potential
interferometer, one can produce heating or cooling in the distant
IZ. If one just "radiates," one produces distant steady heating
or steady cooling.  If one sharply pulses the interferometer, one
produces a distant hot explosion or a distant cold explosion.

One can also, of course, form various forms of energy at a
distance, including particularly hemispheric shells of energy and
spherical shells of energy. Hundreds of these have been observed
worldwide, from testing by the KGB weapons in Russia.

There is one other characteristic that one needs to be aware of.
Pure longitudinal EM waves have infinite speed and infinite
velocity (see the summary papers by Rodrigues et al. on the Los
Alamos National Laboratory website). In practice one makes a
pseudo-longitudinal wave, so its energy is finite and its speed
is finite, but it may have a velocity v>>c.

A "scalar" potential is not a scalar entity at all. Instead, it's
a bundle of bidirectional longitudinal waves, as shown by
Whittaker 1903.

Mass is composed mostly of empty space filled with potentials and
fields, with a particle here and there, widely separated. On its
own scale, a "mass" looks more like a giant solar system or the
external universe. Mostly space, with fields and potentials.

Well, since fields and potentials are nothing but just LWs anyway
(W-1903 and 1904), then the stress potential of space is a
superhighway for LWs.

What this means is that "pretty good" LWs (i.e., sufficiently
clean pseudo longitudinal waves) will pass right through the
earth and ocean, with little attenuation and little interaction.

Now we are ready to see into weather engineering.

Focus the interference zone (IZ) on the other side of the earth
(beam right through the earth and ocean) to a given desired area
in the atmosphere.  Bias your transmitters positively. You
produce atmospheric heating in the air in the IZ, so that the air
expands and you have produced a "low" pressure zone. Now use a
second interferometer biased negatively, and place it at a
distant IZ desired. In that IZ, you cool the air so that it
shrinks and becomes denser, and you have created a "high"
pressure area.

Now place several such IZs, with the desired highs and lows, near
a jet stream. The jet stream will be deviated toward a low and
away from a high.

By varying the transmitted energy and the iz location (just move
it gradually along), you can entrain and steer the jet streams,
and therefore effectively "steer" the resulting weather.

Want to spawn tornadoes? Just make several sharp bends in the jet
streams, and also speed them up a bit. The additional angular
momentum imparted to the air masses will spawn off littler
rotations (tornadoes).

By focusing the IZ underneath the ocean, one can heat or cool the
water in a selected area, over a period of time. So you can
aggravate or ease El Nino, e.g.

By proper steering and coordination around the earth, the KGB is
able to create a great deal of rain in an area, a drought in an
area, storms and tornadoes, a powerful El Nino, etc.

Want to really mess with the troops? Just focus the IZ in a large
fault zone -- say such as the San Andreas fault in California.
Use the exothermic interferometry mode. You deposit energy slowly
in that fault zone. The stress increases. Eventually the plate
edges shift, and you have an earthquake. If you want a very
powerful quake, put the energy in gradually, so that a sort of
"overpotential" or "overpressure" builds up, past where the rocks
would normally slip. Then when they let go, you've got a real
nice big one.

You can see what might happen if one also toys around with a
sleeping volcano.

On July 4, 1976 the KGB began its massive and continuing weather
engineering over North America. It continues to this day.

As an example, on Nov. 19, 1997 I drove from Huntsville, Alabama
to Louisville, Kentucky to give a graduate seminar on Nov. 20. As
I left Nashville on the interstate, I spotted a "giant radial
cloud" in the sky, to my left. A giant radial is a cloud with
long radial fingers (spokes) radiating out from it, perhaps
several miles in length. These are signatures of artificial
weather engineering. On Interstate 65, I was averaging about 65
mph. So was the giant radial, and it was traveling along off to
the left of I-65. In other words, the distant operators were just
using a map with I-65 as a trace guide line, for moving an
interferometer array's IZ.  That cloud moved right along with me,
at 65 mph, for 111 miles by my odometer. Then it started to fade
as the distant operator cut power. At that time, I could see its
"twin" off to the right, which had been cut power a little
before. This was therefore one of the infamous "twin giant
radials" that I photographed so much back in the early 80s.

I challenge any scientist to show me a NATURALLY occurring twin
giant radial, that motors along astride Interstate 65, at 65
miles per hour, for almost two hours! That's pushing statistical
chance to the point of absurdity. Also, of course, this sort of
thing has happened dozens and dozens of times around the country.

So the anomalous weather everyone is worrying about, is going to
STAY anomalous. In fact, it's going to get a bit worse.

There's a whole war going on out there.

It might surprise you, e.g., that electrodynamics actually has
nothing at all to say about the form of its EM entities in space,
where there is no mass. Maxwell assumed a material ether, and all
his EM entities are mass-containing. The force fields are
rigorously defined only in the presence of mass, and only as the
INTERACTION of the spacetime disturbance with an intercepting
charged mass. So Maxwell's EM still contains a material ether,
even though the Michelson-Morley experiments destroyed a material
space medium in the 1880s (after Maxwell was already dead). Not a
single Maxwellian equation has been changed!

Rigorously, Maxwellian EM is a set of matter-to-matter
transforms.  Actually infolded inside its transforms are a
missing two: (1)  matter-to-spacetime transform, which is really
what is invoked when one launches a "signal"  from a transmitter;
one launches a spacetime curvature oscillation, not a force field
oscillation, because no force fields exist in space in the
absence of mass (Feynman, Wheeler, Aharonov, Bohm, Lindsay,
Margenau, etc.) Then the ST perturbation propagates through space
to the waiting receiving antenna. There it interacts with the
Drude electrons, producing the well-known transverse EM
oscillations. Since the electrons are constrained longitudinally
down the wire and are spinning, they act as gyros. So they
precess laterally, which is actually what we measure with our
instruments -- the gyroprecession of the charges.

So hidden inside the matter-to-matter EM they erroneously teach
us, is an infolded general relativity (a matter-to-spacetime
transform, followed by a spacetime-to-matter transform in serial

This is the "magical" unified field theory everyone has been
seeking.  The electrodynamics we teach is a piece of tripe, and
the Russians just secretly corrected it back in the early 50s.
And then they weaponized the daylights out of it.

Today at least three other nations besides the KGB rogue group in
Russia have scalar potential interferometer weapons. The weather
engineering is just one of the EARLY capabilities. The most
powerful weapons on earth are not nuclear. They are quantum
potential in nature, using a modified Whittaker EM to implement
David Bohm's hidden variable theory of quantum mechanics.

Meanwhile, since our own electrical physicists have rather
thoroughly failed us, and just keep teaching the horribly flawed
old electrodynamics, we will continue to watch as the weather is
hostilely engineered, as even earthquakes are engineered from
time to time, and as another small nation which must remain
unnamed, saves us and prevents our destruction.

Anyway, that's what is really happening to the weather.
Understand, not every tornado is artificial! But a lot of them
are spawned artificially.  And the weather is being "steered," by
steering the jetstreams.

Didn't know whether such things would even interest you, but
thought I'd expose them anyway. Most scientists are very
uncomfortable with even the notion that something substantial is
wrong with our physics texts. But such is true. Until we do the
necessary foundations overhaul, we will continue to teach and use
a highly inferior science. And we will continue to see more and
more anomalous weather.

Incidentally, the KGB weapon scientists call the infolded LWs
(curvatures of ST) inside electrodyamics, the information content
of the field. Our guys just think they are referring to spectral
analysis. The Russians call the entire science energetics. You
can see the earlier version of the Rodrigues paper in Foundations
of Physics, 27(3), 1997, p. 435-508. Whittaker's papers are:

(1) "On an expression of the Electromagnetic Field Due to
Electrons by Means of Two Scalar Potential Functions," Proc.
Lond. Math. Soc., Series 2, Vol. 1, 1904, p. 367-372;

(2) "On the Partial Differential Equations of Mathematical
Physics,"  Math. Ann., Vol. 57, 1903, p. 333-355. A summary of
superpotential theory is given by Melba Phillips, "Classical
Electrodynamics," Vol IV of Principles of Electrodynamics and
Relativity, Ed. by S. Flugge, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1962, p.

Other scientists such as Debye, Nisbet, Bromwich, and McCrea
contributed to the foundations of superpotential theory. An
excellent and eye-opening paper is Patrick Cornille,
"Inhomogeneous Waves and Maxwell's Equations,"  Chap. 4 in Essays
on the Formal Aspects of Electromagnetic Theory, World
Scientific, Singapore, 1992, p. 6-86. Highly recommended is T.W.
Barrett and D.M. Grimes, Eds., Advanced Electromagnetism:
Foundations, Theory, & Applications, World Scientific, New
Jersey, 1995. For a test of a superweapon, see Walker et al,
"Kaitoku Seamount and the Mystery Cloud of 9 April 1984,"
Science, Vol. 227, Feb. 8, 1985, p. 607-6111. See also Daniel L.
McKenna and Daniel Walker, "Mystery Cloud: Additional
Observations," Science, Vol. 234, Oct. 24, 1986, p. 412-413.

That incident on April 9, 1984 off the coast of Japan and near
the Kuriles, was a huge test of (1) a cold explosion just over
the surface of the ocean, which suddenly shrank the air so that
surrounding air rushed in, meeting and surging upwards into the
sky, entraining lots of water as a mist and dense cloud with it.
Then a second test was conducted: a glowing sphere of light
appeared in the top of the large mushroom cloud from the cold
explosion. Then that spherical globe expanded, until it reached
some 380 miles in diameter. The center of the globe at that time
was about 200 miles altitude. That is written up in two fine
articles in the respected journal Science.

This is the scale the KGB has been operating on, with these
interferometry weapons. There are hundreds more such incidents or

Anyhow, thanks for sending me the updates on the actual weather
occurrences. They do help from time to time.

Yours truly,

Tom Bearden

EcoNews Service

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

                     *Michael Spitzer*  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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