-Caveat Lector-

>From UPI,

Computers learn to talk and "hunt" as a pack
Tuesday, 6 February 2001 22:00 (ET)

Computers learn to talk and "hunt" as a pack
By UPI Science News

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa., Feb 6 (UPI) -- Researchers at Penn State
University say their computers learned to talk to one another in a
self-developed language as they cooperated to "hunt" computerized prey.

Experts say the innovation could have profound implications for the
future of robotics and artificial intelligence.

"I could see this having military applications or applications in the
space program," said Dr. Lee Giles, a professor of information
technology at Penn State. "I think you could see practical applications
in hostile environments in the next three to five years, just because we
will have so much computer power available to us by then."

Giles and study co-author Kam-Chuen Jim essentially asked a group of
computer programs to play hide and seek. These self-directed programs
(called "autonomous agents" because of their ability to actively sense
and respond to external conditions) were able to "talk" to one another
via a message board.

In the course of tracking a computerized "prey," the autonomous agents
hunted as a group, developing a common language that enabled them to
work together more effectively than has any similar group in the past.

While autonomous agents have been linked together before, they typically
have communicated through a pre-set language created by their
programmers. In this case the computers generated their own
communications protocol -- a unique language that was specific to the
task at hand.

That specificity could be the key to enhanced performance in the field,
Giles said, "because such a language would be more representative of the
environment they were in."

With their own language, he suggested, robots driven by autonomous-agent
programs could take the predator-prey scenario out of the lab and into
the real world.

Say for example a space probe went astray. "You want to find it, and you
know it is somewhere, but you don't know exactly where," said Giles.
Given sufficient time, it's possible that a team of autonomous agents
could find it.

In a military context, "you could see these predators being robots that
are trying to capture another 'prey' robot," he said. "That is quite

Giles' team has not yet partnered with any government agency or
corporation that might bring those dreams to fruition, and some experts
in the field express skepticism about the possible applications of
Giles' findings.

"This work was done in the lab, in a controlled environment, and there
is a real question as to whether that kind of thing can be scaled up" to
handle the demands of a larger or more complex system, said Stan
Franklin, a professor in the math sciences department at the University
of Memphis and author of the book "Artificial Minds."

Franklin nonetheless said the findings could bode well for the long-term
future of robotics.

"A major issue with multi-agent systems is who does what, and if they
could talk to one another in their own [situation-specific] language,
they could probably do that a little better," he said. "I can easily
imagine that there may be good applications of this work, but there is
still a ways to go."

(Reported by Adam Katz-Stone in Annapolis, Md.)
Copyright 2001 by United Press International.
All rights reserved.

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