-Caveat Lector-

Well we see the work of the ADL here - keep in mind this is the jewish
order the give names to FBI Hate List which set Militias and Christian
groups for extermination - but oh so quiet about Littleton......neo
nazis was the shout, and little Klebold had come from Columbus, Ohio
grandson of Leo Yassenoff - do a little checking here if anyone is
interested - another "foundation" with connections....

Now see what and who these big crooks really are and learn what the
Russian Jewish Mafia in particular really is and hook up to Mossad.

Oklahoma?   ADL and Dees (Morris) warned a Judge and FBI and BATF to
stay home that day and their jewish friend Mark Lane (real name is Levy,
it was reported) had already had format laid out for a new book no doubt
- for he had big foot door peddling the old Kennedy assassination crap
into Rick Stawcutters door....who was also last man to heave from
Heavens Gate - remember Jonestown - well Lane, he alone escaped here
too, to write the book for the Judas always lives, to write the book.

This is jewish criminal syndicalism and yet no charges filed - Clinton
would have preferred the Civil route re Marc Rich.....

All this garbage on holy ground?   In the Office of the President?
Where a sodomist sat for 8 years who is so stupid he doesn't realize
what hit him yet?

Maybe I could tell him a few things.....for not one jew on a panel show
defended him when he ws caught with another sodomist,  in fact the one
said someting of Clinton's feet of clay - right out of Daniel - this is
where the three presidents will materilaize - full of cryptic
meanings.....as Jack Ruby said ovr and over again in his jail cell
(pardon, Jack Rubenstein who worked for Meyer Lansky - in the family)
this is where after killing Oswald, Ruby said over and over in his jail
cell "Shadrach, Meschenk, and Abenego"......reminiscent too of the hree
brave Apollo astronauts burned to death in the little space craft  timed
to Acts 19 which equates to sabotage?

Well at least we made it to the moon and the KGB and Mossad did not
prevent von Braun from getting a certain amount of glory from that moon
shot - even though they did manage to murder little John John and almost
get Teddy that day on the bridge - and that guy was so stupid he walked
into a trap and still hasn't figured out what hit him.

So the Master Plan for Murder keyed to Stars and Testaments moves
forward - like a Chess Board.....way back during JFK murder - the
assassins and conspirators took names from the chess board, like Mr.
Knight, Mr. King, Mr. Bishop.......and as C. Gordon Liddy said "hey,
they got your Queen",,,,,,

Mountain climbing can be very dangerous - Martin Luther King knew that -
apparently Clinton thought he had "divine" protection and his sodomy and
thefts and murders were okay for he believed he ruled by divine right
Or is that guy really that stupid......Rhodes Scholars from 1960 on were
prepared to take over this government - they leave long legacy of
releasing murderers and paid hit men and gan members from prisons by
pardon - check of Ralph DeLeo of Jewish Mafia - Columbus, Ohio and
Yonnie Licavoli of the old Purple Gang and oh lest he be forgotten, even
Elvis Presley in Jail House Rock mentioned, the purple gang.   The old
Five Point Gang - Solomon's Star?   Yonnie had one over his little
curiosity shop when released from prison - and this very strange motel
and restaurant where we used to meet over and above it, was Solomon's
Star - for the owner was an honorable man for whom I once worked - yet
unknown to him this jewish mafia had moved in on his son, and had stolen
3 million dollars and a 30 thousand dollar diamond ring, when the old
man had a stroke - he was a high degree Mason - but he never knew, that
god, that the Jewish Mafia along with his idiot son, had stacks of neo
nazi literature in his restaurant basement with a printing press - and
got involved in murder........sports is one thing, and maybe even gun
running is forgivabale for I knew man who ran guns for iRA.....but why
would Jewish Mafia have neo nazi literature?

Bill Clinton and his fat assed wife are neo nazis....by their fruits if
you do not know them all by now, and throw in this ADL and Morris Dees -
these people are all neo naZZis......and any true jew, or arab knows it
- for Zionism is the root of all evil second only to money.

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