-Caveat Lector-


              Great Struggle: Republic Or Empire?
              Steven Yates
              smell fear. Teddy Chappaquid –  I mean Teddy Kennedy, of course –
              like John Ashcroft at all. Not long after the hearings were under
              way, it was revealed that Ashcroft had once made some highly
              incorrect remarks about the threat of "tyrannical central government,"

              and also expressed sympathy toward issues of state sovereignty and
              even Southern heritage. He has spent his career opposing the
              Kennedy and his ilk have been building up. Ashcroft got confirmed – by

              a vote of 58-42 in the U.S. Senate. But Kennedy’s leftist buddies
              have put the Bushies on notice: you have your token "right winger"
don’t try this again!
              who has never worked outside of government in his life, illustrates
              as well as any one person how the dominant philosophy of government
              in America’s centers of power has reversed since the country’s
              I’ve no doubt that the Framers would be horrified by the kind of
              career politician Kennedy exemplifies. And they would have been
              right. Career politicians spend their lives (and millions of taxpayer
              dollars) betraying this country’s founding document, which was
              as a permanent and absolute (not a "living, evolving")
              limitation on central power. So again, I smell fear in the liberals’
attacks on Ashcroft. They tried – unsuccessfully – to get him because
              they fear he will not enforce laws that are unconstitutional and
              should never have been passed in the first place. He has said otherwise.
              He has promised to uphold the laws of the land regardless of his
              beliefs. It is too bad that he doesn’t go further in the direction
              of freedom the liberals fear. But then again, if he did, he would have 
had no chance at all.
              Ashcroft hearings offer just one more roadmap toward the Great Struggle 
currently underway – the struggle to define this country. Newly minted President Bush 
Jr., whether he knows it or not (and I’m not sure

              he does) is caught right in the middle. Here is the question of
              our historical moment: Do we want to live in a federation of sovereign
              states where the locus of control is, indeed, local, and in which
              law-abiding adult citizens have sovereignty their lives, personal
              resources, businesses and communities? Or do we want to live in a 
centralized, bureaucratized empire, where what isn’t micromanaged
              by the central government is controlled by government-favored 
international megaconglomerates, all paid for through ever-higher rates of taxation?

              Thomas Jefferson penned the Declaration of Independence, it was
              a declaration that the original 13 colonies were seceding from an
              empire, that of the British. The Framers, when they wrote the U.S.
              Constitution, attempted to give us a federation of sovereign
              states: as Benjamin Franklin put it, "a republic,
              if you can keep it." The authors of the Bill of Rights then
              purposefully gave us the Ninth and Tenth Amendments to keep the
              power of the central government in check.
              Republic. A federation of sovereign states.
              with apologies to George Lucas, Empire keeps striking back. Thomas 
Jefferson spent the rest of his life issuing warnings about how
              centralized government tends to increase its power. He issued warnings
              about the need for a vigilant public.
              is possible to show (as Charles Adams does in his brilliant tract
              in the Course of Human Events: Arguing the Case for Southern Secession)
              that the war 140 years ago boils down to a contest between Republic
              and Empire. I am aware, of course, that it is now politically correct
              to say that that war was fought over slavery – because, after
              all, when Lincoln’s minions defeated Jefferson Davis and Gen. Robert
              E. Lee, Empire won its first major battle on U.S. soil. Secession
              was not merely rejected as a viable means of checking its growth,
              but the numerous discussions of the topic and even threats to carry
              it out that arose between 1787 and 1860 were literally purged from
              the history books. Not noticed was how the issue had been decided
              not legally or Constitutionally but by brute force.
              has been growing ever since. The next quantum leap occurred with
              the creation of the Federal Reserve Bank, the acceptance of the
              16th Amendment into our Constitution on the basis of
              a very dubious ratification scheme, and the adoption of the progressive
              income tax system. Previously, Empire had been effectively blocked
              from flexing its muscle too much on American shores, because it
              lacked the resources. Very shortly, that would change. Not 
              the era of U.S. involvement in foreign wars began right after. Empire,
              after all, cannot stay out of wars. It is its nature to try to mind
              the rest of the world’s business.
              quantum leaps in Empire-building occurred during the Roosevelt era,
              with the rise of the welfare-warfare state during the Great Depression.
              This period occurred mainly because of the efforts to centralize
              and micromanage the economy during the 1920s that the Federal Reserve
              made possible. We can read all about it in Murray Rothbard’s two
              magnificent tracts America’s
              Great Depression and The
              Case Against the Fed. Empire claimed to have the solutions
              to problems it had created, and a desperate, uninformed public believed.
              Welfare happened, and warfare grew.
              most recent quantum leap was with the so-called civil rights movement
              of the 1960s. It became possible for Empire to dictate hiring practices
              to obtain politically acceptable ratios of blacks to whites, women
              to men, according to the rapidly rising Gramscian ideology of 
              No one pointed to the exact clause in the Constitution that empowered
              the federal government to dictate hiring practices. The closest
              anyone could come was that unspecific clause about "promot[ing]
              the general welfare" which hardly meant build a welfare state.

              fact, freedom of association is one of those commonsense "rights
              retained by the people." What else can it be? If nothing in
              the Constitution empowers the federal government to tell people
              how to associate, then it follows that Constitutionally, this must
              be left up to them. A freedom to associate, however, implies a freedom
              not to associate – a freedom exercised every day when whites congregate
              mainly with whites and blacks mainly with blacks, at least when
              they are not at work. In a free society, some businesses would be
              all (or primarily) white, and dealing mainly with a white customer
              base; others would be all (or primarily) black, and have a black
              customer base; still others would be all (or primarily) Hispanic,
              with an Hispanic customer base; still others would be fully integrated
              in all ways if that is their owners’ and customers’ agreed-upon
              choice. This would be accepted as the norm. In a free society, neither
              central government nor activist busy-bodies feel compelled to mind 
everyone else’s business.
              has continued to grow since the civil rights era, and it has chosen
              its targets well. The political correctness movement targets free
              speech and freedom of thought – in response to the mounting criticisms
              of affirmative action that came of age during the 1980s. Well-organized
              activists have attempted to gut the Second Amendment with such measures
              as the Brady Bill, fully supported by a Clinton Regime which didn’t
              mind bombing the daylights out of little countries overseas (usually
              to distract the country from however much trouble Billy Boy was
              in here at home). So-called scholars in the universities have analyzed
              the basic phrase "the right of the people to keep and bear
              arms shall not be infringed" out of existence. It is clear
              from history that if the purveyors of Empire can disarm the citizenry
              of a country, they can do with that citizenry as they please. One
              of the first things Adolf Hitler did when he came to power was to
              enact the strictest gun control laws then in existence. A disarmed
              citizenry is a powerless citizenry, and every would-be tyrant knows
              in the politically correct American Empire, the Ninth and Tenth 
Amendments are forgotten, except by a few "extremists"
              who insist that the central government obey its founding document.
              Patriot, which was a good thing to be when I was a kid, has
              become a dirty word, synonymous with "antigovernment hate."
              In the halls of power in the Empire’s capitol, the Constitution
              is remembered in name only. Today, of all those in Congress, only Ron 
Paul (R-TX) will ask outright of any piece of legislation, "Where
              does the U.S. Constitution authorize the federal government to do
              this?" He usually doesn’t get an answer.
              the fundamental question hasn’t gone away: Republic or Empire? Sovereign 
states or conquered, subordinate serfdoms? Empire has grown by leaps
              and bounds, and is going more and more international – as I
              have argued
              elsewhere and provided extensive details and links. (And it
              is getting more and more expensive. If you think your taxes are
              too high now, just wait until the New World Order institutes a world
              tax to support its international criminal court and international
              welfare programs.)
              fact that we heard not a word about such fundamentals last year
              during Election Campaign 2000 speaks volumes about where we stand,
              when the two divisions of the Washington Party are supposed to be
              so different ideologically. Those who raised such issues as fundamental
              limitations on the federal government were either ignored or dismissed
              out of hand. At present, the Empire-builders are on top, and they
              know it. They would have preferred Gore over Bush Jr., I am sure.
              Bush Jr. is basically well intentioned and will drag his feet –
              his choice of people like Linda Chavez and John Ashcroft shows that. 
With Gore, we wouldn’t have stood a chance. But the fact that Bush
              Jr. was the Republican nominee alone indicated his acceptability
              to Empire’s power brokers. This rightly bothered those who questioned
              my very
              reluctant endorsement of Bush Jr. The reception of the only
              three genuine conservatives George W. Bush Jr. has nominated for
              his cabinet shows this. Chavez was driven off in the latest campaign
              of personal destruction. Ashcroft and Gale Norton hung on by the
              skin of their teeth. Leftist litmus tests are very much in force. They 
attack anybody they do not believe will further their agenda
              for the country. I am encouraged, however, that they do not always
              win. They are not all-powerful, and this is significant.
              issues must be discussed, one way or another. What kind of society
              do we want, a Republic or an Empire? And what, if anything, can
              we do about it?
              who prefer to live in a Republic do have some aces in the hole –
              even if we are presently outorganized and outfunded. First, for
              Christians, is the realization that this is, in the last analysis,
              God’s universe. The world does not belong to the Empire builders.
              Not really. Empire-building, in this view of the world, signifies the 
sinfulness inherent in human nature. A small minority of the
              human race is drawn to power. The rest are at a disadvantage because
              not only have they little interest in power as an end in itself,
              they don’t really comprehend this motive. But if we are on God’s
              side we are on the right side, and He will see us through this in
              His own way, and in His own time. This He promises, even if we are
              in for a rough ride in the meantime. And it is very possible that
              we are in for a rough ride. Even if we are approaching the End Times,
              as I hypothesized in an earlier article, there is no guarantee that we 
will be supernaturally
              taken off this world in a rapture-like event. Interpreting Scripture
              is not mechanical and straightforward. Christians who believe in
              a forthcoming Rapture may
              well be wrong. If Christianity is true, however, then the End
              Times are coming – with or without a Rapture. The New World Order
              will be built. It is useful to remember that God does not ask Christians
              to defeat the New World Order. What He asks for, and rewards, is
              faithfulness to Him, even in the face of death. Read Hebrews 11.

              if we leave Christianity aside, we have a second ace in the hole.
              For those educated in Austrian school economics: this is a universe
              in which political centralization and micromanagement of an economy
              by the powerful simply doesn’t work. The most they latter can do
              is employ a variety of machinations and quick-fixes to stave off
              the inevitable as long as possible. The Federal Reserve, for example,
              can flood the economy with credit and create a "bubble"
              of pseudo-prosperity. But eventually, the piper must be paid. The 
fundamental principles: human beings must take action to produce
              their means of their survival; and wealth cannot be pulled
              out of thin air. (These are actually the same principle, worded
              two different ways.) The entire human science of economics follows
              as a matter of deduction. Read Ludwig Von Mises’ great treatise
              how does this make Empire impossible over the long run? Mises gave
              the answer, and his student Friedrich A. Hayek expanded the answer
              still more: human society is too complex. Simple as that. Millions
              of human beings taking the actions they believe will benefit them – 
              selling, hiring, etc. – this equals the economy. The latter
              is not the sort of entity that can be overseen from some central
              point. It is an inherently decentralized system, and no human being – 
              no committee of human beings – can see all of it at once, or anticipate
              how it is going to develop and change. Even our most inventive science
              fiction writers have failed at this. Arthur C. Clarke dreamed up
              HAL for his classic 2001 but never thought of Microsoft.
              Could anyone have predicted what the World Wide Web was going to
              do in the 1990s? Economic systems are not like organisms that can
              regulate their components from a brain and central nervous system.
              We are talking about a much higher level of complexity here – the
              complexity that results when self-directed human beings with brains
              and central nervous systems begin to interact, compete and cooperate.

              then, tries to do the impossible. It imposes taxes, myriad regulations, 
etc., on acting persons, all to service endeavors those persons
              might or might not have supported voluntarily. It thereby leaves
              us with a disincentive to produce. It interferes with the productive
              process, directing it in ways it would not go on its own. It supports
              projects that would otherwise die on their own (and in some cases,
              good riddance). Or it builds up endeavors that would develop rarely
              if at all in a system of genuine free enterprise for all – such as 
international megaconglomerates, products of corporate welfare.

              then, is in the long run, futile, and we can know this. Left to
              its own devices, it will lower the overall standard of living when
              it begins to run out of quick-fixes and people to sponge off of.
              A worldwide Empire – call it the New World Order or whatever you want – 
              a good recipe for worldwide poverty.
              what can we do? Among other things, continue promoting getting this 
country back to its founding document, the Constitution. This includes reminding the 
Bushies what all those red states in the infamous
              map really meant. We put them in charge for four years, and supported
              men like John Ashcroft who have shown from past words and deeds
              that many of their ideas are the right ones. But we should hold
              their feet to the fire. If Bush Jr. sells us out, his will be a
              one-term presidency just like his old man’s was.
              if President Hillary is the only alternative, the time will have
              come to talk seriously about repeating Thomas Jefferson’s brave
              act of 1776, and telling the Washington Empire bye-bye.
              3, 2000 Steven
              Yates has a Ph.D. in Philosophy and is the author of
              Wrongs: What Went Wrong With Affirmative Action (ICS Press,
              1994). He is presently compiling selected essays into a single volume
              tentatively entitled View From the Gallery and a work on a second
              book, The Paradox of Liberty. He also writes for the Edgefield
              Journal, and is available for lectures. He lives in Columbia,
              South Carolina.
              © 2001 LewRockwell.com

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The libertarian therefore considers one of his prime educational
tasks is to spread the demystification and desanctification of the
State among its hapless subjects.  His task is to demonstrate
repeatedly and in depth that not only the emperor but even the
"democratic" State has no clothes; that all governments subsist
by exploitive rule over the public; and that such rule is the reverse
of objective necessity.  He strives to show that the existence of
taxation and the State necessarily sets up a class division between
the exploiting rulers and the exploited ruled.  He seeks to show that
the task of the court intellectuals who have always supported the State
has ever been to weave mystification in order to induce the public to
accept State rule and that these intellectuals obtain, in return, a
share in the power and pelf extracted by the rulers from their deluded
[[For a New Liberty:  The Libertarian Manifesto, Murray N. Rothbard,
Fox & Wilkes, 1973, 1978, p. 25]]

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