-Caveat Lector-


They Love Us: The Anti-Libertarian Press
by Michael Gilson De Lemos

Libertarians see a certain amount of crazy press. That goes with
the territory if you seem new, are refining your message, and take
on the dark side of social institutions. The system will alternately
say your message is crazy, marginal, not new.

You’ll  be identified with those you oppose. You’ll be blamed for
every ill. Your triumphs will be blandly ascribed to others. Other’s
inanities will be ascribed on you.

You’ll be a social Rorschach Blot test. Well-meaning people will
latch on to a portion of your message, and on the rest unwittingly
project provincial ignorance, foolishness, or fear. Things ho-hum for
others, associated with you, are scandals.

Aristotle had a technical term for this in his political theory. He
called it: "That’s life in the big city."

Still, Libertarians have noticed loony rhetoric and well-meaning
mangled explanations reaching new levels – with strident attacks
and smears by establishment and government-licensed media.
Libertarians are being shot at, big time.

The reason? While many newer Libertarians are unclear on what
Libertarians have accomplished, the Establishment is very aware
that Libertarians were key players in every major positive
development in the last generation. From the collapse of the Soviet
Union to the fact that it must now figure out how to control 200 TV
stations and the internet (instead of 4 well-behaved networks and
home presses), the Establishment views Libertarians as a
headache at best – harbingers of an uncontrollable new era at

While a prominent Republican politico stated he felt Libertarians
were the shock troops of a the second phase of the American
Revolution, the question in his mind was not whether Libertarians
would endure.

It was whether either Libertarians would be a large third force
in two generations – or the militant second party facing a last ditch
union of the shattered major ones.

Like Waiting for Godot, another admitted, uncertain policymakers
are now "Waiting for the Libertarians." What can they
make of Libertarian Governor Bush advisor like Dr. Randall
Holcombe saying Libertarians have won the war of ideas?

Libertarians must coolly realize growing attacks are a positive
development, and refocus on their strengths and positive
contributions. That is what it means to be a profound moral
discipline – and international social-political movement not just
against international war, but that silent and demeaning war of
citizen against citizen built on the obsolete and dying institution of
coercive, non-rights based government.

And that is why we’re seeing, now in one week, near-identical
attacks from Right and Left, with frantic associations of Libertarians
with every ill created by the government and its pet "necessary"
monopolies and rah-rah foundations – even as Libertarians are
dismissed as minor irritants. The day is still to come when unless
a Libertarian inspector is there, the public will know the alleged
privatization, deregulation or rights-restoration is a fraud. Thus, in
the last week, three amazing anti-Libertarian articles.

We’ll see more.

>From the populist-Right Liberty Lobby, Libertarians are not only
blamed for the energy crisis in California, about whose phony
privatization Libertarians actually sounded the alarm, but magnified
as conspirators of titanic economic collapse that would make
James Bond envious.

>From the Left Village Voice, an attack that says the exact same
thing, in denouncing Libertarian anarchists (yay!) who will Godzilla-
like destructively control (huh?) one-third of the U.S land mass via
the Interior Department. The local-communitarian Left suddenly
loves distant bureaucracy when Libertarians annoyingly
sympathize with Indian and local eco-claims to "government" lands
Both identify Libertarians with coercive government-sweetheart
crony-capitalists who, often, are actually Democratic Contributors.
More: In a third article, officials unaware of their superior’s new line
that Libertarians are now the powerful, sinister destroyers
controlling the US economy, dismiss Libertarians as
"inconsequential crackpots" …especially when their politicians

Libertarians have no shadowy agenda, merely one a decadent
society has trouble grasping. Libertarians’ message is simple.
Government is an auto-toxic institution, reinforcing the petty
thievery people mutually inflict.

In a world where various groups define their brand of government
corruption and intolerance as all right, Libertarians are different.

Libertarians will fight any corruption, undermine any intolerance,
question any prejudice, support any voluntary option, protect
property as the wall against oppression, and be the idealists of a
new voluntary economy.

Hence Leftists paradoxically denounce Libertarian anarchic
limousine-liberals.  Rightists paradoxically denounce supposed
Libertarian support of behind-the-scenes Rightist moneybags.

They’ve not lost their wits, but bearings. They’re the Hindu two
loving, blind caretakers who, finding a baby elephant, feeling only
trunk and tail, argued bitterly how big the snake will grow to be.

February 3, 2000

Michael Gilson De Lemos, known as MG (articles at
www.gilson.uni.cc), is Coordinator of the Libertarian International
Organization. He believes with Jefferson that, along with Gibbon,
Cicero and Tacitus should be read by all grade-schoolers. In Latin.
Copyright 2001 LewRockwell.com


I still believe in liberalism today as much as I ever did, but, oh,
there was a happy time when I believed in liberals...
--G. K. Chesterton

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