-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!


"A free citizen who receives assistance is no more a receptacle of
benevolence; he prepares himself to become a fountain of benevolence."
--Daniel Boorstin  {}  "Though it be honest, it is never good To bring bad
news." --William Shakespeare  {}  "The Constitution was never meant to
prevent people from praying; its declared purpose was to protect their
freedom to pray." --Ronald Reagan  {}  "Destiny is not a matter of chance,
it is a matter of choice; it is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing
to be achieved." --William Jennings Bryan  {}  "One must be something to be
able to do something." --Goethe  {}  "By virtue of exchange, one man's
prosperity is beneficial to all others." --Frederic Bastiat  {}  "If you
are going to sin, sin against God, not the bureaucracy. God will forgive
you but the bureaucracy won't." --Hyman Rickover  {}  "The great tragedy of
Science -- the slaying of a beautiful hypothesis by an ugly fact." --Thomas
Henry Huxley  {}  "Men are eager to tread underfoot what they have once too
much feared." --Lucretius  {}  "The secret of success is constancy to
purpose." --Benjamin Disraeli  {}  "[S]tatism is but socialized
dishonesty." --Leonard Read  {}  "A false Friend and a Shadow, attend only
while the Sun shines." --Benjamin Franklin  {}  "Humility is the foundation
of all virtues." --Confucius  {}  "As to the Adjective: when in doubt,
strike it out." --Mark Twain


"The news here is not that Bill Clinton outlandishly abused his power. The
news is that his defenders have finally noticed." --Jonah
Goldberg  {}  "Federalism does not consist in determining which level of
government delivers services most efficiently. Nor is it devolution of
power to the states. First and foremost, federalism is about limited
government -- checks and balances based on dual sovereignty." --Robert A.
Levy  {}  "A good argument diluted to avoid criticism is not nearly as good
as the undiluted argument, because we best arrive at truth through a
process of honest and vigorous debate. Arguments should not sneak around in
disguise, as if dissent were somehow sinister." --Justice Clarence
Thomas  ++  "When Martin Luther King Jr. talked about going to the
mountaintop, he didn't mean standing in line to get some government-issued
scrip. He had in mind the kind of dignity Clarence Thomas...has practiced
while his detractors were raising money for causes that have made them rich
while keeping their 'people' poor." --Tony Snow  ++  "If Clarence Thomas is
tar baby, Jesse Jackson is Teflon black." --Wm. F. Buckley  {}  "The
problem with adopting the position, which states that the only sin is
disagreeing with the proposition that there is no sin, is that it leaches
into every aspect of a nation's existence." --Charley Reese  {}  "[A] move
to Harlem is not an original ploy....Whenever he returns to New York, for a
U.N. gathering, [Fidel Castro] goes back to Harlem, where he is mobbed by
cheering, adulatory throngs.... In 1995, at a Baptist church, they all
screamed, 'Fidel! Fidel! Fidel!' and 'Viva Cuba!' Said Castro there, 'As a
revolutionary, I knew I would be welcome in this neighborhood'." --Jay
Nordlinger  {}  "Although it's too late to impeach [Clinton], it isn't too
late to treat him with the contempt that he deserves." --Doug
Bandow  {}  "The great libertarian project of political observation
consists of nothing but holding the State to the same definition of evil
used to identify private crime." --Lew Rockwell  {}  "Just as abortion has
become the answer to inconvenient life at its beginning, euthanasia is
becoming the answer to inconvenient life at its ending." --Paul Craig
Roberts  {}  "Nothing is more dangerous than the idea that some public
officials are above the law. If they are, then we don't have law -- and we
won't have freedom much longer either." --Thomas Sowell


"In an article published on The Times's Op-Ed page yesterday, former
President Bill Clinton made his case that the pardoning of Marc Rich was a
legitimate exercise of a president's constitutional authority, based on
sound principles of law and foreign policy. We found that case unconvincing
as to the legal and constitutional issues involved and evasive in its
failure to explain why Mr. Clinton was discussing Mr. Rich's case with
major contributors to his party while he kept the Department of Justice in
the dark about his consideration of a pardon for one of the nation's most
famous tax fugitives. ... Sometimes, Mr. Clinton argues, a pardon may be
granted based on undefined 'unique circumstances.' The story of this pardon
begins and ends with money and the access afforded by money. That is the
unique circumstance that will linger in the minds of Americans whenever
they contemplate this gross misuse of a solemn presidential
responsibility." --New York Times


This week's "Media Busters" Award: "As one of his first official acts on
January 22, 1993, President Bill Clinton threw out Ronald Reagan's
executive order prohibiting U.S. funding for international agencies that
subsidize or promote abortion. On exactly the same date eight years later,
President George W. Bush reinstated that policy.  Both presidents' acts
were consistent with their campaign platforms.  Both fulfilled promises to
supporters.  Yet despite these similarities, the news media have treated
these presidential actions as different as day and night, casting one as
lowly political pandering while describing the other as praiseworthy
promise keeping. This year, ABC's Peter Jennings said, 'President Bush
begins by taking a tough line on abortion.'  But eight years ago, Jennings
said only, 'President Clinton keeps his word on abortion rights.'  NBC did
the same.  This year, Tom Brokaw reported on 'the new President's very
active day, which started on a controversial note.'  Yet eight years ago,
Brokaw simply reported, 'President Clinton kept a campaign
promise....'  CBS's Dan Rather perpetuated this double standard, but then
added insult to injury by ascribing a lowly political motive to President
Bush, adding that his executive order served to 'quickly please the right
flank of his party....'  This bias against the pro-life movement is
prevalent also in the New York Times and Washington Post, in Time and
Newsweek and on radio -- including, many believe, National Public Radio."
--Media Research Center President L. Brent Bozell on a typical example of
media bias.


''We find ourselves with a Democratic Party that is being defined by the
actions of Bill Clinton as he left office. I don't know how long this goes
on. We have got to define who we are and where we are going.'' --SociocRAT
Rep. Maxine Waters **No, Maxine, the Demos have been defined by Bill
Clinton since the day he was born. ++  ''There was a touch of excessiveness
at the end. I don't think we should dwell on it. This is going to pass.''
--Democrite Sen. Max Baucus  **No, Max, excesses have been the rule for the
last eight years!


"Start with your mind and your bottom will follow." --Sarah Ferguson,
Duchess of York, in a cover quote from her self-improvement book  {}  "Get
over it. I don't produce work that necessarily looks good over somebody's
couch." --Renee Cox, artist of "Yo Mama's Last Supper," a work depicting
Christ as a naked woman  {}  "Since when is offensive language a reason for
being unpopular? I find the language of George W. much more offensive [than
Eminem's lyrics]." --Madonna  {}  From the "Village Academic Curriculum"
File: "A really funny one was on the spur of the moment. We were talking
about television and how it impacted politics. [Professor Gore] said, 'Why
do people want to see the president of the U.S. on TV?' We were throwing
out all sorts of different sorts of answers. Finally, somebody said,
'Because he's our leader.' And he just stood there with a sly look on his
face and he said, 'Oh yeah?' It was the tone and the way it captured the
irony. We all died of laughter. It was hilarious." --A coed from Mr. Gore's
Columbia University class.


"This guy showed up in an Elvis suit and used the N word.... This is
unacceptable behavior." --San Francisco city spokesman Nathan Ballard, on
an Elvis impersonator who has been stalking Mayor Willie Brown  {}  "No
taxation without respiration!" --Steve Forbes calling for the end of the
"grave-robber" death tax  {}  "The Jackson Five is reuniting for an album
and tour, at least according to Jermaine Jackson. Jermaine says that
Michael Jackson is definitely involved -- even if he no longer bears any
family resemblance." --Daily Scoop  {}  "Britney Spears topped fashion czar
Mr. Blackwell's worst-dressed list. Don't you have to actually wear clothes
before you can be on a worst-dressed list?" --Alex Kaseberg

Night Lines:

Leno.... Clinton's like our national ex-wife...he won't go
away.  ....  Saddam Hussein has finally had it. He's tired of this bombing
over the last 10 years. He's moving his office from Baghdad to
Harlem!  ....  Who got bombed more over the weekend? Roger Clinton or
Saddam Hussein? They say Roger Clinton's blood alcohol level was somewhere
between a Kennedy and Yeltsin.  .... The Democrats are going after the Bush
tax cut. The Democrats argue under the Bush plan the rich get richer,
unlike the Clinton plan where the rich get pardoned!  ....  The city of San
Francisco will be the first American city to pay for sex changes for city
employees with city money. It's all part of their "Don't ask, can't tell"
policy.  .... The controversy at the Grammys tonight was all about Eminem.
They say he's anti-gay and anti-women. Well, that pretty much ruins your
chances of a date.

Letterman.... Roger Clinton got a DUI charge over the weekend. Funny, he's
still not the most embarrassing member of his family!  ....  Today marks
one month that George W. Bush has been president. Things are starting to
look bleak for Al Gore.  ....  Jennifer Lopez won a Grammy for best
supporting alibi!

O'Brien.... In Bangkok, a building has been named Clinton Plaza . . . after
President Clinton. It contains six stories of discos, go-go bars and strip
clubs. That's true! Apparently, Clinton is furious because they stole the
idea for his presidential library.  ....  Rapper Eminem has been the big
controversy over the Grammys due to his anti-gay lyrics. But he says his
lyrics are to be taken with a grain of salt. That's because pepper is for

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