LaRouche is brilliant...following is the introduction, for the rest of the
piece go to-


On The California Energy Crisis:
As Seen and Said By the Salton Sea

by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.

Sunday, February 4, 2001

    Looking at the California energy-crisis from where some of us were
gathered, yesterday, at a place near the Salton Sea, I can tell you this. If
you can afford the gasoline and the repair bills, most among you can, by free
will, take a detour that might bring you a bit later, or quicker, to whatever
your chosen destination might be; but, sooner or later, if you survive the
journey, you will usually probably arrive at the place you have chosen,
whether you later wish you had, or not.      Soon, unless President George W.
Bush abandons his present ways, his policies are now going to lead his
Administration toward a point, in the rapid unfolding of the current
California energy-crisis, at which Bush will be confronted with a global
crisis so horrifying, that most of you would not now even try to imagine it.
The exact time that point will be reached, may vary slightly, according to
which detours are tried; but, nonetheless, it will be reached very soon.
    For your own good, you, and President Bush, had better find the courage
to face up to that reality, now, before it is too late. For the sake of all
of us, please permit me to lead you, step by step, into discovering for
yourselves, what it is that you need to know, if we all are to work our way
out of this mess. 
    The most important political issue now confronting all of the most
intelligent and moral citizens of the United States, today, is: How could we
prevent that terrible thing from happening? The only available, intelligent
answer to that question, has two parts to it. First, speaking from a strictly
technical, administrative standpoint, what kind of U.S. policy would bring
this crisis quickly under control? Second, to speak politically, what are the
chances, given President Bush's presently stubborn attitude on the subject,
of bringing his Administration around to accepting the needed, drastic
changes in U.S. economic policy before it is too late to do so?
    Competent answers to important questions, are never found without giving
the matter serious thought. Don't expect answers to be cooked up in a minute
or less in your microwave. You must accept the fact that the time has come
for you to stop looking for simple-minded, snappy slogans, and do some
careful thinking, which includes a considerable amount of re-thinking,

    To find the answers to the combination of those two questions, there are
six distinct, leading points which must we take under consideration. 

    1. What are the policies which have led into the crisis presently
centered in California? Why did this crisis become more or less inevitable? 

    2. What practical measures by the Federal and state governments, would
quickly bring this crisis under control, and gradually solve it? 

    3. What are the proven precedents from past experience, which show that
the solution I propose will work?
    4. What would happen if the measures which I propose, were not adopted?
    5. All things considered, what are the methods to be used, by relevant
Democrats and others, in working to persuade the Bush Administration to adopt
those needed policies, even in spite of his Administration's presently more
or less hysterical opposition to every step needed to bring this crisis under
    6. Finally, apart from the kind of the reluctance we must expect from
among the experts in the new Administration, such as Vice-President Cheney
and Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, how shall we overcome the
fanatically irrational objections we must expect from the numerous, Elmer
Gantry-style, true believers, among Senators Phil Gramm's and Trent Lott's,
or Representative Tom DeLay's political followers, within Republican Party's
popular "Southern Strategy'' base?

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