-Caveat Lector-

----- Original Message -----
From: TiM Publisher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: TiM GW Bulletins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, January 26, 2001 11:35 PM
Subject: "Madam Kangaroo" Mutates to "Madam Halfbright" (TiM GW Bulletin
2001/1-3, Jan. 26, 2001)

> Here is another UPDATE to our latest Balkans Affairs TiM Bulletin:
> Belgrade                     12. "Madam Kangaroo" Mutates to "Madam
> To read the latest update and all the LINKS to the above stories, just
> click (or double-click, depending on your computer) on the following Web
> address, and you'll be able to see it in full color, along with
> accompanying images:
> http://www.truthinmedia.org/Bulletins2001/tim2001-1-3.html
> -------------
> NOTE: To cancel the e-mail editions of our reports, just reply REMOVE or
> UNSUBSCRIBE, followed by your e-mail address.
> -------------
> 12. "Madam Kangaroo" Mutates to "Madam Halfbright"
> BELGRADE, Jan. 26 - Madeleine Albright may be gone from her State Dept.'s
> seat of power, but a European imitation of this former would-be ruler of
> the world has sprung up in Europe.  It comes in the form of one Carla del
> Ponte, the chief prosecutor of the UN War Crimes Tribunal.  In a style
> reminiscent of Madam Halfbright's pompous arrogance, Del Ponte insisted
> Jan. 26 that Slobodan Milosevic must be tried at The Hague, and warned
> failure by Belgrade to co-operate with the court could lead to the
> imposition of new sanctions.
> A mere prosecutor of a kangaroo court telling the world's heads of state,
> including the new White House occupant who pays most of her salary, what
> they must do.  Perhaps the George W. Bush administration should reply
> the same tactics that Congress sometimes uses against petulant
presidents -
> cut off the funding to this sham of a court in the Hague.  And then sit
> back and watch Madam Kangaroo-cum-Madam Halfbright's ego wither and dry up
> like a fall leaf.
> If in doubt about Del Ponte's arrogance and inflated grandeur, check out
> the following excerpts from the London Independent's report from Del
> Ponte's Jan. 25 news conference in Belgrade:
> "We [the tribunal] are the first who must have Milosevic on trial," the
> chief prosecutor said. She argued that it would take too long for Serbia
> try Mr Milosevic and later hand him over to The Hague. "I cannot wait for
> years until the fugitives are transferred."
> Ms Del Ponte said she had the impression that the Yugoslav President, a
> lawyer, was "not properly informed" about the tribunal. "Dialogue [with Mr
> Kostunica] was not possible. I tried for half-an-hour to explain about the
> tribunal. I had to sit and listen to his long complaints," she said.
> "He [Mr Kostunica] can and must change his mind," she added. "Full
> co-operation with my office cannot be avoided if Yugoslavia wants full
> membership in the international community. If there is no cooperation, new
> sanctions can be imposed."
> ---
> TiM Ed.: See what we mean?  Here's an administrative UN appointee telling
> an elected head of state what he MUST do!?  Or else.
> ---
> "Ms Del Ponte predicted better co-operation with the tribunal as the new
> Serbian government, which was inaugurated yesterday, takes over. In her
> talks with the new Serbian Prime Minister, Zoran Djindjic, a time span of
> two to three months to begin the co-operation was mentioned.
> In his maiden speech yesterday, Mr Djindjic said that bringing all those
> who committed war crimes to justice would be one of the priorities of his
> government ­ ahead of confronting the dire economic situation in Serbia."
> ---
> TiM Ed.: No surprise there. a proven western quisling (Djindjic) kissing
> to the new Madam Halfbright, as he had done to the old one (see "Cavorting
> with the Enemy," Dec. 1999).  Which sets up a possible showdown between
> Kostunica and Djindjic, something that many analysts have been predicting
> all along.
> For the rest of the Independent report, check out.
> -------------
> NOTE: To cancel the e-mail editions of our reports, just reply REMOVE or
> UNSUBSCRIBE, followed by your e-mail address.
> -------------
> ----
> Phoenix, Arizona
> Visit the Truth in Media Web site http://www.truthinmedia.org/ for
> on geopolitical affairs.

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