-Caveat Lector-

Report Summary

                                BLUE GOLD


                                  By Maude Barlow
               Chair, IFG Committee on the Globalization of Water
                        National Chair, Council of Canadians

June 1999
A Special Report
Produced and Published by
the International Forum on Globalization (IFG)

"The wars of the next century will be about water."
                                                — The World Bank


We'd like to believe there's an infinite supply of fresh water on the planet. But
the assumption is tragically false. Available fresh water amounts to less than
one half of one percent of all the water on Earth. The rest is sea water, or is
frozen in the polar ice. Fresh water is renewable only by rainfall, at the rate of
40-50,000 cubic km per year.

Global consumption of water is doubling every 20 years, more than twice the
rate of human population growth. According to the United Nations, more than
one billion people on Earth already lack access to fresh drinking water. If
current trends persist, by 2025 the demand for fresh water is expected to rise
by 56 percent more than is currently available.

As the water crisis intensifies, governments around the world — under
pressure from multinational corporations — are advocating a radical solution:
the commodification and mass transport of water. Proponents of
commodification, and subsequent privatization, say that such a system is the
only way to distribute water to the world's thirsty. But, in fact, experience
shows that selling water on the open market does not address the needs of
poor, thirsty people. On the contrary, privatized water is delivered to those
who can pay for it, such as wealthy cities and individuals and water intensive
industries such as agriculture and high-tech. As one resident of the high
desert in New Mexico observed after his community's water was diverted for
use by the high-tech industry: "Water flows uphill to money."

The push to commodify water comes at a time when the social, political and
economic impacts of water scarcity are rapidly becoming a destabilizing force,
with water-related conflicts springing up around the globe. For example,
Malaysia, which supplies about half of Singapore's water, threatened to cut off
that supply in 1997 after Singapore criticized its government policies. In
Africa, relations between Botswana and Namibia have been severely strained
by Namibian plans to construct a pipeline to divert water from the shared
Okavango River to eastern Namibia. Much has been written about the potential
for water wars in the Middle East, where water resources are severely limited.
The late King Hussein of Jordan once said the only thing he would go to war
with Israel over was water because Israel controls Jordan's water supply.

Meanwhile, the future of one of the earth's most vital resources is being
determined by those who profit from its overuse and abuse. At the annual
World Economic Development Congress, which follows the annual
International Monetary Fund/World Bank meeting, corporations and financial
institutions met with government representatives from more than 84 countries
to attend panels on such subjects as "Overcoming Obstacles to Water
Investment" and "Navigating Transparency and Banking Regulation in
Emerging Capital Markets." The agenda was clear: water should be treated like
any other tradable good, with its use determined by market principles.

At the same time, governments are signing away their control over domestic
water supplies by participating in trade treaties such as the North American
Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and institutions such as the World Trade
Organization (WTO). These agreements effectively give transnational
corporations the unprecedented right to the water of signatory countries.

Already, corporations have started to sue governments in order to gain access
to domestic water sources. For example, Sun Belt, a California company, is
suing the government of Canada under NAFTA because British Columbia
(B.C.) banned water exports several years ago. The company claims that
B.C.'s law violates several NAFTA-based investor rights and therefore is
claiming US$220 million in compensation for lost profits.

With the protection of these international trade agreements, companies are
setting their sights on the mass transport of bulk water by diversion and by
super tanker. Several companies are developing technology whereby large
quantities of fresh water would be loaded into huge sealed bags and towed
across the ocean for sale.

The U.S. Global Water Corporation, a Canadian company, is one of those
seeking to be a major player in the water trade. It has signed an agreement
with Sitka, Alaska, to export 18 billion gallons per year of glacier water to
China where it will be bottled in one of that country's "free trade" zones to
take advantage of cheap labor. The company brochure entices investors "to
harvest the accelerating opportunity...as traditional sources of water around
the world become progressively depleted and degraded."

Selling water to the highest bidder will only exacerbate the worst impacts of
the world water crisis.

Social Inequity

     In India, some households pay a staggering 25 percent of their income on

     Poor residents of Lima, Peru, pay private vendors as much as $3 for a
     cubic meter for buckets of often-contaminated water while the more
     affluent pay 30 cents per cubic meter for treated municipal tap water.

     In the maquiladora zones of Mexico, water is so scarce that babies and
     children drink Coca-Cola and Pepsi instead.


     More than five million people, most of them children, die every year from
     illnesses caused by drinking poor-quality water.

Food Insecurity

     China is facing the likelihood of severe grain shortages because of water
     depletion and the current shift of limited water resources from agriculture
     to industry and cities. The resulting demand for grain in China could
     exceed the world's available exportable supply.

     During a drought crisis in northern Mexico in 1995, the government cut
     water supplies to local farmers while ensuring emergency supplies to the
     mostly foreign-controlled industries of the region.

Environmental Destruction

     Around the world, the answer to the increase in water demand has been
     to build more environmentally destructive dams and divert more rivers.
     The number of large dams worldwide has climbed from just over 5,000 in
     1950 to 38,000 today.

     In the U.S., only 2 percent of the country's rivers and wetlands remain
     free-flowing and undeveloped; as a result, the country has lost more than
     half of its wetlands.

     Eighty percent of China's major rivers are so degraded they no longer
     support fish.

     In the U.S., the epicenter of freshwater diversity in the world, 37 percent
     of freshwater fish are at risk of extinction, 50 percent of crayfish and 40
     percent of amphibians are imperiled, and 67 percent of freshwater
     mussels are extinct or vulnerable to extinction.

     In the Great Lakes system, the Nature Conservancy has identified 100
     species and 31 ecological communities at risk

A number of key research and environmental organizations such as
Worldwatch Institute, World Resources Institute and the United Nations
Environment Program have been sounding the alarm for well over a decade: If
water usage continues to increase at current rates, the results will be
devastating for the earth and its inhabitants. Groups such as the International
Rivers Network, Greenpeace, Clean Waters Network, Sierra Club and Friends of
the Earth International, along with thousands of community groups around
the world, are fighting the construction of new dams, reclaiming damaged
rivers and wetlands, confronting industry over contamination of water
systems, and protecting whales and other aquatic species from hunting and
overfishing. In a number of countries, experts have come up with some
exciting and creative solutions to these problems.

This work is crucial, yet such efforts need to be coordinated and understood in
the broader context of economic globalization and its role in promoting
privatization and commodification.

The Blue Gold report addresses the following issues: Who owns water? Should
anyone? Should it be privatized? What rights do transnational corporations
have to buy water systems? Should it be traded as a commodity in the open
market? What laws do we need to protect water? What is the role of
government? How do we share water in water-rich countries with those in
water-poor countries? Who is the custodian for nature's lifeblood? How do
ordinary citizens become involved in this process?

As Georg Wurmitzer, mayor of the small town of Simitz in the Austrian Alps,
states: "It is a sacred duty to help someone who is suffering from thirst.
However, it is a sin to transfer water just so that people can flush their toilets
and wash their cars in dry areas...It makes no sense and is ecological and
economic madness."

                                        * * *

The next World Water Forum is being held in The Hague in March 2000.
Chaired by World Bank Vice President Ismail Serageldin, this meeting is part
of the continuing activities of the World Water Council, formed by
governments, international agencies, and private sector in 1997 after the first
World Water Forum held in Marrakesh, Morocco.

The World Water Council has formed various partnerships with private
corporations including the Global Water Partnership and Business Partners for
Development. The web sites and reports of these organizations make it clear
that some of the largest water privateers are taking the lead in developing
water policies of international organizations and governments.

Instead of allowing this vital resource to become a commodity sold to the
highest bidder, this report advocates that access to clean water for basic
needs is a fundamental human right. Each generation must ensure that the
abundance and quality of water is not diminished as a result of its activities.
Greater efforts must be made to restore the health of aquatic ecosystems that
have already been degraded as well as to protect others from harm. We
believe that the following ten principles will help to protect water:

1) Water belongs to the earth and all species
2) Water should be left where it is wherever possible
3) Water must be conserved for all time
4) Polluted water must be reclaimed
5) Water is best protected in natural watersheds
6) Water is a public trust to be guarded at all levels of government
7)An adequate supply of clean water is a basic human right
8)The best advocates for water are local communities and citizens
9)The public must participate as an equal partner with government to protect
10) Economic globalization policies are not water sustainable


Maude Barlow
The Council of Canadians, Canada

A well known public speaker, organizer and media commentator, Maude
Barlow has been called the "Ralph Nader of Canada." She is the national
volunteer chairperson of the Council of Canadians and the founding co-chair of
Action Canada Network. Previously a senior advisor to Pierre Trudeau during
his administration, she was also one of Canada's leading voices in the battle
against the U.S.-Canada Free Trade Agreement and NAFTA, as well as a
central figure in the international citizens' movement that brought to a halt
negotiations on the Multilateral Agreement on Investments (MAI) at the
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).

Barlow has been recognized with the Ontario Teacher's Federation's highest
award for her contribution to education and equality in schools. She is a
best-selling author whose works include The MAI and the Threat to American
Freedom, Class Warfare: The Assault on Canada's Schools with Heather-Jane
Robertson, Parcel of Rogues, Take Back the Nation with Bruce Campbell, and
Straight Through the Heart, a critical examination of the Liberal government's
role in developing and dismantling Canada's social programs. Her most recent
publication, The Fight of My Life, is an autobiography of her years of public
service. Barlow holds an honorary doctorate from Memorial University.

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