-Caveat Lector-

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Public Protests Around The World


Free Trade & Globalization

Mass protests, throughout history have come at a time when enough of the
population are affected by policies of the rulers and elite. They have
often been met with brutal, efficient crackdown by the guardians of the
elite, be they local police, militias, national militaries, or even another
nation's military forces.

The protests against the current forms of globalization and the
marginalization it is causing, and the increasing disparities between the
rich and the poor that it has predictably led to already, has motivated
people all over the world to protest. Seattle in 1999 and Washington D.C.
in 2000 were just the more mainstream and reported ones because they were
in the home nation of the current superpower, the United States. These
protests, directed at the World Trade Organization (WTO) and at the
International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank respectively, were all
protests at the effects of the current forms neoliberal/free trade (or more
of a mercantilist/imperialist policy of wealth appropriation that is a
continuation of such policies throughout history.)

The WTO protest of Seattle were about the trade policies that are being
drawn up in undemocratic ways but affecting all people around the world.
Here too, the elite's front guard were mobilized to protect the image of
the multinational corporations and institutions that support their
"rights". The police crackdown was often violent and unprovoked. The IMF
and World Bank protests in D.C. were about the policies of the IMF and
World Bank towards developing countries. Their methods of "assistance" are
criticized for increasing dependencies on the richer nations and promoting
a form of development whereby developing nations continue to provide cheap
resources and labor to the richer nations, to continue to remain in
servitude for the west. These policies are a precursor and basic framework
to allow trade policies discussed at the WTO to be effective; they go hand
in hand.

It is ironic then, that in many countries, leaders, elected through
processes of democracy (themselves often painful, trying and hard-won) have
been turning against protestors, via pressure from the aristocracy of that
nation and from western financial institutions that are the target of the
protests and criticisms.

Mainstream Media Portrayal

The mainstream media portrayal by many western nations, notably the US, has
been very biased. Being corporate-owned, and due to the fact that the
protestors are voicing concerns over the current form of globalization,
which is seen as overly corporate-friendly without appropriate
considerations for people, this bias can be seen as quite obvious. However,
most people get their views and news from mainstream media, from what are
regarded as "respectable" news sources and hence it makes it difficult for
additional views and perspectives to be heard, thereby contributing to the
on-going process.

Protests Have Occurred All Over The World

"[T]his 'new movement', portrayed by the media as students and anarchists
from the rich and prosperous global north, is just the tip of the iceberg.
In the global south, a far deeper and wide-ranging movement has been
developing for years, largely ignored by the media." -- Jessica Woodroffe
and Mark Ellis-Jones, States of unrest: Resistance to IMF policies in poor
countries, World Development Movement.

Some mainstream media representation may leave the impression that the
recent public protests in D.C., Seattle, Prague and other western cities
are recent issues, or that these are the only protests, and that only a few
are protesting. In fact, Seattle and D.C. protests were international
protests in their composition. The mainstream avoided in-depth issues of
developing nations in Seattle, for example, while they concentrated on

Both before (long before in many cases) and since Seattle, around the world
thousands upon thousands of people have turned up in waves of protests at
various IMF, World Bank, WTO meetings or policies in various nations.
Repression has been equally brutal and sometimes worse. For example there
have been protests in:

*       Argentina
*       up to 80,000 protested against the IMF, in May 2000.
*       Over 7.2 million workers support a 24 hour general strike in defiance of
the new IMF-prescribed labour laws, June 2000.
*       Australia (even during the 2000 Olympics in Sydney, there have been
various protests to do with globalization issues).
*       Bolivia (protests in April 2000 led to some bizarre media coverage.)
*       Brazil
*       As reported by the World Development Movement (WDM), "[a] referendum
asking whether Brazil should discontinue IMF reforms is backed by more than
a million people. Organised by the National Council of Bishops and Jubilee
2000, the 'unofficial' referendum is a marked success."
*       The WDM report continues, that on "7 September [2000], to mark the end of
six days of voting and Brazil's Independence Day, a demonstration draws
thousands of protesters under the banner of Cry of the Excluded. All the
main cities in Brazil are "crammed", say reports, with more than 100,000
people in Sao Paulo. The Government had previously called the
[above-mentioned] referendum "stupid" and an isolated project undertaken by
"minorities"." (emphasis added)
*       To coincide with the annual World Economic Forum meetings in Davos,
Switzerland, where multinational corporations get to meet, and have access
to world political leaders, Porto Alegre in Brazil, at the end of January
2001 saw        a World Social Forum meeting attended by over 10,000 people. The
goal was to discuss alternatives to the current forms of globalization.

*       Colombia saw 15,000 workers go on protest and strike regarding IMF's loan
conditions requiring further opening up of the economy and cutting back on
social provisions and jobs.
*       Costa Rica in March 2000, 10,000 people protested at IMF-prescribed
policies of privatization, and faced police brutality in the process.
*       Czech Republic (World Bank and IMF meetings in Prague, end of September,
*       Estimates vary from 20,000 protestors to 50,000
*       As with other places, heavy security response and police brutality was in
effect, as predicted.
*       Protests in other regions of the world coincided with this -- for
example, in the U.S. in all 50 states, there were protests -- not that the
mainstream media would have described it in much detail.
*       The Prague protests disrupted the IMF and World Bank meetings enough to
end the meetings a day early.
*       The IndyMedia Center Prague has much more detail.
*       Ecuador
*       Marches at the beginning of 2000, see over 40,000 indigenous people
protesting US and IMF-prescribed reforms (resulting in 35,000 military
personnel and police being deployed).
*       10,000 protested, also in January, at the fear of dollarization of their
economy (which became reality in September, 2000)
*       There was even a coup attempt that month.
*       Numerous strikes and protests occur throughout the first half of 2000 due
to IMF reforms. Numbers are in the tens of thousands. (On one occassion,
30,000 doctors were part of a protest).
*       The dollarization and other US/IMF-prescribed policies have left many
problems in their wake and protests etc are sure to continue.
*       The above-mentioned WDM report provides more detail.
*       Germany
*       Honduras, where numerous IMF-prescribed cut backs and privatizations
policies are being protested. In August 2000, thousands of civil servants
went on strike for 24 hours disrupting education, transport and health
services. The strikers were opposing plans by the administration of
President Carlos Flores to privatize the electricity, telecommunications
and social security sectors as required by the International Monetary Fund.
*       India (In some instances there were forced and violent attempts to stop
protestors gathering or forming.)
*       Indonesia
*       Kenya has seen many protests on IMF conditionalities.
*       Malawi too has seen protests on IMF conditions, where protestors were
dispersed by tear gas.
*       Mexico has seen protests that at first sound local but have a more global
aspect to it. That is, the struggle is Chiapas of the Zapatistas. While
fighting for their indigenous rights (against military crackdowns which
human rights groups have heavily criticized), they have seen the effects of
the current form of globalization on them very sharply, as this translation
from the leader of the Zapatista National Liberation Army shows.
*       Nigera has seen many protests on the IMF austerity measures, and violent
crackdown as well.
*       Paraguay has seen protests that have also been met with police violence.
IMF reforms are heavily criticized there.
*       Peru
*       South Africa has seen numerous protests as well. The above-mentioned WDM
report also     mentions that "[o]ne of the protesters, Trevor Ngwane, a city
councillor from the Soweto township, says, "Many of those debts were used
to buy weapons and suppress the people during apartheid. So we are paying
twice for it - once with our lives, and now with an inability to fund
critical social services. Instead of building health clinics the Government
is selling off zoos and libraries to stay in the good graces of the IMF."
*       South Korea. October 2000 has seen over 20,000 protest about
globalization at an Asia Europe meeting.
*       Switzerland
*       Taiwan
*       Thailand
*       Turkey has seen protests, the latest being September 2000, where the IMF
is pressing for higher energy prices, wage "control" (i.e. reductions) and
tax reform.
*       Venezuela. On 27 February 1989, structural changes imposed by the IMF
were followed by a popular uprising (the caracazo), but was put down with
4,000 dead.
*       Zambia
*       Recent G8 Summits
*       The June 18 campaign in 1999 was another highly publicized event, with
biased media reporting. This was another international protest, where many
major cities in the world on the same day saw large protests. In fact, as
this report shows, the June 18 protests occurred all over the world,

*       Argentina
*       Australia
*       Belarus
*       Canada
*       Czech Republic.
*       Germany
*       Italy
*       Netherlands
*       Nigeria
*       Pakistan
*       Spain
*       Switzerland
*       United Kingdom
*       United States
*       Uruguay
*       Zimbabwe

Note that in many of these countries, the protests were in numerous cities.

These are just a small number of examples. (It is not even a complete
list.) And protests are likely going to continue around the globe if
policies continue along the way they are. (And suppressions or crackdowns
are equally likely -- ironically by the policing forces that are meant to
uphold people's rights, who instead are and will be upholding and
protecting the rights of the elite and power holders. The mainstream media
too is likely to continue its negative portrayal, as it affects them
directly as well.)

In fact, just a few months after writing the previous paragraph, amongst
other places, we have seen police crackdowns in Davos, Switzerland, at the
beginning of 2001 at the annual World Economic Forum and we see that the
next WTO meeting will be held in Qatar so that protestors cannot have a
chance of voicing their concerns (because Qatar has oppressive laws about
such things). Unfortunately this pattern is likely to continue.

Protestors Are Labeled as Anti-Trade and Anti-International

The (corporate-owned) mainstream media have often criticized the protestors
for being anti-trade or against international cooperation and hence anti
people, or against giving a chance for the poor to have a decent chance for
a standard living. In fact, it couldn't be further from the truth! Most
protestors are for international trade. However, the corporate-owned media
assume that the current form of globalization (i.e. corporate-led) is the
only way (and this is more anti-people than protestors have ever been). It
is already shown that this is increasing disparities (which has been
predicted by many over a number of years). Protestors are therefore voicing
their concerns to these issues.

However, there is one aspect the media have concentrated on
disproportionately although not realized that it is a concern with the
protests. That is, in the US especially, elements of the Right Wing have
been also opposing globalization and the progressive protestors risk
forming a dangerous alliance with them. The Right Wing have a more
isolationist agenda that the media attributes to all the protestors. While
that is a concern and something most would oppose, the vast majority of
protestors in Seattle and D.C. for example, have been progressive people
concerned at the social welfare and basic human (i.e economic and social as
well as civil and political) rights for those affected.

In the industrialized countries, there is the additional concern for one's
own job moving overseas which has also led to more people voicing their
concerns. As globalization in its current form continues, and IMF/World
Bank policies continue to open up developing countries and force their
wages and resources to become cheaper and cheaper, this puts a downward
pressure on wages in the western countries as well (because corporations
move to those cheaper areas, where they can take advantage of the
exploitation that can be done). Hence while many in developed nations may
have additional reasons to join in the protests, the voices of protestors
from developed and developing countries are at the same concern -- the
effects of overly corporate-led forms of globalization.

To developing countries, the effects are much worse as standards are
systematically reduced. The chance of improvement for most people around
the world, for an equitable share and chance are all becoming less likely
as the dependency and influence of outside force take control over their
lives, directly or indirectly. In developing countries especially, many are
aware of the geopolitical processes at play, as many have lived through
struggles against imperialism and colonialism. However, as the effects of
western policies are now also affecting a large number of citizens in their
own countries, protests are getting louder. While there may be elements of
nationalism and anti-internationalism involved, by far the largest factor
is fairness, equity, social justice, environmental, basic rights etc. in
international trade as international policies affects domestic policies.

Police Brutality and Other Civil Rights Violations Ignored

"A million dollar bail for walking down the street with a cell phone during
a demonstration. Passports taken and political activity forbidden because
of a misdemeanor act of civil disobedience. The big boys don't like to be
messed with, whether they are bombing the s[#$!] out of a Third World
country or meeting in luxury hotels and convention centers to keep the
reins of the world economy in their little paws. There's growing, worldwide
opposition to corporate global pillage. The response, typical of autocratic
regimes, is the criminalization of dissent." -- The Criminalization of
Dissent, FreeSpeech.org

The media has also ignored the often brutal police and law enforcement
crackdowns. Tactics have included:

*       torture
*       physical and sexual violence
*       detaining suspects without proof
*       not providing food or water or access to lawyers
*       absurd bails
*       and so on.

And this isn't just in countries where civil rights are not as prominent.
These are some of the same problems that have occurred in the United States.

Another tactic used has been to get the police to infiltrate as
"anarchists" as happened in Prague and Seattle.

In some places, including the US, where there are an expected large turnout
in public protests, the local police have often had to quickly increase
their numbers that are present. This itself has sometimes not helped as
often the rushed increase leads to more untrained police in confrontational
situations, who are more armed than citizens protesting.

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