US Broadcast Premiere, BET Movie Channel  (BETM / Starz) 

Friday Feb. 9th @ 8pm (nationwide)

• Dr. King & Malcolm X - The FBI / CIA Assassinations • The True Black
Panther Party and U.S. Counterintelligence • The American Indian Movement •
CIA's MK Ultra Mind Control • FEMA's Rex '84 Concentration Camps • CIA /
Contra / Crack Connection • America's Political Prisoners

THE chilling documentary on America's "Secret War", "All Power to the

has been broadcast in 24 major nations on 12 networks and viewed by many
millions globally, thus becoming one of the most widely influential human
rights documentaries ever. 

"All Power to the People!" examines problems of race, poverty, dissent, and
the universal conflict of 'the haves versus the have nots', the nightmarish
scenarios that ensue when fearful governments struggle to maintain political
control at any and all costs; brazenly breaking laws to entrap political
opponents- in the process creating armed revolution. U.S. Government
documents, rare news clips, and interviews with both ex-activists and former
FBI / CIA officers, provide deep insight into the bloody conflict between
armed political dissent and governmental authority in the U.S. of the 60s and

All Power to the People! is to date the only extensive, accurate and fully
impartial comprehensive documentary of the history of the Black Panther
Party, its allied organizations and the resultant COINTELPRO repression. The
film follows the rise, fall and military destruction of the US Human Rights
movement by the US Government, and additionally analyzes the subsequent
destruction of an entire generation of African- American and Latino youth
through drug addiction. 

All Power to the People! clearly demonstrates that the extremely volatile
social problems that now engulf the United States were encouraged and often
created by the U.S. Government through illegal intelligence operations in the
1960s. Globally acclaimed as being among the most accurate depictions of the
goals, aspirations and ultimate repression of the US Civil Rights Movement,
"All Power to the People!" is a gripping, timeless, news documentary holding
within it the keys to create a better world that is far more understanding
and tolerant, a world ..."with Liberty and Justice for All".  

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