So now I see why cows are mad - for is it true redheads have more fun
than black and white cows.

Does this mad cow disease have anything to do with sacrifices - cows
being slaughted instead of this great red heifer.

My mothers side of the family mostly lawyers and farmers had so many red
headed cows running around they would have sent over a herd free of
charge - or is this a Judas red heifer leading cows to slaughter.

Now where I live was the first gorilla born in captivity?  Does this
have any special religious meaning?   Will we all end up like Charlton
Heton in Planet of the Apes?

What if that cow had been blonde - every other cow in town would have
the "Harlow" look - but I have always loved cows - my one uncle was a
dairy farmer told me when I was small that only this one cow, who was
brown, gave chocolate milk  and this orangie thing gave orange
milk....and this black and white cow he said had different fawcetts for
different colors.....and I believed him?

So Here Is to the Red Heifer - is she yet alive or are the others cows
mad and being slaughtered as scape goats?

Anyone personally know of any red headed cows around these days?


Is There a Red Heifer in Israel?
by Carol Rushton
Has a red heifer been born in Israel? Israel Television and Hebrew
newspapers recently reported that a red heifer was born at a youth
village in Kfar Chasidim.
The heifer, currently a year and a half old, has been meticulously
checked to see if she is completely red. If the heifer has even one
white or black hair, or has any blemishes, it is immediately
disqualified. So far, none have been found.
Orthodox Jews have been trying for a number of years to breed cows in
order to produce a red heifer, but all their attempts have failed.
However, even the ultra-Orthodox have accepted this animal as a possible
candidate for being the red heifer.
The heifer, nicknamed "Zaleel" which means "sound" in Hebrew, was born
to two ordinary-looking black and white cows. Zaleel is now receiving
special treatment. She has been separated from the other cows so that
she will not be in danger of receiving accidental kicks or blows from
the other animals. She grazes in a special pen and no one is even
allowed to ride her.
A red heifer must be three years old before it can be sacrificed. After
another year and a half, the heifer will be rechecked. If at that time
all the hairs are still reddish-brown and doesn't have any marks or
blemishes, the heifer will be sacrificed. Its remains will be burned
with certain special woods and the resulting ashes will be mixed with
After this process, any Jew who comes into contact with the ashes is
cleansed from all impurities and will be able to walk upon the Temple
Mount. Even though there are millions of Jews who need to be purified,
only a small amount is necessary, allowing the ashes to last up to ten
The birth of a red heifer has special significance for the Levis and
Cohens who are now being trained to serve as priests and re-institute
the Temple sacrifices. In order to serve as priests in the Jewish
Temple, Cohens and Levis must be purified according to Jewish religious
law. At this time, there are no Cohens and Levis that are qualified.
However, the ashes of this red heifer can now make this purification
process possible, once more allowing Cohens and Levis to be able to
serve in any future Temple that is built on the Temple Mount.
Orthodox Jews strongly believe the birth of this red heifer is another
definite sign that points to the SOON coming of the Messiah and the
rebuilding of the Temple.
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