-Caveat Lector-

I find it hard to believe all these assorted problems with the food supply
are mere coincidence.


Friday February 23  8:58 PM ET
Britain Urges No Meat Panic Buying After Disease
By Giles Elgood
LONDON (Reuters) - The British government has appealed to
public not to start panic buying meat after the country's
industry was brought to a standstill in a bid to curb
a devastating
outbreak of foot and mouth disease.
The Agriculture Ministry effectively turned the whole of
the British
countryside into a massive exclusion zone on
Friday, banning all
movement of livestock for a week.
There are currently six confirmed outbreaks of foot and
mouth and
inspectors are investigating hundreds more farms
where the disease
may have taken hold.
Confirmation of the presence of the highly contagious
virus, which
affects pigs, cattle, sheep and goats, is a bitter
blow for the British
meat industry, which is only just
recovering from the devastating
effects of mad cow disease.
Farms where the disease is confirmed prepared to burn
hundreds of
animals while surrounding areas were cordoned off
by officials to
prevent the spread of the infection.
Vehicles were sprayed with disinfectant and visitors had to
scrub their
boots in buckets placed at every farm gate. The
disease can be spread
by the wind, on the wheels of vehicles
and on human clothing.
The army said it would suspend non-essential military
countryside walkers were told to keep away from
animals and fox-
hunters up and down the country agreed to
suspend their sport.
The disease was first found on Tuesday among 28 pigs at an
in Essex near London, prompting a world ban on exports
of Britain's
livestock and animals products.
The apparent source of the outbreak was traced to a pig
farm at
Heddon-on-the-Wall in northeastern England, the
Agriculture Ministry
Farmer Devastated
Farmer Bobby Waugh, 55, issued a statement through the
Farmers Union saying he was ``devastated'' but had
noticed nothing
wrong with his pigs.
``I honestly hadn't seen anything wrong with any of my pigs
in the last
few weeks. How could I report something I didn't
He said officials had visited his farm after a complaint
that his pigs
were in poor condition but ``they found nothing
There were fears that a week's ban on bringing animals for
would lead to shortages of meat in shops and
Agriculture Minister Nick Brown insisted on television that
there was no
need for panic buying.
``Everyone will be fed if they stick to their regular
shopping patterns,''
he said.
Brown said the government's priority was to stamp out the
which manifests itself in the shape of lesions on
animals' muzzles and
feet. It is not harmful to humans.
It can spread quickly through livestock herds, making it
difficult for
cows to produce milk and prompting weight loss in
other animals.
Scottish authorities said they had discovered a possible
case at a pig
farm in Aberdeenshire, the first outside England.
Ireland intensified efforts to prevent the disease crossing
from the
British province of Northern Ireland by calling on the
army to support
police patrols along the border.
At European Union headquarters in Brussels, experts fear
the disease
is so contagious that it may yet spark an outbreak
on the Continent, a
nightmare scenario that could bring
Europe's meat trade to its knees.

"We forbid any course that says we restrict free speech!"
--Dr. Kathleen Dixon, the Director of Women's Studies,
  Bowling Green State University

It is impossible to defeat an ignorant man in argument.
-William G. McAdoo

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