-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Controversies Test Clinton in Senate
Pardons Cloud Her Political Prospects
  Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton said she did not know her brother Hugh Rodham
had lobbied her husband, former president Bill Clinton, for pardons. (Dennis
Cook - AP)

_____The Marc Rich File_____

• Letters to Bill Clinton: 21 prominent public figures beg pardon for the
fugitive financier.

_____From Saturday's Post_____

• 4 Pardons Probed for Ties to N.Y. Senate Bid(The Washington Post, Feb 24,
• Controversies Test Clinton in Senate(The Washington Post, Feb 24, 2001)
• Drug Felon's Powerful Supporters Retreat on Pardon(The Washington Post, Feb
24, 2001)
• Clinton's Brother Promised Pardons(The Washington Post, Feb 24, 2001)

_____Clinton Accused_____

• Background: Pardons and Gifts

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By John Lancaster
Washington Post Staff Writer
Saturday, February 24, 2001; Page A06

Ever since her swearing-in last month, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton has tried
to play the dutiful freshman. She has plunged into the arcana of health care
and taxes, tended to her New York constituents and done her best to shun
publicity as she works to hammer out a political identity separate from that
of her husband.

It was never an easy task. This week it got even harder.

As if she had not already absorbed her fill of criticism over gifts and
presidential pardons, the former first lady now has to deal with the fallout
from one of the most damaging revelations yet: That her brother, Hugh Rodham,
accepted $400,000 to lobby the White House for pardons on behalf of two
convicted felons.

Though Clinton insisted at a news conference Thursday that she had never
discussed pardons with her husband -- and proclaimed herself "heartbroken and
shocked" by Rodham's involvement -- the disclosures dealt another blow to
Clinton's standing on Capitol Hill and squelched any talk among Democrats of
her presidential prospects for 2004.

Yesterday came more bad news. According to a law enforcement source, the U.S.
attorney's office in New York is examining whether former president Bill
Clinton commuted the sentences of four Hasidic Jews convicted of fraud in
exchange for Hasidic votes for his wife's Senate race.

Even Democrats who hold Sen. Clinton blameless for what they perceive as
Rodham's -- and her husband's -- ethical missteps complain that the
continuing furor over pardons is drowning out their message on major policy
issues, such as tax cuts, on which they have differences with the Bush

"This is all a fairly large distraction," said a senior Democratic leadership
aide who spoke on condition of anonymity. "Now that the other party is in the
White House, Democrats are fighting to get air time on our issues and it's a
lot harder when these issues are taken up by pardons and others concerning
the Clintons, and I think that's a frustration both for staff and for

Notwithstanding the latest disclosures, no one is writing Sen. Clinton off as
a political force. She is nothing if not battle-hardened, having weathered
the scandals that dogged her husband's administration and then gone on to
triumph in last year's bruising race with former Republican congressman Rick
Lazio. Admirers say she will ride out the latest storms in much the same way,
confronting them when she has no other choice but otherwise staying focused
on the long-term objectives of her new office.

"One of the strategies that both the president and Hillary employed in the
White House during difficult periods was a real bifurcation of focus," said a
confidant of the former first lady who asked not to be identified. "They
would focus on the scandal du jour when necessary and then instantly return
to focus on the longer-term goals and priorities. . . . She has an incredible
ability to avoid distraction."

Clinton's ability to switch gears was amply demonstrated at the Russell
Senate Office Building on Thursday afternoon. After fielding a barrage of
questions on the pardons at a news conference, she made a beeline for a
clutch of giggling high schoolers, chatting with them for several minutes
about their trip to Washington. Then she headed into a meeting with
legislative staff to discuss an economic plan for depressed areas of upstate
New York.

But Clinton also acknowledged Thursday that her senatorial debut has been
little short of disastrous. "I'm very disappointed about what's gone on for
the last weeks," she said. "It is certainly not how I would have preferred or
planned to start my Senate career. . . . All I can tell you is that I have
gotten up every day and worked as hard as I can to be the best senator I can
be, and that's what I intend to do."

Even before the latest eruption, Clinton had gotten off on the wrong foot
with some Senate colleagues by signing an $8 million book deal -- perceived
as a potential conflict of interest -- and then departing the White House
with $190,000 in gifts.

The Clintons tamped down some of the criticism over the gifts by returning
almost half of them, and Sen. Clinton distanced herself from her husband's
much-derided pardon of fugitive financier Marc Rich. Last week was almost
calm: Among other things, she paid a visit to upstate New York and delivered
her first speech on the Senate floor -- on health insurance.

Then the storm broke over Hugh Rodham, followed a day later by news that her
campaign treasurer, William Cunningham III, and brother-in-law, Roger
Clinton, also had been involved in seeking pardons on behalf of others. Both
Clintons said they had been unaware of Rodham's involvement and that he had
returned the money at their insistence.

In New York, the furor over the pardons has cast a pall over the senator's
opening weeks in office, but several state Democratic officials noted that
she won't have to face voters again until 2006. So far, they said, any
feelings of betrayal inside the party have been directed primarily at her

Still, Quinnipiac College pollster Maurice Carroll conducted a job approval
survey last week, and Sen. Clinton's ratings -- 38 percent positive, 30
percent negative -- were lagging well behind those of New York Gov. George
Pataki (R) and Sen. Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.). And that poll was conducted
before the allegations about her brother and her campaign treasurer.

"The perceptions aren't as good as they ought to be right after an election,"
Carroll said. "I don't care who you are, you can't take day after day of this

Clinton's staff -- loyal veterans of Capitol Hill and the White House -- may
be starting to feel the same way. Asked how he was holding up under the
latest media onslaught, one senior aide replied, "I'm doing all right." Then
he paused. "Considering."

Staff writers Michael Grunwald in New York and Helen Dewar contributed to
this report.

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