-Caveat Lector-

> > Please visit our web site at http://www.rb.org.il,
> >
> > now in the TOP 21st (21.26%) percentile (no. 232,132)
> >
> > out of OVER ONE MILLION (1,092,121) websites worldwide
> >
> > ranked by WebsMostLinked.com as of March 7, 2001.
> >
> >
> > ************************************
> >
> >
> > Rabin Assassination and Current Political Situation in
> > Israel/Commentary:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > by Barry Chamish
> > urgent messages:  [[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> >
> > http://www.webseers.com/rabin
> >
> >
> > ********
> >
> >
> >
> > MARCH 10-11
> > [[EMAIL PROTECTED]]            Salt Lake City, UT
> >
> > MARCH 13
> > [[EMAIL PROTECTED]]             Denver, Colorado
> >
> > MARCH 16
> > [[EMAIL PROTECTED]]          Dallas, San Antonio, Houston, Tyler
> > TX
> >
> > APRIL 3
> > [[EMAIL PROTECTED]]       Honolulu, HI
> >
> >
> > ********
> >
> >
> >
> > The Second Root & Branch Association Jerusalem Conference on the
> > Rabin
> > Assassination will take place on Rabin Remembrance Day on Monday,
> > October
> > 29, 2001
> >
> >
> >
> > MODI'IN, Yom Chamishi (Fifth Day -- "Thursday"), 13 Adar, 5761
> > (Gregorian
> > Date:  March 8, 2001) (Hijri Date:  12 Thul-Hujja, 1421), Root &
> > Branch:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > The Rabin murder is enjoying a revival thanks to Margalit Har
> Shefi's
> >
> > impending imprisonment and the postponement of Avishai Raviv's
> trial
> > until
> > June 2, when it will be postponed again.
> >
> > A campaign has been organized to pressure President Katzav into
> > pardoning
> > Har Shefi.  A word of advice:  If the organizers of this campaign
> > insist on
> > arguing that Har Shefi couldn't read Amir's mind and thus didn't
> take
> > his
> > threats against Rabin seriously, their campaign is doomed. Har
> Shefi
> > is
> > innocent because Amir didn't murder Rabin...period.
> >
> > Will the campaign organizers find the courage or will to base their
> > plea
> > for Har Shefi's freedom on the truth, for a big change?
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Here it comes.  People are confused and surprised by the supposedly
> > sympathetic new U.S. Secretary-of-State Colin Powell's call for
> > "even-handedness" in the Israeli/Arab conflict.  Same old policy:
> > press
> > Israel into retreat.  Now how many times must I repeat the same
> > message?  Powell is a member of the Council On Foreign Relations
> > (C.F.R.).  Powell owes his power to them and he takes his orders
> from
> >
> > them.  There is no individualistic Secretary-of-State, there is
> only
> > the
> > C.F.R.  Powell, like all his predecessors at the post, are front
> men
> > and
> > nothing more.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Remember him?  He is the journalist-cum-Rabin's-office-manager who,
> > on the
> > assassination night, absconded with Rabin's belongings at the
> > hospital and
> > then emptied Rabin's file cabinets of their incriminating
> > contents.  Remember Ehud Barak?  Before he left his Interior
> Ministry
> >
> > office after the 1996 Netanyahu victory, Barak gutted the file
> > cabinets of
> > all "sensitive" records.  Well, as a final gesture to Haber, Barak
> > opened
> > the government's "sensitive" Rabin files to Haber exclusively
> because
> > Haber
> > is writing a book about the murder.  Haber will, of course, write
> > himself
> > out of the plot.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > If anyone wonders how I acquire high-level intelligence, look at
> the
> > following letter from a long-loyal correspondent, as a fine example
> > of how
> > you help get the truth out:
> >
> > "Listen to this, I met Jack Kemp last week.  I was at this function
> > and he
> > [Kemp] was there.  I spoke to him for 5 minutes.  He's a good
> > supporter of
> > Israel.  So listen to what he [Kemp] told me:  The person who was
> > most
> > anti-Israel and who works for the Council on Foreign Relations is
> > N. HAASS.  This idiot is a self-hating Jew.  Do you [Barry] know
> > anything
> > about RICHARD N. HAASS?  He [Kemp] told me, he [Haass] was the
> person
> >
> > directing U.S Policy in the Middle East, even today.  He [Kemp]
> also
> > told
> > me, when he was in the Bush Administration, 1989 to 1983, this guy
> > Richard
> > Haas was the Anti-Israel guy and was directing the policy".
> >
> > Jack Kemp is a high level source.  He has identified Israel's top
> > enemy in
> > the C.F.R.  I had planned to run a deep search on Haass but time
> > doesn't
> > permit me right now.  So, maybe, someone else will.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Now look at the following new item:
> >
> >
> > ********
> >
> > New York Times News Service
> > February 22, 2001
> >
> > ROME -- Pope John Paul II on Wednesday installed 44 new cardinals
> in
> > a
> > ceremony combining pageantry with the purpose of molding the
> > institution
> > that will someday pick his successor.  It was the largest single
> > investiture of cardinals.
> >
> > After the cardinals recited an oath of fidelity to the pope and his
> > successors, the pontiff received them one by one at his golden
> > throne,
> > handing them as they knelt before him the red biretta, a silken,
> > square-ridged hat that symbolizes their rank as princes of the
> > church.
> >
> > Pope John Paul has appointed 166 cardinals, more than any other
> pope.
> >  Only
> > 10 of the 135 cardinals who are eligible to vote for the next pope
> > were not
> > appointed by him.
> >
> > Among the new elite were three American prelates:  Cardinal Edward
> > Egan,
> > 68, of New York; Cardinal Theodore McCarrick, 70, of Washington;
> and
> > CARDINAL AVERY DULLES, 82, a JESUIT theologian at Fordham
> University
> > and
> > SON OF of U.S. statesman JOHN FOSTER DULLES.
> >
> > ********
> >
> >
> > Why should this be of interest to anyone interested in Israel's
> > salvation?  For those who read about the Dulles' plots against
> Israel
> > in
> > the Loftus/Arons book, "The Secret War Against The Jews", the
> answer
> > is clear.
> >
> > For those who haven't, permit me to quote from Christopher
> Simpson's
> > book,
> > "The Splendid Blond Beast":
> >
> > "Allen Dulles exploited his post in the Office Of Strategic
> Services
> > (O.S.S.) to quash war crimes prosecutions of senior Nazi officials
> > and
> > German business leaders who cooperated with him in a series of
> > clandestine
> > schemes to secure U.S. advantage in Central Europe...Meanwhile,
> John
> > Foster
> > Dulles helped forge consensus on Wall Street and in the Republican
> > Party in
> > favor of an 'internationalist' U.S. foreign policy based on
> > rebuilding the
> > German economic elite into a renewed bulwark against revolution in
> > Europe".
> >
> > Based on my reading of Phelps' "Vatican Assassins" and Saussy's
> > "Rulers Of
> > Evil", I have accepted that it has been the Jesuit's "Black Pope",
> > the real
> > ruler of the Vatican, who is behind the Secret War Against The
> > Jews.  Unknown to most Jews, the papal appointment of the Jesuit
> > Avery
> > Dulles to American Cardinal is a poignant lesson in modern Jewish
> > history.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Peres fought like a cornered rat to drag his party into Sharon's
> > government.  Peres is well aware that if he is out of power for
> even
> > a day,
> > he will not be able to control the Rabin murder truth from
> remaining
> > concealed, nor his central role in the assassination.  He knows it
> > and
> > Sharon knows it.  What a situation to return to.
> >
> >
> >
> > *****************************************************
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Recently, the Israeli Supreme Court turned down Margalit Har
> Shefi's
> > petition to appeal her indictment for failure to prevent the murder
> > of
> > Yitzhak Rabin.  So she's off to the slammer for nine months and I
> > feel
> > little sympathy for her.  Here's why.
> >
> > Shortly after Yitzhak Rabin's murder, Margalit Har Shefi was
> arrested
> > as a
> > suspect in a wider conspiracy than just Yigal Amir.  Not long after
> > her
> > imprisonment, the Shabak (General Security Services) provocateur
> > Avishai
> > Raviv was placed inside her cell.  Since mixing the sexes in
> Israeli
> > jails
> > is forbidden, we can be pretty sure that Har Shefi had some Shabak
> > ties of
> > her own.
> >
> > But so did her uncle, Rav Benny Elon, who will soon be sitting in
> the
> > new
> > Sharon government. A few days after, Rav Elon broke the news that
> > Yigal
> > Amir's good buddy in the Eyal movement, Avishai Raviv, was a Shabak
> > agent
> > and Eyal was a Shabak creation.  How did Rav Elon know before
> anyone
> > else?
> >
> > Rav Elon knew because HE worked with Raviv, and I have solid
> > witnesses to
> > back me up.  Rav Elon hung around young people at anti-Oslo rallies
> > and
> > directed them into the arms of Avishai Raviv.  As one Eyal teenager
> > told
> > me, "I was at a protest rally outside Orient House and Benny Elon
> > told me,
> > 'You have to meet this guy'.  Then he [Elon] introduced me to
> > Avishai.  He
> > [Elon] was the matchmaker between me and Raviv and because of him,
> I
> > could
> > have been Yigal Amir".
> >
> > Early in my research I worked with two filmmakers, Merav Ktorza and
> > Alon
> > Eilat, who turned out to be inappropriate to the task.  But they
> did
> > score
> > a few coups.  One occurred in a meeting with Rav Elon.  Rav Elon
> told
> > them
> > that a couple of months before the assassination, Yitzhak Shamir
> > called Rav
> > Elon into his office and told him, 'They're going to kill Rabin and
> > blame
> > the Right.  They're planning another Arlozoroff and this time we
> > won't get
> > back in power for another fifty years.  I want you to identify
> > potential
> > assassins in your community to prevent the murder".
> >
> > Rav Elon refused to repeat the statement on camera, but these are
> two
> >
> > strong witnesses who said he made it.
> >
> > Margalit Har Shefi, a political organizer at Bar Ilan University,
> > started
> > palling around with two Shabak assets, Avishai Raviv and Yigal
> Amir.
> > Amir
> > was the chief social director and public speaker of Eyal.  His task
> > was to
> > attract idealistic young people opposed to the Oslo Accords and
> turn
> > them
> > into hyper-extremist criminals.  The youths he attracted at his
> > Shabbat
> > seminars and his yeshivah speaking engagements were then directed
> > into the
> > clutches of Raviv and Eyal.
> >
> > Amir and Rav Benny Elon were doing the same thing for the Shabak.
> I
> > strongly suspected so was Har Shefi and I said so publicly at the
> > Rabin
> > Assassination Conference last December 31 in Jerusalem.  Listening
> to
> > me in
> > the audience was Har Shefi's grandmother, Rabbanit Pnina Peli.
> >
> > Rabbanit Peli approached me after my speech, introduced herself and
> > said,
> > "You're right about Margalit and Benny but you've got the motive
> all
> > wrong".  I quickly directed Rabbanit Peli to a semi-quiet nook in
> the
> >
> > auditorium and asked her what she meant.  "They were supposed to do
> a
> > good
> > thing, stop a political assassination.  They didn't know the Shabak
> > was
> > using them", Rabbanit Peli said.
> >
> > Too many people were approaching me with questions and I asked
> > Rabbanit
> > Peli to meet me at the end of the conference.  However, the event
> > went on
> > too long and I had to suffice myself with our two minutes of
> > conversation.  But I think that what Rabbanit Peli said was wise
> and
> > right.
> >
> > Rav Benny Elon was an early activist for truth about the Rabin
> > assassination.  He testified at the Shamgar Commission about
> Raviv's
> > activities and then, as far as I know, never made a public
> accusation
> >
> > again.  That task was left to his wife, Rabbanit Emunah Elon, who
> > collected
> > all the newspaper clippings about Raviv in one damning volume
> called
> > "The
> > Raviv File".  Then Rabbanit Elon stopped her activities.
> >
> > The Elon family knows all about Raviv and the more lurid background
> > of the
> > Rabin murder but they have not helped Margalit Har Shefi in any
> way.
> > The
> > opposite.  Rav Benny Elon's left wing brother was hired as Har
> > Shefi's
> > lawyer and he simply did not defend her.  Worse, he incriminated
> her
> > even
> > more deeply.
> >
> > Advocate Elon's chosen defence was that Har Shefi didn't take
> Amir's
> > threats against Rabin seriously and to prove it he coached Har
> Shefi
> > to
> > stress the fact that she asked her rabbi if Amir's biblical
> > justifications
> > for Rabin's murder were legitimate.  What a trap Advocate Elon laid
> > for Har
> > Shefi!  Obviously, if Har Shefi went to her rabbi, she did take
> Amir
> > seriously and thus should have informed the police about him.
> That's
> > the
> > way the judges saw it and from then on Har Shefi's chances for
> > acquittal
> > were over.
> >
> > Margalit Har Shefi had the best defence of all.  She was innocent
> of
> > the
> > charge of not preventing Yigal Amir from murdering Yitzhak Rabin
> > because
> > Amir didn't do it.  She and her family have been contacted by
> > numerous
> > friends and given the documentation.  There is not an honest court
> on
> > earth
> > which would convict Amir because there is no evidence against him.
> > But
> > there is a whole pile of solid evidence against Rabin's bodyguard,
> > Yoram
> > Rubin, who did shoot him and almost as much against Shimon Peres,
> who
> >
> > indirectly ordered Rubin to do so.
> >
> > If Har Shefi and her family were really interested in saving her
> from
> >
> > prison, they would have used it.  If Rav Benny Elon really cared
> > about his
> > niece, he would have testified to what he knew about Raviv and the
> > murder.  If Margalit Har Shefi wanted to be free, she would have
> told
> > the
> > truth about Eyal.
> >
> > Now, I know they were warned not to.  We can be sure the warnings
> > were
> > terrible and terrifying. However, there are other people trying to
> > get to
> > the bottom of the Rabin assassination who have suffered in similar
> > ways and
> > I'm one of them.  I'm taking ridiculous risks, so how can I be very
> > sympathetic to Har Shefi when she won't tell the truth to save her
> > life?
> >
> > I can only suggest a strong action which could redeem her.  On
> > February 27
> > (postponed again, until June), in Jerusalem District Court, Avishai
> > Raviv's
> > trial begins again.  Raviv is also charged with failure to prevent
> > Rabin's
> > murder and his role is a great deal deeper than Har Shefi's.  It
> > would be a
> > very good idea for her and her advocates to sit in on his trial if
> > the
> > sessions are open.  Raviv's trial must be scrutinized without
> letup,
> > not
> > just for her sake, but for Rabin's and that of the Jewish nation.
> > The
> > phone number of the court is (02) 670-6411.  She would be wise to
> > find out
> > if the trial will be open and when.  She would be wiser if her
> > supporters
> > filled the courtroom at all times.
> >
> > Meanwhile, Rabin's real murderer Shimon Peres is on his way to the
> > Sharon
> > cabinet, while Margalit Har Shefi is on her way to prison.  Such is
> > the
> > upside down moral reality of Israel.
> >
> >
> >
> > *****************************************************
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Josh Wander, the gutsy Jerusalem Post Radio interviewer, who's
> > conversation
> > with me was placed on the Weekender section of the Post's radio
> page
> > recently, called to say that, "Our interview was taken off the
> site.
> > The
> > order came from higher-ups".
> >
> > In that interview, I traced Ariel Sharon's ties to the Council on
> > Foreign
> > Relations (C.F.R.) and promised listeners that there would be no
> > change of
> > policy with the new prime minister, only a change of style.  Oslo
> > would
> > continue and its promulgators, Ehud Barak and Shimon Peres would
> lead
> > the
> > cabinet as before.
> >
> > "I think what got them angry", explained Wander, "were your
> > accusations
> > against Henry Kissinger.  I heard he's on the Post board".  That
> > wouldn't
> > surprise me since the chairman of this board is C.F.R. hotshot
> Conrad
> > Black.
> >
> > In the past few days I have received a torrent of mail about the
> > interview.  Typical was this comment from Australia:  "Israel has a
> > true
> > free media.  In Australia they ban opinions against the C.F.R. and
> > other
> > hidden governors".
> >
> > Wander noted, "I know, it's like the Rabin assassination, you were
> > hushed up".
> >
> > Was the interview deleted because I used salacious language or made
> > false
> > accusations?  My correspondence hints at nothing of the kind.
> >
> > Here is a letter from an editor of the Z.N.S. press service:
> >
> >
> > ********
> >
> >
> > "Hi Barry,
> >
> > Shalom, and "todah rabah" for the link to your "Jerusalem Post"
> radio
> >
> > interview.  I found it fascinating for several reasons.  First, it
> > was
> > gratifying to me to hear you expose the C.F.R.  You did a
> magnificent
> > job,
> > especially considering the limited time available to you on that
> > show.  You
> > were superb!
> >
> > Second, you packed more meat and potatoes into the few minutes
> > available to
> > you than any other guest I've heard on radio.  Your presentation
> was
> > very,
> > very well organized, it never flagged, and you articulated your
> > points clearly.
> >
> > Third, your familiarity with the past 50 years or so of
> international
> >
> > political history was readily apparent.  You came across to me as a
> > extremely intelligent, mature, level-headed, and dedicated
> > scholar-journalist.  I salute you!
> >
> > Again, many thanks for pointing me to your radio interview.
> Hearing
> > your
> > voice and delivery style helped me think of you more as a real
> > person, a
> > friend of mine in Israel.
> >
> > If you know Rabbi Marvin Antelman, and if you could visit him, he
> > could
> > show you his copy of my recent book, "Money -- Ye shall have honest
> > weights
> > and measures".  To find out more about "Money," visit
> > http://www.principiapub.com.  "Money" blows the whistle on the
> C.F.R.
> > but does
> > so only indirectly.
> >
> >
> > Shalom,
> >
> > Best wishes,
> > Jim Ewart
> >
> >
> > ********
> >
> >
> > So I'm hushed up.  Meanwhile, Sharon is determined to place two
> > totally
> > corrupt politicos in his cabinet.  Barak will soon face the music
> for
> >
> > approving an election financing scam involving fleecing foreign
> > donors
> > through phoney charitable funds which lined his back pocket, and
> > Peres's
> > central role in murdering Yitzhak Rabin will soon become the
> > country's
> > scandal of the century.
> >
> > Meanwhile, eight young men and women are murdered in a bus atrocity
> > and
> > Hizbullah murders a soldier on patrol and our government exacts
> > precisely
> > no revenge.
> >
> > Meanwhile, "Abdul Rauf el-Codbi el-Husseini" ("Yasser Arafat", both
> > fictitious names) flies to Spain and Morocco, followed by a snap
> > visit to
> > Israel by Spain's prime minister, and our government hides the fact
> > that
> > its decisions are being determined through Spain and the Vatican.
> >
> > Meanwhile, I am being fed information which I cannot yet confirm
> but
> > which
> > you're going to get anyway.  I'm told Clinton's Marc Rich pardon is
> > leading
> > in a most unpleasant direction for Clinton. Certain people tracing
> > the
> > extent of Rich's bribes have uncovered tantalizing hints that
> Clinton
> > was
> > about to receive a huge chunk of money from an Arab oil account if
> he
> >
> > succeeded in getting Israel out of Judea and Samaria and Liberated
> > Ancient
> > ("East") Jerusalem before the end of his term.
> >
> > On December 31, 2000, the first conference on the Rabin
> assassination
> > was
> > held in Jerusalem.  Some observers have suggested that the event
> > terrified
> > our security establishment so much that they decided to create a
> > diversion
> > so big that it would sabotage the conference.  The incident was the
> > murder
> > of Binyamin Kahane and his wife Talya.
> >
> > For doing my best to save my dying nation, the Jerusalem Post has
> > deleted
> > their radio interview with me.  If you think that is unfair, their
> > complaints department can be reached at  [[EMAIL PROTECTED]].
> >
> > Look what that Josh Wander's interview with me uncovered.  Thanks
> to
> > the
> > courage of Josh Wander, solid proof of Sharon's C.F.R. connections
> > emerged.
> >
> > Read this beauty:
> >
> >
> > ********
> >
> > http://www.foreignrelations.org/public/pubs/Sharon_1-24-01_Vid.html
> >
> > General Meeting, Videoconference from Tel Aviv to New York and
> > Washington,
> > D.C., Wednesday, January 24, 2001
> >
> > "A Conversation with Ariel Sharon"
> >
> > Ariel Sharon
> > Chairman, Israel's Likud Party
> >
> > New York Presider:
> > Marilyn Berger
> > Journalist
> >
> > Washington, DC Presider:
> > Judith Kipper
> > Director, Middle East Forum,
> > Council on Foreign Relations
> >
> > Video Presentation
> >
> > To view these proceedings, you will need Windows Media Player 6.4
> or
> > higher, running on a Windows 98, NT, or 2000 operating system.  Mac
> > versions are also available.  You can download the player for FREE.
> >
> > Play Video Sharon - 56k
> > Play Video Sharon - 250k
> >
> > This meeting was on the record.
> >
> > Website Guide | About the Council | Council Highlights | Foreign
> > Affairs
> > Magazine | Council Publications | Search | Home
> >
> > Copyright 2001 by the Council on Foreign Relations, Inc.
> > All rights reserved.
> >
> > ********
> >
> >
> > YESSIREEE FOLKS, come one, come all and get your very own copy of
> > Ariel
> > Sharon's C.F.R. Show.
> > Purchase your video from C.F.R. Productions.  It's fun for the
> whole
> > family
> > and compact enough to fit in your purse.  If you order right now,
> you
> > will
> > receive, at no extra charge, our exciting video, "Globalization and
> > the
> > coming End Of Israel", starring some of your favorite diplomatic
> > puppets
> > like Yossi Beilin, Ehud Barak, Binyamin Netanyahu, our very own
> Henry
> >
> > Seigman and many, many more.  Hurry because this offer only lasts
> > until
> > Israel is demolished.
> >
> >
> >
> > Shabbat Shalom from Modi'in,
> >
> >
> > Barry Chamish
> > http://www.webseers.com/rabin
> >
> >
> >
> > ************************************
> >
> >
> >
> > http://www.webseers.com/rabin
> >
> >
> > Barry Chamish is an investigative reporter living in Israel and the
> > author
> > of four books about Israeli politics including:
> >
> > "Israel Betrayed"
> > "The Last Days of Israel"
> > "Traitors and Carpetbaggers in the Promised Land"
> > "Who Murdered Yitzhak Rabin"
> >
> >
> > These and other books are available from the Zionist Book Club:
> >
> > U.S. Toll Free Tel. Number:     1-800-RABINYY (722-4699)
> > Israel Toll Free Tel. Number:   1-877-RABINYY (722-4699)
> > Israel Fax:                     972-2-625-9239
> > Email:                          [[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> >
> > P.O.B. 10182
> > 91101 Jerusalem
> > Israel
> >
> >
> > ***
> >
> >
> >
> > Contact:        Jochen Kopp Publishers
> > Email:          [[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> >
> >
> > ***
> >
> >
> >
> > Contact:  Brookline Books
> > U.S. Toll Free Tel. Number:     1-800-666-BOOK
> > Email:                          [[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> >
> >
> > ***
> >
> >
> >
> > Contact:  Gefen Books
> > Israel Tel. Number:     972-2-538-0247
> > Email:                  [[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> >
> >
> > ***
> >
> >
> >
> > Contact:  [[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> >
> >
> > ***
> >
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> >
> >
> >
> > The Root & Branch Association, an all-volunteer, non-member
> > organization
> > founded by Torah-observant Jews, promotes cooperation between the
> > State of
> > Israel and other nations, and between Jews and B'nai Noah
> (non-Jews)
> > in
> > Israel and abroad, to build a better world based on the universal
> > Noahide
> > Covenant and Laws as commanded by the G-d of Israel in the Bible
> and
> > Jewish
> > Tradition.
> >
> >
> > ************R&B OMNIBUS************
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> and
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> > of the authors alone.
> >
> >
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> > Service
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> >
> > ***********************************
> >
> > Email:          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Web Site:       http://www.rb.org.il
> >
> >
> > Mr. Aryeh Gallin, R&B President
> > [Member, Foreign Press Association in Israel]
> > [Member, New York City Chapter, U.S. Society
> > of Professional Journalists]
> > Tel:  972-2-673-9013
> > Fax:  972-2-673-9012
> > P.O.B. 8672
> > German Colony
> > 91086 Jerusalem
> >
> > ***
> >
> > Lt. Col. Martin Gallin, Esq., USA (Ret.)
> > R&B Co-Chairman
> > Tel:  914-592-6930
> > Fax:  775-665-5920
> > 142 Sherman Avenue
> > White Plains, N.Y. 10607-2415

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