-Caveat Lector-


Officials say he passed
U.S. secrets to Russia
for more than a decade

Authorities say a veteran FBI agent did "extreme" damage to the United
States during the past 10 years, passing secrets to Russia. NBC News'
Pete Williams reports. Surveillance of the Russian Embassy in
Washington, shown at left, was one of the agent's duties.

By Pete Williams
WASHINGTON, Feb. 20 —  A veteran FBI counterintelligence expert is
under arrest and facing charges that he spied for Moscow for more than
a decade, sources told NBC News on Tuesday. Agent Robert Philip
Hanssen, who was scheduled to be arraigned on spy charges later in
the day, was arrested after leaving a package of classified material in a
Virginia park, said the sources, who spoke on condition of anonymity.

HANSSEN, a 27-year agency veteran who spent most of his career as a
counterspy, was due to appear in federal court at 11 a.m. ET for
arraignment on espionage charges.
       Attorney General John Ashcroft, FBI Director Louis Freeh and CIA
Director George Tenet scheduled an early afternoon news conference to
discuss the arrest.
       The sources told NBC News, which broke the story of Hanssen’s
arrest early Tuesday, that Hanssen had done “extreme damage” to the
United States. They also said agency officials had been aware of the
spying for the past several months.

       Hanssen, 56, was a senior agent assigned to surveillance of the
Russian Embassy in Washington and other Moscow missions to the
United States, including one in New York. Officials said among the
secrets Hanssen allegedly disclosed include methods the United States
uses to conduct electronic surveillance.
       Officials said Hanssen, who also worked for the U.S. State
Department in Washington before returning to the FBI, also may have
confirmed for the Russians information originally given to them by CIA
spy Aldrich Ames about the identity of U.S. intelligence sources
overseas, some of whom were then executed.
       Intelligence sources told NBC News that they believe Hanssen also
had a “tangential connection” to the planting of an electronic
eavesdropping device discovered in late 1999 in a State Department
conference room.

February 20 — Intelligence expert David Wise describes the state of
Russian espionage in the post-Cold War world on NBC’s “Today” show.
       Russian officials in Moscow had no immediate comment on the
arrest. “As of now, we do not have information about this,” said Foreign
Ministry spokesman Vladimir Oshurkov.
       Officials said Hanssen’s senior status in counterspying put him in
an ideal position to uncover information and to make sure his tracks
were covered.
       The sources said investigators believe Hanssen kept his identity
secret from his Russian handlers. The four contacts identified in the
Washington area knew him only by code name, and recently acquired
KGB documents indicate that even senior Russian intelligence officials
knew him that way, too, the sources said.

       Agents searched Hanssen’s suburban home in Virginia after his
arrest late Sunday.
       Federal officials indicated they have not been able to determine
whether Hanssen acted for political reasons or for personal gain. They
say the Russians were paying him, but that he had no obvious debts
and hadn’t been on any spending sprees.
       Underscoring the

  U.S. espionage timeline
 MSNBC Interactive
A look at notorious spy cases in the U.S.
gravity of the case, former FBI Director William Webster has been
named to lead a blue-ribbon panel that will assess the impact of the
alleged espionage, an FBI source told The Associated Press.
       Nancy Cullen, a neighbor, described Hanssen’s neighborhood as
being in shock with news of the arrest. “They go to church every Sunday
— if that means anything — loading all six kids into the van.” She said
the Hanssens were regulars at the Memorial Day block party and called
Hanssen “very attractive ... not overly gregarious.”

       Hanssen is only the third FBI agent ever accused of spying.
       In 1997, Earl Pitts, who was stationed at the FBI Academy in
Quantico, Va., was sentenced to 27 years in prison after admitting he
spied for Moscow during and after the Cold War. The only other FBI
agent ever caught spying was Richard W. Miller, a Los Angeles agent
who was arrested in 1984 and later sentenced to 20 years in prison.
       Last year, a former Army officer was accused of spying for the
Soviet Union and Russia for 25 years. Prosecutors said retired Army
Reserve Col. George Trofimoff, who was a civilian intelligence employee,
was captured on one tape putting his hand to his heart and telling an
undercover agent posing as a Russian agent: “I’m not American in here.”

       MSNBC.com’s Mike Brunker, NBC News Producer Robert
Windrem and The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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