-Caveat Lector-

To subscribe/unsubscribe; for a sample copy or back issues;
send appropriate email to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.
Contents from previous issues:
RT # 150
--Boy George and the making of an American coup
--Welcome to Wonderland!
--The Spread of News by E-Mail Is Becoming News Itself
--Campuses to acquire automatic weapons
--Phil Ochs updated
--National Security Commission Issues Final Report
--Fur coats & purple hair, Stetsons & ragged jeans
--Study Casts Doubt on Gateway Theory
RT # 149
--Florida recounts make Gore winner
--May 1st Is Shut Down Corporate Melbourne Day
--Children of The World Unite!
--Public Statement by the Rev. Jesse Jackson
--Curry Duty: Food Not Bombs cooks up a revolution
--US will not prosecute New York police in Diallo killing
--Mass layoffs rose 54 percent last quarter
--U.S. Air Force Special Operations School
RT #148
--Corporate Media Try to Bleep Out J20 Protests
--Davos, Switzerland: Angry Protests at Summit
--Cameras at Super Bowl scanned faces looking for criminals
--Secret Cameras Scanned Crowd at Super Bowl for Criminals
--What I Learned from the World Social Forum
--DOJ Offers Guidance on Electronic Evidence
--President Jackass: Stupid George loses more votes
--The Human Part of the Brain
RT # 147
--Big Brother goes global
--Panel urges better security at Defense agencies
--Nice doesn't cut it in the face of the rabid Right
--Manifest of Anti-capitalist Youth
--Waging War on Dissent (NLG Report)
--Hackers become more militant
--ELF Making Good on Threat
--Cloning Reality: Brave New World here we come
RT # 146
--FBI believes remains are missing atheist leader, family members
--Going Backwards: US Support for Latin America's Armed Forces Soaring
--Tao Of Gun
--History Says Eradicating Drug Crops Doomed to Failure
--No Human Cloning -- Exploratory Initiative Bulletin #1
--Davos - State of war
--When Davos Meets Porto Alegre: A Memoir
--Broken Promises
RT # 145
--Less talk and more action
--Nortel unveils tracking technology
--Monsanto sees U.S. bio-crop growth despite GM row
--Jose Bove: "Asterix" is at it again
--U.S. Grants $36.8 Billion in Arms Export Licenses for 1999
--World Bank blames head
RT # 144
--Event Summary and Analysis of RAAB at J20
--The Illegitimate Son
--Thousands protest Bush's Inauguration
--Bursting bubbles
--Award-Winning Reporter Resigns On-Air from Pacifica
RT # 143
--Protesters close oil plants
--Students Storm Indonesia Parliament
--Letter From Porto Alegre To Znet
--The Border's Growing Labor War
--Anti-Globalization Activist Jose Bove Is At It Again
--World Social Forum in Brazil news release
--This Is What Democracy Looks Like
--National Progressive Media: Who's Left?
RT # 142
--Soros, Sweeney Join Criticism of Davos Protest Clampdown
--US groups object to Qatar as host for WTO talks
--Protesters invade anti-Davos forum in Brazil
--U.S. Air Force Prepares Itself to Do Battle in Outer Space
--Mounting social costs of prisons
--Farmers Destroy Monsanto Lab (Brazil)
--DOJ  New Search and Seizure Manual
--Consumer confidence plunges to lowest level in four years
--World Forum Protest Cleanup Begins
--The myth of monogamy
RT # 141
--Divide and conquer (Hells Angels)
--GM Criticism Growing Worldwide
--[freeradical] MILITANTS & MODERATES
--Israeli commandos training with US Marines
--Mad Cow Disease Called International Threat
--Invisible eco-warrior `elves' of ELF wage stealth campaign
--Caught in the Cold (Davos)
--When Do Demonstrators Become--Terrorists?
RT # 140
--Poverty and inequality fuel globalization backlash
--Anti-Davos group, Brazil farmers storm biotech plant
--Man accused of spiking trees for radical environmental group
--Anti-nuclear protester sets himself on fire
--Discovery of Bones May Close O'Hair Case
--Ogoni Wars: Arms Were Sponsored By Shell
--Statement by Leonard Peltier
--Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs
RT # 139
--Rehnquist --Political Puppeteer
--Water cannon fired on Davos protestors
--Fun Facts About Global Inequality
--Puppetista Manifesto
--Israeli Army Deserted by Soldiers with a Conscience
--The Army Is Watching Your Kid
--Police fire water cannons at Davos protesters
--The CIA Academics and Spies
RT # 138
--The Kidnap and Ransom Industry
--Report on the Jan 27 Davos Protest
--An Anarchist View of the Presidency of Bush, Jr.
--Greenpeace uses riot police van in nuclear protest
--Links to Davos, Switzerland articles
--Bones Found During FBI O'Hair Probe
RT # 137
--Police issue radar guns to civilian snoopers (UK)
--"WBAI: The Democratic Party's Newest Target"
--Trust Us, We're Experts
--The left is right?
--MOVIE: Traffik/Traffic
--Supreme Ironies: No Closure, No Peace
--Great countercoup strategies & Anti-bush Links
--U.S. approves high-resolution spying by commercial satellites
RT # 136
--A Call to Demonstrate on January 20
--Update from International Action Center [2 updates]
--J20 organizers expect thousands
--Eleven Reasons To Protest At Bush's Inauguration On Jan. 20
--Activists Step Up Plans For Inaugural Protest
--Kensington Welfare Rights Union To Protest At Inauguration
--Conservatives make plans for inaugural mobilization
RT # 135
--A Guide to Effective Participation in the 2001 Inauguration
--Medical and Equipment Information
--Affinity Groups for J20
RT # 134
--AFIC Ready to Serve President-Elect Bush
--Election Anger Fuels Inaugural Protesters
--January 20th Revolutionary Anti-Authoritarian Bloc Update and Call
--Every Protester Counts
--How the Republicans Stole the Election
--The Kennebunkport Hillbilly
RT # 133
--D.C. Police Prepare for Protests at Inauguration
--Thousands Will Protest at Bush's Inauguration in D.C.
--Voter March
--Civil rights leader calls for protest
--Liberal, Socialist Protestors to Target Bush Inauguration
--Alexander Cockburn's 12/14 column
RT # 132
--W's Coup d'Etat
--Supreme Court vs. Democracy?
--Violent protests bracket EU economic meeting
--Seattle was only the beginning
--Seven new Ebola cases reported; death toll rises to 161
RT # 131
--Who Cares?
--Deep Economic Politics - The Best Election Ever
--Digital Angel body chip may allow Net tracking
--Fingerprinting to Go
--New Test Lets Parents Check Johnny for Drug Use—Behind His Back
--Women (Anarchists) Want Their Message Heard
--Foreign Military Sales Show Sustained Growth
RT # 130
--About What It Is..
--Cover-ups and withholding ballot information: same old Republican tricks
--US "Outsourcing" Colombian War?
--Police role in terror task force criticized
--On black disenfranchisement
--Ebola Toll Reaches 400
RT # 129
--Nobody Wins
--The Election That Refused to Die
--Florida Official Admits Helping GOP
--Santa-suited protesters pepper-spray store
--Riviera runs red as activists gather
--Human Rights Radio Shut Down For Second Time in Two Months
RT # 128
--The Body As a Weapon for Civil Disobedience
--Will of the People? Consent of the Governed?  Rule of Law?
--Charges against 46 RNC protesters are upheld
--Gates loses faith in computers
--Graphic Witness: visual arts and social commentary
--Doctor's Group Opposes Vaccine Mandates
RT # 127
--Anarchists ask for accuracy
--Note to protesters: It's too soon to give up
--DOD database to fight cybercrime
--Arms Trade Ups and Downs
--Campaign Against Bioterrorism: Dangerous To Your Health
--Sad Revelation About Modern American Medicine
RT # 126
--Force of law
--Corporations Get Bigger and Bigger
--Sweeping powers for spy agencies
--Denmark's hippies hit their golden years
--Police arrest more people for marijuana than murder, rape, and robbery
--Human-pig embryos: what next?
RT # 125
--New radical anarchism on the march
--Mainstreaming Anarchy
--We Need To Be Guerrillas
--The Ballot Or The Bullet?
--Pacifica --How Ironic!
--A libertarian looks at the greens
--Reader commentary
        re: "When The FBI Knocks, A First-Person Account"
RT # 124
--When The FBI Knocks, A First-Person Account
--Wireless tracking devices raise privacy concerns
--International Arms Shows -The year in review
--Engaged in an endless pursuit of dissenters
RT # 123
--Police brutality against third world debt protestors
--The Elites & the "Structures of Political Authority"
--New NRO mandate raises secrecy flag
--Ebola death toll rises to 145 after 15 new deaths in Uganda
RT # 122
--Organizing in the Face of Increased Repression
--Bush campaign spokesman Governor Marc Racicot tied to extreme-right forces
--IPS Releases Study on Corporate Power
--Bush and Gore are neck-and-neck in hypocrisy
--FBI steps up efforts to fight crimes related to computers
--Attack on Luna
RT # 121
--Disparate activists remain united in WTO opposition
--GOP Protest in Miami-Dade Is a Well-Organized Effort
--Protest Influenced Miami-Dade's Decision to Stop Recount
--Republican Overkill
--Rage Sharpens Conservative Rhetoric
RT # 120
--Winning by intimidation
--Anatomy of a right-wing riot
--Mobile Protesters
--Globalising resistance to corporate power {Noam Chomsky]
RT # 119
--Call For a United Revolutionary Presence at the Presidential Inauguration
--Mob Rule Wins for W
--When the government caves in to mob rule
--Election problem for big business
--Lessons from the Miami-Dade Rebellion
RT # 118
--Free Speech In America -- If You Dare?
--The Republican right prepares for violence
--Vote of No Confidence [how to steal elections]
RT # 117
--Reclaim the Cities: from Protest to Popular Power
--Bush & the Law
--Seminole County: 15,000 Absentee Ballots at Stake as Lawsuit Gains
--Anti-election activities in Montreal and Quebec City
RT # 116
--Black-Shirt Coup In Florida
--Anti-Castro Miami Crowd Disrupts Florida Recount
--Eyewitness to a Travesty
--What if Bush supporters had mistakenly voted for the Socialist Workers
--Real Vote Victims: Minorities
--Will The Revolution Be Televised?
RT # 115
--How Gore Lost the Green Vote
--U.S. Elections: Racist Then, Racist Now
--Hack the Vote!
--I Can Tell You Who Lost
--Republicans ready with 'doomsday scenario'
--Stolen Florida Voting Machine Turns Up on eBay
RT # 114
--VoteScam editor speaks
--Bush campaign makes appeal to military and extreme right
--Crowd's Roar Dulls Rights [GOP goon squad]
--The Electoral Stalemate: Not The End of The World
RT # 113
--TABD: Corporate Conspiracy
--White House war goes nuclear as Bush plays military card
--Hundreds of Overseas Ballots Rejected
--GOP Goes To War Over Military Votes
--Allegations of voting rights violations need investigation
--Voters Beware: Intervention In The Name Of Democracy
RT # 112
--Bush camp has gone berserk
--Voting machine inventor painfully watching Florida election
--Missing Voting Mechanism Recovered
--Katherine Harris' love of law is newfound
--Gore Won't Say It But: U.S. Elections Are Racist
--An Activist's Youthful Indiscretion
--Undercover officers arrested during GOP convention
RT # 111
--Imagine That...
--The Death of Democracy  -- Or -- May the Best Hacker Win
--GOP staff took in hundred of ballots
--The Bush campaign and the rise of the political underworld
RT # 110
--UN Focuses On Turmoil In Amerikistan [satire?]
--No matter who wins, the president will be a bastard
--What Did the Nader Campaign Accomplish?
--Voter News Service under scrutiny
--New documents shed more light on FBI's "Carnivore"
RT # 109
--Florida realpolitik
--'Contraband' Chad Found in Broward
--U.S. Dominance in Arms Sales Unchallenged
--The military may prevent Gore from staging a coup
--Pentagon: No absentee ballot problems
--Broader Issues in the Florida Vote
--Hacker scheme leads to FBI charges
--The Florida Recount
RT # 108
--180,000 votes for president were invalidated in Florida due to errors
--The Old Joke about Clean Elections
--Was George W. out of it when he signed the Texas manual vote recount law?
--Conservatives, White Supremacists, Take to Florida Streets
--Observers say ballots manipulated by examiner
RT # 107
--They Held Their Noses
--Sham Election Shows Need for Independent Politics!
--Buchanan threatens injunction in recount
--Crackdown: When Police Wage War Against Activists
RT # 106
--President? We don't need no stinking President!
--Post-Election Decisions
--Nation Plunges Into Chaos [satire]
--Bush Team Prepares 'Scorched-Earth Plan'
--Suit challenges Cheney's status
--How Democrats steal elections
--Greening From Ear To Ear
RT # 105
--Political Treachery And Mob Rule
--Bush Cousin Made Florida Vote Call For Fox News
--Nearly half of tossed ballots from black precincts
--Tragicomedy of Errors Fuels Volusia Recount
--Who Counted the Votes?
RT # 104
--Thought for the Week
--Dems Call Florida Voters About Ballots Before Polls Closed
--Republicans begin to air doubts over Bush tactics
--Russia Prepares for a Bush Presidency
--ABC Posted Results One Day Before Election [2/24/00]
--The Pollsters: Outcome Online Before Voting Is Done [2/23/00]
RT # 103
--Revote or Revolt?
--Florida AIM calls on UN, OAS to monitor recounts, revote
--Many of state's voting machines old, unreliable
--This election is an epiphany for many voters
--Electoral fraud in Florida? Socialist campaign responds
RT # 102
--Experts: Machine Counts Inaccurate
--U.S. Voting Equipment Outdated
--Electoral College may not need Florida electors to choose president!
--U.S. Constitution: Twelfth Amendment
--Who Cares Who Wins if Greenspan's at Fed Helm?
--Political Gridlock Tends to Create A Profitable Environment for Stocks
RT # 101
--Communiqué and Analysis from the Narco News Elections Service
--Gore camp demands FBI inquiry
--My mother, Palm Beach County precinct clerk
--While Gore supporters are holding protests ...
--Stock markets dive on Democrats' vow
--United States of Albania?

Special Mailings also available:
--RIGHT-WING-WATCH: Through the Right's Eyes

To subscribe/unsubscribe; for a sample copy or back issues;
send appropriate email to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.

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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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