-Caveat Lector-


February 25 2001

Defectors say Iraq tested nuclear bomb

By Uzi Mahnaimi and Tom Walker

DISTURBING new evidence has emerged about Saddam Hussein's
nuclear arsenal as tension rises in the Middle East over an
increasingly aggressive Iraq.

According to two former senior scientists in the Iraqi nuclear
programme - corroborated by a former aide to Saddam's son Uday -
Iraq carried out a successful nuclear test before the Gulf war
and now has a nuclear stockpile.

The scientists describe in detail Iraq's nuclear programme. They
say Saddam carried out a nuclear test in September 1989 deep
beneath Lake Rezzaza, southwest of Baghdad. The blast was
undetected because it was relatively small - about equal to the
Hiroshima bomb - and muffled.

Over the past decade, despite UN inspections, Saddam has carried
out further tests and now has several bombs stored in a bunker
under the Hamrin mountains north of Baghdad, they say.

Their claims, which are reported in today's News Review section
of The Sunday Times, challenge the consensus among the American,
British and Israeli intelligence services that Saddam does not
have sufficient enriched uranium or plutonium to fulfil his
ambition of developing a nuclear bomb.

Israel's prime minister-elect, Ariel Sharon, is expected to warn
Colin Powell, the visiting American secretary of state, during
talks today that the region may slide into war. Powell, who was
in Egypt yesterday, urged Arab countries to join America in
countering the threat posed by Saddam.

Israeli military sources say that Sharon has ordered Shaul Mofaz,
the chief of staff, to prepare the army for a pre-emptive attack
on Iraq's missile launch zone, which is close to its border with

Resurrecting and developing plans from the Gulf war, Sharon
threatens to deploy tactical neutron bombs to "wipe out" the
launch zone in the event that intelligence reports say a
non-conventional weapons attack by Iraq is imminent, according to
the sources.

Sources close to Sharon say he will tell Powell that Israel would
not sit still and wait for Iraqi missiles to rain down on its
towns, as it did in the 1991 Gulf war in reponse to American
requests for restraint.

On Thursday Israel placed its forces on high missile alert after
American intelligence warned about movements of Iraqi armoured
divisions close to the border with Syria. American satellites
also picked up preparations in the Iraqi long-range surface
missiles brigade. Israeli air force planes took off opposite the
Syrian coast.

Almost at the same time, two American Awacs, four Hawkeye spy
planes and 36 assorted American and British fighter aircraft took
off from the Turkish base of Incirlik and from American carriers
in the region.

They ran into fierce anti- aircraft missile fire from batteries
north of the Iraqi oil city of Mosul. The allied fighters blasted
the Iraqi batteries in return but caused little damage.

The next day, an Arabic- language Israeli newspaper published a
warning from Baghdad that "Iraq is about to hit Israel" and "will
liberate the occupied territories". An Israeli general, formerly
assistant to an Israeli prime minister, told The Sunday Times:
"It's hard to believe that Saddam will use non-conventional
weapons against Israel, but we failed to predict his moves in the
past and we may fail to do so in future."

The principal source of the new evidence about Saddam's nuclear
programme is a former military engineer, known as "Leone", who
says he worked for a special scientific department of the
Republican Palace in Baghdad, which supervised the development of
Iraq's weapons of mass destruction.

His claim is corroborated by a scientist from another branch of
the weapons programme and by Abbas al-Janabi, a former personal
assistant to Uday Hussein. "A nuclear test was carried out in
1988 or 1989 in an underground site beside Lake Rezzaza," said
Janabi, who claimed to have been in the test cavern before the
explosion. Satellite images from 1989 show a huge tunnel at the

Last month, another former engineer from the weapons programme,
now in hiding, said Saddam had two "fully operational" nuclear

Western intelligence officers who have heard Leone's claims say
he is well informed, but they insist there is no evidence that
Iraq could obtain sufficient enriched nuclear fuel. Leone and his
corroborators say that the fuel was smuggled in from South Africa
via Brazil.

Gwynne Roberts, a film-maker who has investigated Leone's story,
said: "Something very unusual happened on the shores of Lake
Rezzaza prior to the Gulf war, which was completely missed by
western intelligence agencies."

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

                     *Michael Spitzer*  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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