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>From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]
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From: "Lloyd Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Woman are, on balance, Socialists
Date: Thursday, February 22, 2001 6:58 PM

From: Robert L. Gleiser
Sent: Monday, February 19, 2001 8:27 PM
Subject: [Upstream] Women are, on balance, Socialists

And the conservative solution is to "reduce the excess insecurity being
foisted onto women by the culture and politics of the left."

In other words, give the socialists more, so they won't need to vote for

Problem 1: women have never been materially better off than they are
now. Yet the "gender gap" is increasing. So how will "reducing excess
insecurity" reduce the gender gap?

A: It won't. While human needs are finite, human wants are not.

Problem 2: a large amount of the "insecurity" that has been "foisted"
onto women has actually been the result of choices these women have
made. Depending upon a man for material comfort requires compromises and
a reduction in freedom. Depending upon the state requires neither. There
is no evidence that these "insecure" women are prepared to participate
in a Renaissance of the nuclear family that will bring down divorce,
cohabitation and illegitimacy rates.

And thus the conservatives come up with small fixes for big problems,
while continuing to document the decline of their own cultural




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 The Gender Gap Explained
Robbing Peter & Paul to Pay Mary!
By Samuel Silver

FrontPageMagazine.com | February 19, 2001

IF YOU THINK THE GENDER GAP in electoral politics is a recent phenomenon, think again. 
It began in 1870 and has continued to grow. In recent presidential elections from 1980 
to 1996, the difference in voting patterns between men and women has been 14-17 
percentage points with the exception of 1992, which had only an atypical 5% gap. In 
the recent 2000 Presidential election, George W. Bush narrowed the gap to 11%. Perhaps 
he understood the gender gap better than most.

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Why is there a gender gap, and what implications does it have for our society? The 
gender gap is deeper and more complex than the few womens’ issues commonly discussed 
in the media. At its root, it may be more basic than gun safety, abortion, or tobacco. 
A recent study reported in the highly respected and peer-reviewed Journal of Political 
Economy [1] helps us understand and quantify the gender gap. The paper, “Did Womens’ 
Suffrage Change the Size and Scope of Government?” was written by John Lott, Jr.of 
Yale University and Lawrence Kenny of the University of Florida. (Yes, this is the 
same John Lott that wrote More Guns, Less Crime.)
The purpose of the study was to examine the growth of government as a result of giving 
women the right to vote. Many people assume that the major growth of government began 
with FDR and the New Deal in the 1930s. In fact the growth began in the 1920s. WWI 
ended in 1918, and the 1920s were the first time in American history that per capita 
government spending did not return to prewar levels after a war. The other thing that 
happened concurrently was the passage of the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution 
granting women the right to vote in all states. Twenty-nine states had already granted 
suffrage prior to 1920 beginning in 1869.

The study concludes: Giving women the right to vote significantly changed American 
politics from the very beginning. Despite claims to the contrary, the gender gap is 
not something that has arisen since the 1970s. Suffrage coincided with immediate 
increases in state government expenditures and revenue, and these effects continued 
growing as more women took advantage of the franchise. Similar changes occurred at the 
federal level as female suffrage led to more liberal voting records for the states’ 
U.S. House and Senate delegations.

This study demonstrates that instead of the normal transfer payment program where the 
government robs Peter to pay Paul, enough women have voted for the government to rob 
Peter & Paul to pay Mary.

Of course, all women do not prefer bigger government. In the current Presidential 
election, 54% of women voted for Al Gore and 43% voted for George W. Bush. [2] This 
generates an 11% gender gap, but it also means 3% of women voted for the more 
conservative candidate. Therefore, for this analysis, we are only interested in the 
group that votes differently at the margin.

Lott & Kenny hypothesize and conclude that a major reason women tend to vote for 
larger and more liberal government is women’s inherently higher aversion to risk. The 
gender gap in part arises from women’s fears that they are being left to raise their 
children on their own. If this result is true, the continued breakdown of the family 
and the higher divorce rates imply growing political conflicts between the sexes.

This fear is well known by the liberal/left wing of American politics. Susan Estrich, 
former campaign manager for Michael Dukakis’s Presidential campaign, states in her new 
book, Sex & Power: Bush is ahead among married women.Gore is strongest among those 
women who live alone and support their children. The promise of a safety net counts 
for more with those who don’t have a male version of one.

In my opinion, one of the calamities of the 20th Century has been the successful 
attack on the traditional two-parent family. The abolition of the family was a 
specific goal of The Communist Manifesto. Engels wanted to end the dependence of the 
wife upon the husband and of the children upon the parents! Marx and Engels failed 
unequivocally in Russia, but have continued to succeed in America through their 
current followers (conscious or subconscious) in academia, the media, and politics. 
Unfortunately, they have exploited women, among other groups, in their divide and 
conquer strategy to achieve their goals.

Traditionally women had a vast support system for their children, from husbands, to 
immediate family, to extended family, to church or synagogue, to community-based 
charitable organizations. The political and cultural left has worked to undermine 
these support mechanisms, replacing them with their “village,” otherwise known as 
centralized government, which by necessity they must control.

They have:

* belittled and ridiculed religion and traditional values.

* eliminated the shame and stigma of violating traditional Judeo-Christian values that 
were the bedrock of western civilization.

* devalued marriage and minimized the harmful effects of divorce.

* lowered the barriers to divorce through “no fault” legislation.

* debased our language and art.

* glorified the birth of children out of wedlock, especially those without male 
fathers in
their lives.

* destroyed many black families with their paternalistic welfare programs.

* replaced objective values and judgments with subjective, relativistic mush.

* replaced right and wrong with anything goes.

* replaced moral and rational thinking with amoral legalistic rules.

* tried to eliminate boyhood and manhood through feminization of our institutions.

* claimed to be champions of tolerance, but have created a culture of intolerance by 
demonizing anyone who has ideas with which they differ.

* not been satisfied with toleration of the 1-3% of Americans that practice 
homosexuality, but instead demand full acceptance of the homosexual lifestyle and 
political agenda.

* replaced individual responsibility with no responsibility.

As a result, the left further increased women’s perceived need for centralized 
government to fill the voids they have created.

Another recent study adds even more ammunition to the case that the left is explicitly 
exploiting women. Have you ever wondered why the propaganda of the left wing and their 
supporters in the media seems so effective in shaping some women’s voting preference? 
Well, it appears that women, on average, know fewer facts about political issues than 
men. A new finding which is even more disturbing is that while women in the past were 
aware when they did not know the correct answer to a political question, they now 
think they do know the correct answer, when in fact they don’t.

This is the conclusion of a study about the 2000 primary campaign by the Annenberg 
Public Policy Center at the University of Pennsylvania. The study was titled, “The 
Primary Campaign: What Did The Candidates Say, What Did The Public Learn, And Did It 

Similar surveys of factual political knowledge were carried out in 1996 and 2000 by 
the researchers. During both campaigns men were more likely to answer questions about 
political issues correctly, but women and men reacted differently when they did not 
know the correct answer. In 1996 if women did not know the correct answers, they were 
more likely to say, “I don’t know.”

In 2000, women were still more likely to answer more questions incorrectly, but were 
less likely to say, “I don’t know.” It is difficult to have a meaningful discussion 
with someone who doesn’t know that they don’t know what they think they know. Radical 
feminists have no problem with this scenario, as they do not believe in objective 
reality, logic, or rationality, which they label “phallocentric.” [3]

In presenting the study, Knight Ridder Newspapers reported that researcher Kathleen 
Hall Jamieson explained one possible explanation is that women and men discuss 
politics differently. "Men talk with one another at work about politics," she said. 
"Women don't have that same socialization. It's a function of how women talk about 

Women tended to get more answers wrong than men, Jamieson said, regardless of age, 
race, income, education, marital status or party identification. One theme common to 
either gender, she said, is that the more people relied on local television news for 
information, the less informed they were. "Local news watching makes you dumber," 
Jamieson said.

This implies that women are more susceptible to propaganda, misinformation, the big 
lie, and political advertising/sound-bites -- technical skills at which the left and 
Democratic Party excel. It has always been perplexing trying to understand why voters 
could believe some of the economic nonsense and outright lies put forward by the left, 
but if all they are exposed to is the television news sound bite with no rebuttal, it 
makes more sense. The local and/or network news will usually play favorable sound 
bites from Democrats, with no negative comments; while Republican sound bites are 
almost always surrounded by some type of negative comment or suggestion.

For example, in the first Bush-Gore debate, most network news reports and commentators 
stated that Al Gore “won the debate on points,” but failed to mention that at least 
six of his points were either lies, exaggerations, or misleading statements. This was 
later discussed on news analysis shows, talk radio, and in newspapers, but not on most 
local television news broadcasts.

Therefore, if a person’s only source of news were that local television news with its 
national feed from the networks, one would have the impression that Al Gore was the 
clear winner.

Another example from the election aftermath in Florida was the television networks’ 
intense focus on the minority dissent opinions of the “conservative” U.S. Supreme 
Court, with hardly a mention of the minority opinions from the Florida Supreme Court, 
which was rarely, if ever, described as “liberal.” Why were there no prominent 
discussions of the fact that three out of the seven liberal Democratic judges on the 
Florida Supreme Court agreed with the “highly partisan” and “conservative” members of 
the U.S. Supreme Court? Even Florida Chief Justice Charles Wells said in his dissent 
opinion that the majority ruling violates the law and will cause an "unnecessary" 
constitutional crisis. But if we realize that many people, and unfortunately many 
voters, only saw the TV sound bites, it is easy to understand how the media can impart 
their message that there was something “unholy” about the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling.

As a side note, this is another reason why government control of campaign financing 
would be a disaster for the country. Not only would it give a huge advantage to the 
incumbents of either party, but it would also make the use of propaganda through 
television news broadcasts even more controlling, as the party out of favor with the 
television media would not be able to effectively take their message directly to the 

For believers in freedom, individual rights, and limited constitutional government, it 
is critical for our society to reduce the excess insecurity being foisted onto women 
by the culture and politics of the left. We must rebuild the traditional family values 
of our Judeo-Christian culture and heritage. It is also critical that we strengthen 
our non-coercive forms of aiding the weaker members of society, with emphasis on the 
free market and charitable community-based programs as the most moral and efficient 
alternatives to government control over our lives. If we do not stop this onslaught 
against the traditional family, the gender gap will continue to grow and unfortunately 
lead us further down the path to “democratic” socialism/fascism.

December 14, 2000


[1] Journal of Political Economy, 1999, vol. 107, no. 6,pt.1. This study can be 
downloaded on the Internet at: http://papers.ssrn.com/paper.taf?abstract_id=3D160530

2] The balance of women voted for Ralph Nader, who interestingly received a higher 
percentage of votes from men.

[3] Christina Hoff Sommers, Who Stole Feminism? (New York: Touchstone, 1994), p. 65 
[4] To download this study in its entirety, go to 
http://www.appcpenn.org/32700report.pdf on the Internet.

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