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MER Editorial:


They came to Washington -- the two-for-one power couple -- with the campaign
promise to bring health care to all Americans; they left (but Hillary is
already back on Capitol Hill) with the dangerous corporate for profit HMO's
in power and more uninsured than ever despite the economic juggernaunt.

They came to Washington promising campaign finance reform -- they left
with things worse than ever including a stain and smell from the Oval Office

And when it comes to real "peace" and world affairs, things aren't much
brighter, no matter how many times Bill Clinton utters the words "peace
process".  Behind the rhetorical smokescreen advanced arms are pouring
into the Middle East, space is about to be militarized with the Russians
and Chinese threatening to respond to America's "star wars", and ABC weapons
(Atomic, Biological, and Chemical) are proliferating propelled at last
in significant part by American hypocrisy and militarism.

And now we learn that Bill Clinton has another trip to India planned.
Supposedly he's going because of his humanitarian concern for the January
26th earthquake victims.  But as always with Clinton there are hidden agendas
and hidden money interests.  After all this is the Bill Clinton who sold
himself and the White House to the Israeli/Jewish lobby as no President
ever before -- something MER has been detailing from the start years ago
now, not just recently, and not just with the Marc Rich fiasco.

The real purpose of the upcoming Clinton visit to India it seems is to
sound out a possible mediation role for the former President in the Kashmir

According to The Sunday Times of India a few weeks ago, with his long-standing
desire to play an ongoing role in the "Peace Processes" in Northern Ireland
and the Middle East both rebuffed, it seems Bill Clinton has chosen Kashmir
to keep him in the headlines and in demand.

"I guess his only window is India where his natural charm appears to have
floored many Indians" during his March 2000 visit, an official from the
Democratic Party was quoted saying.

Well...Clinton brought the Israelis and their dually-loyal friends right
into the National Security Council, the State Department, and the Oval
Office as no other President before him.  And fronting for the Israelis
as he did, and as the key Arab regimes especially Arafat allowed him to
do, he managed to bring the whole region to the brink of war before he
left the Oval Office.

As for Northern Ireland, with the help of Clinton and George Mitchell (now
reassigned to Middle East duties himself) the Brits have managed to patch
together another convoluted and in the end chicanerous "peace process"
in this explosive area as well.
They've renamed a few things and tinkered here and there, but the British
remain in occupation of Northern Ireland as has become more evident of
late.  Like in the Middle East they've managed to create some illusions
of hope without actually ending British rule or tackling the underlying
reasons the conflict continues.  Plus of course let's not forget that it
was the British who created both the Palestine and Kashmir conflicts in
years past.

But now...looking ahead...Oh my God!  Bill Clinton is going to now get
himself involved in a Kashmir "peace process"!

Get out the hard hats, the flak jackets, and the check books.  Clinton
may not quite be a bull in the China shop.  But he sure has turned out
to be quite a hungry rat (or stinky skunk, take your pick) -- and some
of us told you that a long time ago.

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                Fax:  815 366-0800
                Email:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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