-Caveat Lector-

{{Well, the mystery is solved as to how Jesse can afford his
wardrobe and limousine and mistress, etc.  Looks like he has
been shaking down the phone companies pretty regularly, too.
The CEO or CFO of Quaker Oats complained that Jesse tried to
extort money from that company, too, with his standard
claims of discrimination, etc.  Now we know why he was so
very concerned about the election.  It wasn't the voters in
Florida at all but rather his position as a "Friend of Bill"
which prevented the IRS from auditing him as they did other
charities.  Note the one $55,000 federal grant unaccounted
for.  The $12 million in and $47 THOUSAND out for the
educational charity really does need to be explained.  I am
sure there is a perfectly good explanation for all this.

"Let's get right to the Jesse Jackson situation in the
Talking Points memo.
As you may know, The Factor has been trying to get financial
information from Jackson for more than a year. We are not
accusing him of anything, we just want to know where
Jackson's tax-exempt money goes. By law the public has a
right to know that.

Jackson has set up four organizations: two are tax exempt
and two are not. Millions of dollars annually pour into
these concerns. Where that money goes is difficult to figure

The Washington Post is reporting that a document from
Jackson's tax-exempt Citizenship Education Fund addressed to
his mistress, Karen Stanford, after she became pregnant
details how she would get money from the fund.

Apparently, The National Enquirer has this document. Of
course it is illegal to use tax-exempt dollars for private

Jackson's people say the document was never approved.

The Factor has obtained tax returns for the Citizenship
Education Fund from 1998 and 1999. In those years the fund
took in nearly 12 million tax-exempt dollars but paid only
$1.5 million in salaries and wages and spent - get this -
only $47,000 on education

Let me repeat that. Out of the $12 million the Citizenship
Education Fund received, just $47,000 went for actual

Now, Jackson's mistress, Ms. Stanford, worked for the fund.
But her salary isn't listed.

Jackson's people will not tell us how much she made and they
will not tell us how many people work for the Citizenship
Education Fund. Jackson himself is not listed as receiving
any salary.

By the way, Stanford conceived Jackson's baby sometime
around August of 1998 and subsequently moved to California
to live in a $365,000. Jackson's people tell us Ms. Stanford
received $35,000 in severance pay and published reports say
Jackson pays her a considerable amount in monthly support.

Once again, tax-exempt organizations are supposed to be
accountable to the public. So why we cannot find out Ms.
Stanford's salary history remains a mystery.

Also remaining a mystery are Jackson's travel expenses for
the Rainbow/PUSH Coalition in 1998.

He has listed $1,242,854 dollars for travel and conference
expenses. But the specific charges - that is where the
travel was to - are not provided.

Another major question is, why hasn't the IRS looked into
Jackson's finances - considering he reportedly has a history
of financial problems in this area:

. In 1983, the Chicago office of the Department of Education
questioned or disallowed more than $2 million in
expenditures for operation Rainbow/PUSH.

. In 1984, a Federal Election Commission audit of Jackson's
presidential campaign showed it under-reported donations of

. In 1988, PUSH Excel agreed to pay the federal government
$550,000 in undocumented expenses of federal grant money.
That's tax money from you and me.

Also in 1988, an audit of Jackson's '88 presidential
campaign resulted in a record $150,000 fine for accepting
excessive campaign contributions.

Once again, Jackson's finances have not been investigated
for 12 years - since 1988. The question for the IRS is, why

In 1999, The Factor has learned, that Jesse Jackson had a
huge year. He accepted the following donations:

. $500,000 dollars from SBC Ameritech

. $375,000 dollars from Bell Atlantic

. $625,000 from GTE

. $377,000 from Viacom

and $142,000 from AT&T.

And there are many more.

It is obvious to anyone - including our federal government -
that there is big money coming in to Jesse Jackson's
organizations. And it is obvious that he has had past
problems accounting for some of the money. Once again, The
Factor is stunned that there is not more oversight.

We will continue our investigation.

And that's the memo."


"Time now for the Most Ridiculous Item of the day.
It didn't take long for Bill Clinton to start cashing in. He
has just signed to give a speech to Morgan Stanley Dean
Witter and will be paid - are you ready - $100,000.

Now he only has to make $7,900,000 more to catch up to

Ridiculous? You make the call."


  Learn more about
Bill O'Reilly,
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  "It is obvious to anyone - including our federal
government - that there is big money coming in to Jesse
Jackson's organizations. And it is obvious that he has had
past problems accounting for some of the money. Once again,
The Factor is stunned that there is not more oversight."
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