-Caveat Lector-

> http://www.latimes.com/obituary/20010223/tCB00V0591.html
> Friday, February 23, 2001
> Mafioso Anthony Giacalone, 82, Dies
> By LISA M. COLLINS, Associated Press Writer
> DETROIT--Anthony "Tony Jack" Giacalone, a reputed mafia captain who
> many believe knew the secret behind the disappearance of Teamsters
> boss Jimmy Hoffa, died Friday. He was 82.
> Giacalone died after being hospitalized with heart and kidney
> problems, the FBI said. St. John Hospital refused to release details
> at the request of family.
> With Giacalone's death may have gone the secret to Hoffa's presumed
> death on June 30, 1975.
> Struggling to regain power of the corruption-plagued Teamsters, Hoffa
> had arranged to meet that day with Giacalone and New Jersey Teamster
> boss Anthony Provenzano. Instead, he vanished from the parking lot of
> the Machus Red Fox Restaurant in suburban Detroit.
> When told of the Teamsters leader's disappearance, Giacalone said:
> "Maybe he took a little trip." Provenzano has since died.
> At the time of his death, Giacalone was under a 21 -count federal
> racketeering indictment, said John Bell Jr., special agent in charge
> of the FBI's Detroit branch. He said Giacalone was investigated along
> with several others about Hoffa's disappearance.
> Agents have said they think they know what happened to Hoffa, but lack
> the evidence to press charges. Keith Corbett, lead prosecutor for a
> federal mafia strike force in Detroit, said there was never any
> indication Giacalone would talk.
> Impeccably dressed and icy-eyed, Giacalone was a familiar figure
> striding through reporters and photographers who gathered to record
> his court appearances.
> His heart and kidney problems kept him from trial on a 1996 indictment
> on charges including bombings, conspiracy to commit murder, extortion,
> bookmaking, loan-sharking, and attempting to gain a hidden interest in
> Nevada casinos.
> Giacalone, who raised show horses on a Michigan farm, served time on a
> 10 -year conviction for tax evasion in 1976.

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