-Caveat Lector-

                                      CBS News On Mad Deer -
                                       'Wasting Away In The West'
                                               By Vince Gonzales
                                           CBS News Correspondent

                                * Disease Similar To Mad Cow Is Affecting Wild
                                Deer, Elk In U.S. * Chronic Wasting Disease Is In
                                Wild Herds In Neb., Colo., Wyo. * The Disease Was
                                First Noticed In Colorado In 1967

                                (CBS) - In the second report in a three-part series,
                                CBS News Correspondent Vince Gonzales reports
                                on a mad cow-like disease that destroys the brain
                                and is killing deer and elk in the American West.

                                Although there's never been a case of mad-cow
                                disease reported in the United States, a very similar
                                disease that destroys the brain is killing deer and
                                elk in the American West and it's spreading.

                                Wyoming state veterinarian Tom Thorn said that
                                mad cow disease drew a lot of attention to it. "What
                                we watch for in an affected deer is kind of a hollow
                                look in their eyes, they drink a lot. They don't eat
                                very much."

                                They waste away, which is why the always-fatal
                                disorder is called Chronic Wasting Disease, or
                                CWD. The animals also behave strangely, losing
                                their fear of humans as CWD destroys their brains.
                                But an infected animal can look totally normal in the
                                early stages of the disease, when an autopsy can
                                detect it.

                                CWD was first noticed at a Colorado research
                                facility in 1967. Mike Miller with the Colorado
                                Division of Wildlife told a government committee
                                recently, "What we are seeing is an epidemic
                                occurring in slow motion."

                                Scientists say the epidemic is slowly spreading
                                among wild deer and elk in Nebraska, Wyoming and
                                Colorado, where at least 15 percent of some wild
                                herds are infected. It's also been found on game
                                farms in five states and one Canadian province.

                                In a video produced by wildlife officials in Colorado
                                and Wyoming, hunters are told, "relatively little is
                                known about chronic wasting disease." And they're
                                warned to wear gloves and avoid touching or eating
                                parts of the animal where the disease is
                                concentrated: the brain, spinal column, lymph
                                nodes, tonsil, spleen and bone marrow.

                                When it was detected in Montana, drastic measures
                                were taken. Scores of game farm elk were
                                incinerated. Dozens of deer on nearby land were
                                hunted by helicopter, killed and tested to keep this
                                highly contagious disease from spreading.

                                Hunters are being used to control the spread of
                                CWD in the wild. In Colorado the hunting season
                                was extended this year in some disease areas as a
                                way to try and lower the diseased animal
                                population. Hunters in some sections of the state
                                must drop off deer heads for CWD testing. Testing
                                is voluntary in Wyoming and Nebraska.

                                Wildlife officials insist that as long as hunters are
                                informed about CWD and take precautions, the
                                disease is not a human health threat.

                                Thorn argues, "You cannot say with 100 percent
                                certainty that it won't transmit to people, but there 
                                no evidence that it will transmit to people."

                                When asked if he was concerned about CWD,
                                Thorn said, "No. I've lived here quite a long time.
                                I've hunted here. I just have not seen any credible
                                evidence that it's going to kill me or anybody else.

                                Despite all the official assurances, some hunters
                                and their families fear eating diseased meat could
                                infect them with the same fatal brain disorder that's
                                killing deer and elk.

                                "I've hunted in this area and I've been eating deer all
                                my life," said Chris Melani, who shot a deer in
                                Colorado and, as required, turned in the head for
                                testing. He says he was told he would be notified
                                within three weeks if his deer had the disease.

                                "I didn't get a notice so I figured everything was ok
                                with the deer. We started eating it," he said.

                                Melani, and his then-pregnant wife Deb, also sent
                                some of the meat to a sausage maker who sold it to
                                other customers. The Melani's gave their sausage
                                to friends and family as Christmas presents. Then,
                                almost two months after his hunt, Melani received a

                                "I was shocked when I started reading it, recalls

                                His deer had CWD.

                                "What's done is done. You just go on with your life
                                and hope it's healthy," Melani said.

                                But Jay Whitlock didn't get to go on with his life.

                                Jay, an Oklahoma hunter, was 27 when he
                                developed a brain disorder similar to CWD and mad
                                cow disease.

                                Julie Whitlock said, "Jay's case is not genetic. They
                                have ruled that out. And they said we'll probably
                                never know actually how Jay did get it."

                                Jay Whitlock died a year after CBS News spoke
                                with him.

                                His case, and two others, were discussed at a
                                recent government meeting on Chronic Wasting

                                Although the victims ate deer meat, scientists could
                                not link their deaths to CWD.

                                Dr. Ermias Belayof the CDC told the FDA panel,
                                "However, our conclusions are limited to three
                                patients and continued surveillance remains very
                                critical to continue to monitor the possible
                                transmission of chronic wasting disease to humans."

                                There is evidence, at least in the lab, that in rare
                                cases this disease can alter human brain tissue,
                                almost as effectively as mad cow disease.

                                The government says, so far, there is no proof any
                                humans have been infected by deer and elk. But
                                after the deaths in Europe, no one is willing to say it
                                can't happen here.

                                Organic Consumers Association -



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