-Caveat Lector-

Nailing the Company Spies


by Jeffrey Benner
Mar. 1, 2001

The end of the Cold War hit defense contractors such as Raytheon where it
hurts. In 1999, while commercial tech companies wallowed in cash,
Raytheon's profits were down 50 percent over the previous year, and its
stock price plummeted from $75 to $25.
Something had to be done. Raytheon decided to follow the money and put its
military technology experts to work figuring out how to cash in on the tech
boom. Last summer, it rolled out its first IT product, a revolutionary
network security program called SilentRunner. The program, designed to
"answer the insider threat," is powerful enough to be used by the
government's investigation agencies, yet it is for sale on the commercial
According to SilentRunner's slick brochure, enemies lurk within the
corporate environment and they must be stopped.
"We know that 84 percent of your network threats can be expected to come
from inside your organization.... This least intrusive of all detection
systems will guard the integrity of your network against abuses from
unauthorized employees, former employees, hackers or terrorists and
The program is a sophisticated information-gathering and analysis tool that
makes traditional keyword "sniffers" obsolete. It captures all the
information on a network, in any code or human language, and translates it
into easily decipherable three-dimensional diagrams of network behavior.
Never heard of SilentRunner? The scores of companies and government
agencies using the program to keep tabs on their agents and employees like
it that way. Organizations using SilentRunner have adopted a top-secret
attitude about the product to match its military-strength
intelligence-gathering capabilities.
Until December 2000, when security services provider TruSecure revealed it
had purchased the "lite" version of the program, not one organization,
public or private, had admitted to buying SilentRunner. On Feb. 1, the
computer forensic division of consulting firm Deloitte & Touche became the
second to say it uses the program.
Both companies provide security services to client companies. No
organization has admitted to using SilentRunner to monitor its own
employees. Why all the secrecy? Opinions vary.
"What could be interpreted by the fact that a corporation is using SR is
admission that there's a problem. That's really where the secrecy comes
from," said Paul Gentile, vice president of business development for
Raytheon's information-assurance division.
TruSecure spokeswoman Susan Lee said the company's clients, it provides
constant monitoring to nearly 400 companies, have asked not to be
identified for fear hackers will be tempted to infiltrate
SilentRunner-protected networks just for sport.
But keeping SilentRunner under wraps has an added bonus.  It allows
companies using the program to avoid scrutiny from groups concerned about
the erosion of privacy in the workplace.
The courts have established that so long as companies make clear to their
employees what sort of communication is company property, they can legally
monitor their networks with programs such as SilentRunner. The law does not
require employers to give details on monitoring, such as the technology
that would be used, in order to do so legally.
But privacy vs. security battles are still raging over gray areas such as
free e-mail accounts and password-protected private websites accessed from
work. In one recent case
Konop vs. Hawaiian Airlines, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled in
favor of a pilot who claimed his employer had accessed his website in
violation of the federal Wiretap Act.
Even Raytheon admits that a program as powerful as SilentRunner gives
employers the ability to step over the line.
"We train for legal uses," Gentile said. "What we cannot control is abuse
after licensing. It's like if we were Smith and Wesson, and you bought a
gun. We demonstrate appropriate uses, but we don't really have any control
over what they do after that."
What companies can do with SilentRunner is see everything going over their
network, from a panoramic view down to a detailed profile of precisely what
an individual worker is up to on the Net. What's more, workers won't know
if they are being watched.
"SilentRunner is completely undetectable to end users, and it captures
everything," said Kris Haworth, manager of the Deloitte & Touche computer
forensics lab in San Francisco.
Companies that suspect fraud inside their own organization can hire the lab
to investigate.
"On an individual user, we can see what you're e-mailing, where you are
surfing, if you send anything to be printed, collaborate with anyone on a
Word document, access or change the database, basically everything you're
doing on the network," she said.
Although the program gives broad access, lab analysts are careful to only
scrutinize information pertinent to the case at hand, she said.
SilentRunner's "collector" recognizes over 1,400 different protocols. It
can detect and analyze Web pages, e-mail, digital video and sound files,
spreadsheets, word documents, FTP, instant messages, passwords, you name it.
"The product is pretty incredible," said Dave Capuano, TruSecure's VP of
product management. "It can collect any traffic on the network. We've seen
it collect at 195,000 packets per second. That's about twice as fast as
traditional collectors. It can get all the data on a 250-terminal network
in about 20 minutes."
For TruSecure's needs, it generally uses SilentRunner to locate the most
valuable parts of a client's network -- the program actually captures too
much information, Capuano said.
"As a service provider, I don't want to collect e-mail information" on a
client, he said, citing liability concerns. "If their tool is going to
succeed in the market, they'll have to create some filters for it."
Unlike the FBI's Carnivore as well as commercially available "sniffer"
programs that search for keywords, SilentRunner uses algorithms to analyze
data 25 different ways. It assesses data on the "packet" or binary level,
clustering similar patterns of ones and zeroes.
This grouping mechanism allows the program to diagram conversations on
specific topics going on among members of a network. For example, a cabal
spending a lot of time e-mailing one another about inside trading
information would light up the screen. Messages passing outside the usual
channels of information would stick out as well, for example, from an R&D
lab to an out-of-network e-mail account.
SilentRunner presents the results of data analysis in three-dimensional
diagrams, which, reportedly, any lay person can easily decipher. "You can
actually 'see' an attack on the network," Haworth said.
Functioning at a binary level affords SilentRunner some extraordinary
capabilities. For example, given a writing sample, the program can easily
identify any other document written by the same author, so long as both are
written in the same language or code.
"An e-mail could be fed to the system as a template, and then it would
cluster others like it," said Christopher Scott, a chief architect of the
software.  "It's like a DNA sample of someone's writing."
The program analyzes text of any language with equal acuity, he said.
According to Gentile, in addition to unnamed government agencies, buyers
thus far include financial houses worried about insider trading, drug
companies with valuable intellectual property to protect, banks with
accounts to secure, and health care organizations with confidential medical
records stored online.
Raytheon (RTN.A) has sold 140 copies of SilentRunner for a total of $8.4
million. The top-of-the-line edition costs $65,000. A less powerful version
goes for $25,000. The average customer gets one license, but one government
agency bought 50.
Does the "internal threat" demand this new level of technology and vigilance?
Security experts say it does. A study of 3,180 businesses worldwide
conducted by Omni Consulting used the data to estimate that worldwide
corporate losses due to insecure networks jumped from $4.3 billion in 1999
to $11.6 billion in 2000.
While crackers get the bulk of media attention, Omni manager Frank Bernhard
attributed the dramatic losses to the sharp increase in telecommuting and
"employee transience"the tendency of workers to change jobs frequently,
often taking valuable information with them.  And, with the rise of the
knowledge-based economy, information has become a larger portion of assets.
"The loss is happening so quickly because more and more value is
knowledge-based, and information is portable," Bernhard said. "Employee
mobility is one of the single biggest threats to an organization's
security.  Due to telecommuting, people are working on less secure networks."
Omni measured a 19 percent increase in telecommuting from 2000 over 1999
alone. It also found a 44 percent increase in corporate spending on network
security in 2000 over the year before, with 62 percent of that spent on
securing networks from internal threats.
In 1999, Raytheon took action against some of its own employees it
suspected of compromising company information. Some of them learned the
hard way that talking about one's employer "privately," and even
anonymously, can be risky.
In February of that year, Raytheon sued 21 "John Does" for $25,000 in
damages due to criticisms of the company made on Internet message boards.
Raytheon said it suspected current and former employees were responsible
for the anonymous postings, accusing them of revealing confidential
information. The company successfully subpoenaed Yahoo to find out who made
the comments, then abruptly dropped the suit. At least four of the 21,
including one VP, resigned after being identified.
International Data Corporation estimates the worldwide corporate market for
network monitoring and filtering products will rise from $62 million in
1999 to $561 million in 2004. At a presentation to investors on Feb. 7,
Raytheon set a revenue target for its IT security division, of which
SilentRunner is the centerpiece at $250 million by 2005.

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