The Pope at Malta (HQ of the Church's "Crusaders"), Sharon at Temple
Mount ...
     Are we heading toward a confrontation between the Vatican and
super-Orthodox Jewry over who shall possess the legal title to (the ruins of)
Solomon's Temple?

Pope To Visit Syria, Malta in May

VATICAN CITY (AP) - Pope John Paul II will visit Syria and the Mediterranean
island of Malta in early May as part of his trips to Biblical sites, the
Vatican said Monday.

It did not give the exact dates of the pilgrimage. In Syria, Archbishop
Isidore Battikha said the pope would visit that country on May 5, discussing
the Middle East peace process with President Bashar Assad.

John Paul has long said that he wanted to stop in Syria as part of a Middle
East pilgrimage to places associated with the start of Christianity. St.
Paul's travels took him to both Malta and Syria.

Last year, the pope's quest, part of Holy Year activities to mark the start
of Christianity's third millennium, took him to Egypt on one trip and to
Jordan, Israel and the Palestinian territories.

"Sharon Poised for Win in Israel"

1982: As defense minister, engineers Israel's invasion of Lebanon. It is
portrayed as quick, limited strike to drive Palestinian fighters from
Israel's northern border. However, Israeli troops advance to outskirts of
Beirut and war escalates. Israeli-allied Christian militia kill hundreds of
Palestinians at refugee camps in west Beirut, sparking international outrage
that leads to Sharon losing his job. Fighting in Lebanon lasts 18 years,
until Barak unilaterally withdraws Israeli troops in May 2000.

2000: Sharon visits the disputed TEMPLE MOUNT Sept. 28 to emphasize Israel's
claim of sovereignty. Muslims, who call the site the Noble Sanctuary, are
outraged, and widespread violence breaks out a day later. The bloodshed
sparks a political crisis in Israel, leading to Barak's resignation.

2001: Sharon is heavily favored Feb. 6 election.

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