-Caveat Lector-

-----Original Message-----
From: Howard Rothenburg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sunday, January 28, 2001 12:19 AM
Subject: [piml] The American dialectic


By Dr. Samuel L. Blumenfeld

© 2001 WorldNetDaily.com

The dialectic that drives American politics was quite visible on the
inauguration platform. To the left of the Bushes sat the socialists
and Gramscian commies: Bill, who burned 80-or-so men, women and
children at Waco and handed Elian over to Castro; his sulking partner,
Al Gore, whose family owes much of its wealth to Kremlin agent Armand
Hammer; and Chris Dodd, senator from Connecticut who spent years
defending the Sandinista communists of Nicaragua. They held the White
House for eight years, and now their reign was over. Just to have
survived them is an achievement.

On their right was George W. Bush, born-again Christian, basically
conservative; Dick Cheney, one of the most conservative men who ever
sat in Congress; and a whole lot of other people on the side of the
Angels. Both ministers, Billy Graham who gave the invocation and the
black minister from Houston who gave the benediction, invoked the name
of Jesus Christ at the close of their prayers. President Bush took the
oath of office with his hand on the Bible. His address had the
spiritual tone associated with our religious heritage. After eight
years of Clinton debauchery, it was quite a change. Even the presence
of the chief justice of the Supreme Court administering the oath had
symbolic meaning. It was he who brought the dispute over the vote
count in Florida to an end, thus confirming Bush's victory.

This was a peaceful moment for the dialectic, a brief moment of rest.
The system demands it. Although the dialectic is the ongoing, endless
conflict between the two philosophies of life and government, there
are rules whereby the two sides conduct themselves. Clinton is always
trying to stretch the rules, thus his farewell speech was really a
critique of the new Bush administration. He's a dialectician down to
his fingernails.

The new president didn't spend his time criticizing the Clinton
administration. He thanked Clinton for his service to the nation. Bush
plays by the rules, and he does so graciously. He won in Florida even
though the mobs shouting insults at him during the parade didn't think
so. They are also part of the dialectic, the more ugly part.
Conservative citizens act differently. They brush up on their Second
Amendment rights.

What is the dialectic? It is the means by which the far left moves our
society slowly but inexorably in its direction -- toward socialism.
The dialectical process was conceived in the early 19th century by
German philosopher, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (1770-1831), a
pantheist, who believed in a world soul that was using the dialectic
process to achieve its own perfection. Since the human race was part
of the world soul, our history was also part of this ongoing
dialectical process, or conflict, between the thesis and the
antithesis to form a new synthesis, which then becomes the new thesis.
Karl Marx (1818-1883) junked the spiritual aspect of Hegel's
dialectic, and attached it to a purely materialistic, godless view of
the universe -- hence the creation of "dialectical materialism," the
process whereby the human race inches toward communism.

In American politics, the dialecticians of the left view the thesis as
the conservative status quo, the antithesis as the socialists and
communists opposing the status quo, and the synthesis as the new
status quo after the conservatives have compromised and moved toward
the left. That is why no conservative administration has been able to
undo any of the liberal programs and why our federal and state
governments keep growing in power and scope, imposing more and more
restrictions on American freedom.

A case in point is the Department of Education, which was established
by liberals in the Carter administration. Attempts by conservatives to
close it down have been thwarted time and again until conservatives
have become resigned to its continued existence. What prevents
Republicans from breaking the dialectical cycle is their lack of
understanding of how it works and their lack of courage. Politics is
supposed to be the art of compromise. But with the dialectic at work,
compromise means surrender on the installment plan.

The Bible, of course, teaches absolutes, for there are no dialectical
compromises possible with God's law. You may disobey His law, but you
can't change it. That is also true of our Declaration of Independence
and the U.S. Constitution. Although the left would like to get rid of
them, the best they can do is dialectically tear them apart. It is
only the vigilance of patriotic gun owners who have prevented the
complete destruction of the Second Amendment.

The control of public opinion by the left is an important factor in
the dialectical process. The left, because it controls the mass media,
has a tremendously powerful force on its side. If a conservative
president tried to close down the Department of Education, the mass
media would rise up with a barrage of criticism that would send
conservative legislators to their bomb shelters. Many parents, willing
pawns of the dialecticians, would rise up in anger against those
members of Congress who would dare to close down the department.

The leftists are very good at using the mob. They actually train mob
agitators. I remember when I was a student at the City College of New
York in the late 1940s how the communists organized a student strike
over a professor they didn't like, and the students marched around
like sheep, mesmerized by the self-appointed student leaders who were
all communists and trained in the arts of agitprop.

The "protestors" at the Inauguration Parade were a leftist rent-a-mob.
There's an outfit in Philadelphia that professionally organizes mob
demonstrations. They have to be well organized if they are going to
make their impact on the 6 o'clock or 11 o'clock news. They need
signs, slogans, transportation, food, lodging, etc. The leftists do it
up brown because that's their métier, their profession, and they know
how to make use of the TV cameras. No cameras, no mobs. Conservatives
make lousy mobs, but they can make the rounds of their legislators in
a civilized way to influence their actions. But when the
right-to-lifers demonstrated on Jan. 22 in Washington, they got TV
coverage because the demonstration was large, colorful and orderly,
and President Bush had just cancelled U.S.-taxpayer funding for
abortions in foreign countries.

Not all compromise is dialectic. There are many instances in which
compromise is warranted. But compromise is not warranted where it
violates a conservative's stand on biblical absolutes. George Bush Sr.
turned his promise to a lie by reneging on his pledge not to raise
taxes. That compromise lost him much conservative support and lost him
a second term. He listened to his Harvard dialectician, Richard
Darman, who believed that the purpose of government was to move the
nation forward -- not saying what was meant by forward.

Of course, the dialectic doesn't always work in the leftists favor.
Thus, their philosophy calls for taking one step back, whenever
necessary, in order to later take two steps forward. In dress parades,
the Red Army in China actually takes two steps forward and one step
back, demonstrating the communist dialectic at work. I'm sure that
Clinton and his Gramscian buddies are not at all fazed by having to
take the one step back with Bush's election, because in their hearts
they are certain that the next big dialectical move will be two steps

In political terms, the dialectic conflict is between two visions of
government: the original vision of the founding fathers of a
representative republic with a Constitution that limits the power of
government at all levels, and the leftist vision of a social democracy
in which government power is unlimited. A constitutional republic is
better than a social democracy because it protects us from the tyranny
of men. Since the agenda of a Gore presidency would have just about
destroyed our constitutional republic, the conservatives on the U.S.
Supreme Court decided to use their power to prevent Gore from
overturning the Bush victory. They checkmated the dialectic.


Dr. Samuel L. Blumenfeld is the author of eight books on education,
including: "Is Public Education Necessary?" "NEA: Trojan Horse in
American Education," "The Whole Language/OBE Fraud" and
"Homeschooling: A Parents Guide to Teaching Children."


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