The one story here is re Springmeier and states he used many different

I note he uses German names primarily - which is a little obvious.   His
connections to me sound a little more than just suspicious.

The informationo he puts out is nothing dangerous or new - nothing to
use phoney names about - the alleged big time drug operation sounds
strange - but the ID's he had are something else.

So what is Fritz's real name - this stuff on Satanic bloodlnes - and the
bad information of Fitzgerald line - this is staggering for the
Geraldines were one of the most famous lines in Irish History - the
Fitzgerlds (all sons of Og) were murdered by vicious vendetta - 7
hanged, drawn and quartered - St. Patrick carried the Fitzgerald Coat of
Arms .......

And this man with this satanic bloodline stuff should be assured, as a
Plantagenet and a Fitzgerald the Mormon Church already has labeled these
great Kings and Nobility as descendents of Satan and Demons - but then
who wrote the books - but the key to the Fitzgrald curse you find in the
bible - and as usual the usual suspects are involved.

So Fritz - look at his face and say do I trust this face - no way.   Is
her a German?   He seems like ones who leads the little red arrows to
groups and frankly maybe he was set up or he is part of the set up - but
if you check him out you will not find he what he pretends to be.

Like this Jewish Mafia in Columbus where Meyer Lansky would visit the
home of one - murderers, in on drugs and without a doubt behind shooting
of Larry Flynt for he was new kid on block - but the neo nazi literature
the spread some of which was in blue ink and came off the press right in
this little basement......

So what is he - just a front for drugs using White People of Christian
faith as a front - when behind you find more than just marijuana plants?

So anyway Fritz did not have the marijuana plants - this information
from APN is interesting.

I am thinking ADL is behind this stuff......and one of their big deals
lately was to try to get this Marc Rich aka Reich off the hook - ADL of
course put Christian groups on FBI Hate list and it was the ADl who told
FBI and BATf to stay home that day in Oklahoma and warned one judge
while the others were blown to hell or mutilaated and babies left in


About Fritz Springmeier    
Survivors/victims, be cautious when reading the following allegations.
It can be triggering ... At the bottem of this page is the latest news I
got about Fritz. The reader be the judge .......
There are many things said by different people about Fritz Springmeier.
He wrote a number of books on trauma-based mindcontrol, creating
undetectable mindcontrolled slaves with MPD through torture. I
personally believe that the content of these books is accurate. He is
active in the therapeutic community too. Some even believe that Fritz is
allegedly used by the Illuminati one way or another, and that he is
possibly dangerous, maybe he is ...... maybe he is not. At this moment,
I don't know for sure. There are those who say that Fritz himself is
possibly a Monarch victim, and I have heard from one person that Fritz
was allegedly being seen on the San Francisco Airport together with
Anton Lavey (a satanist), probably to re-capture an escaped victim.
There are however so many voices from "both sides" that it is hard to
determine what is true and what is not true. An e-mail was forwarded to
me by a friend, which was supposedly written by a mindcontrol victim
who's name and gender I will not mention to anyone. This victim says
he/she has actually lived with Fritz and Cisco for a while (Cisco
Wheeler, daughter of the late general Wheeler, an illuminati programmer
who ritually abused Cisco. Cisco is Fritz' co-author). 
The following refers to Fritz, not to Cisco ..... 
He/she says that the atmosphere allegedly was not very pleasant, and had
all the hallmarks of an abusive home. He/she found it a bit strange that
Fritz allegedly did not live close to his own wife, but very close to
Cisco, never leaving her out of sight. To me these accusations are very
serious of course, and I do not want to draw conclusions too soon. One
needs to be objective, not subjective. When we think subjectively, we
draw conclusions as soon as we see or hear something. This is not the
way to deal with these kind of things. And above all, we must give a
person the opportunity to explain himself. One is innocent untill proven
This alleged victim however, also is convinced that Fritz gives certain
drugs to Cisco to keep her in the condition she is in. According to this
mindcontrol victim Cisco believes she is free while in fact she is an
alleged slave of Fritz. I still need proof for this though. As I said,
there also are also some comments from the therapeutic community about
Fritz. Some say that at conferences he frequently interrupts other
speakers, and is acting like a person who knows better than anybody else
what MPD is. But again, it could be true that he has more knowledge
about it then others. So perhaps this criticism is not valid.
It must also be said though, that a lot of deprogrammers are throwing
dirt at eachother and accuse eachother of the wildest things. Sometimes
it is difficult to find out what is really true. Kurt Billings for
example, claims that 90 % of the Monarch Mindcontrol Book is false, but
when listening to victims who have read the book, one has to conclude
that it is the other way around, 90 % of the book is accurate, if not
Whatever you think, do research yourself first before making up your
mind. Try to verify everything he wrote. Don't believe everything he
wrote right away, but don't immediately discard it either.
A good book to read about MPD is "Uncovering the Mistery of MPD" by
James G. Friessen Ph.D. (ISBN: 0 - 8407 - 4385 - 8). Friesen is the
director of a counseling center in Southern California. His discoveries
in the area of MPD have made him a much-sought after speaker at national
conferences of his peers. Friesen also serves as adjunct professor at
Fuller Graduate School of Psychology. He is a licensed psychologist and
a licensed minister with graduate degrees in both areas. What many
secular therapists overlook, is the demonic aspect in MPD, Friesen does
not overlook this, and the results he got with patients after dealing
with the demonic, were very encouraging. He advances in healing his
patients where other therapists get stuck for years because they do not
want to acknowledge the demonic aspect of MPD. Although in my opinion,
he tends to underestimate spiritual warfare a bit. In his book he also
deals with Satanic Ritual Abuse, and how the justice system is actually
built on quicksand. So he knows what he is talking about.
Different I.D. Cards of Fritz
I got these copies of different I.D. Cards of Fritz Springmeier from a
friend. Why Fritz has used these different I.D. Cards is unknown to me,
but they give reason for speculation. 
My Advise
If you are a mindcontrol victim and reading this information about Fritz
Springmeier, take a break from it all, don't brood over all these
contradicting theories about one single person. It's not worth it. It
robs you of your precious time. If you by any chance are depressed and
feeling deflated, give your mind some rest, look around for a minute,
try to enjoy other people around you, as you watch them in their jobs
and daily routine. Take a walk in the forest. Nature was given to us by
God for our entertainment. Try to enjoy it if you can.
The latest news on Fritz Springmeier
This information comes from an e-mail which was forwarded to me:
This is a news clipping about the arrest of fritz springmeier. Although
i haven't spoken with him in a couple of years, i consider him a good
friend and believe that this arrest is a frame-up. Please post this
information on your site. 
Drugs, hate literature seized in couple's home - The Associated Press
3/2/01 9:17 PM
CORBETT, Oregon. (AP) -- A Clackamas County couple was arrested on
drug-related charges as part of a continuing investigation into the
activities of a white separatist group. Fritz A. Springmeier, 45, also
known as Victor E. Schoff, and his wife, Patricia Springmeier, 46, were
charged Thursday with first-degree manufacture and distribution of a
controlled substance and conspiracy to manufacture and distribute
controlled substances. They were held in the Clackamas County Jail on
$10,500 bail each. The FBI, the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and
Firearms and Clackamas County Sheriff's deputies searched the couple's
home Thursday and seized marijuana-growing equipment, several weapons
and white seperatist literature, said Angela Blanchard, a sheriff's
department spokeswoman.
Fritz Springmeier writes books on the beliefs of the Christian Patriot
Association, an ultra-right-wing group based in Boring,
[ saba NOTE;I
f this drug stuff is true he is in with the mob and organized crime -
this was big time operation to which is is alleged to be hooked?]

Blanchard said. Police believe the Springmeiers are linked to at least
one person arrested last month in Sandy. Three people were arrested Feb.
9 at a rural Sandy home, where police seized military-style weapons and
50 marijuana plants. Police also found small amounts of ammonium nitrate
and fuel oil and literature affiliated with the Army of God, a white
supremacist group connected to the 1997 bombings of an abortion clinic
and a gay nightclub in Atlanta. Forest E. Bateman Junior, 29, is still
being held at the Justice Center Jail in Portland on outstanding
warrants for previous charges of assault and illegal possession of an
AK-47 assault rifle. Two others, Anthony D. Huntington, 28, and Jennifer
J. Williams, 27, were released. 
Blanchard said investigators believe the Springmeiers helped Bateman
grow and distribute marijuana. Bateman and Fritz Springmeier met at a
Christian Patriot Association meeting several years ago, she said. "We
think that part of their supplemental income came from selling
marijuana," she said.

"We believe they were very close and worked in concert together to
operate a marijuana grown operation." In November, federal agents
arrested six members of the Christian Patriot Association on accusations
of operating a $186 million "warehouse bank" scheme in Clackamas County
that allowed 900 people across the nation to hide their money from the
Internal Revenue Service. The case has not yet come to trial.
This article was also in The Oregonian on Friday, March 2, 2001, under
the heading Deputies, feds arrest Corbett couple. Click on the link and
you'll see the article right away. I don't know how long it will be on.
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Fritz Springmeier arrested

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Fritz Springmeier arrested
Date: Sun, 04 Mar 2001 08:23:30 -0600
From: Jean Staffen - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: American Patriot Friends Network - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Deputies, feds arrest Corbett couple

An investigation continues into activities of a white separatist group,
including drugs and weapons

Friday, March 2, 2001

By Stuart Tomlinson of The Oregonian staff

CORBETT -- Federal agents and Clackamas County sheriff's deputies arrested a
Corbett couple Thursday as part of an ongoing investigation into the
activities of a white separatist group.

Fritz A. Springmeier, 45, also known as Victor E. Schoff, and his wife,
Patricia Springmeier, 46, are accused of first-degree manufacture and
distribution of a controlled substance, and conspiracy to manufacture and
distribute controlled substances. They are being held in the Clackamas
County Jail.

Agents from the FBI and the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms
as well as sheriff's deputies searched the couple's home on Groce Road for
several hours Thursday, said Deputy Angela Blanchard, spokeswoman for the
Clackamas County Sheriff's Department.

Blanchard said police seized equipment used to grow marijuana, several
weapons and white separatist literature. The weapons were not "anything
illegal to have in your home," she said.

Fritz Springmeier was known for writing books and tracts on the beliefs of
the Christian Patriot Association, an ultra-right-wing group based in Boring.
"He does a lot of public speaking and proclaims himself to be a self-employed
author," Blanchard said.

Last month, police arrested three people in a Sandy-area home and seized
military-style weapons and 50 marijuana plants. Two of the people were
released, but a third suspect, Forrest E. Bateman Jr., 29, is being held at
the Justice Center Jail in Portland on outstanding warrants for previous
charges of assault and illegal possession of an AK-47 assault rifle.

In the Feb. 9 raid, agents also seized a small amount of ammonium nitrate and
fuel oil, and literature affiliated with the Army of God, a white supremacist
group connected to the 1997 bombings of an abortion clinic and a gay
nightclub in Atlanta.

Blanchard said Fritz Springmeier and Bateman met at a Christian Patriot
Association meeting several years ago.

"We think that part of their supplemental income came from selling
marijuana," she said. "We believe they were very close and worked
in concert together to operate a marijuana grown operation."

In November, federal agents arrested six members of the Christian Patriot
Association on accusations of operating a $186 million "warehouse bank"
scheme in Clackamas County that allowed 900 people across the nation to
hide their money from the Internal Revenue Service. The case has not yet
come to trial.

About Fritz Springmeier

See an example of Fritz Springmeier's work at:

Satanic Bloodlines
by: Fritz Springmeier

Fritz Springmeier at Prophesy Club (2 parts)
(the following movies may take some time to download...
please have patience....they are worth it!!, cut past
windows media player)
Part #1 - 1 hr 16 min.

Part #2  1 hr 26 min

The latest news on Fritz Springmeier



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