----- Original Message -----
From: Tony Gosling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, March 08, 2001 3:51 PM
Subject: PEPIS #26 - 'Imagine yourselves to be dictators of Europe'

1. Bilderberg feature in London Guardian this Saturday (10th March 2001)
2. 'Imagine Yourselves to be Dictators of Europe' - Davignon, ERT, and the
Single Market programme
3. Bilderberg book delayed for 18 months (!)
4. Disillusioned MI6 spy Richard Tomlinson's book 'The Big Breach'
available online
5. Bilderberger to head ICANN study at the heart of the net

Power Elite Public Information Service  -
http://www.bilderberg.org/bilder.htm#pepis  -  to join/leave list
To bypass search engines why not put in a link to http://www.bilderberg.org
- now funded for another 2 years
This is an occasional (max. 1 per month) email list as part of the campaign
for press access to and public awareness of Bilderberg and similar elite
meetings. See www.bilderberg.org/bilder.htm for more info.
Archives:  http://www.mail-archive.com/ &

1. Bilderberg feature in London Guardian this Saturday (10th March 2001)

Rumour has it that The London Guardian - http://www.guardian.co.uk - will
be printing extracts from Jon Ronson's new book, 'Them' which looks at
Bilderberg and the Bohemian Grove this coming Saturday (10th March 2001).
There looks likely to be a TV version too in the not-too-distant future on
UK's Channel 4. It remains to be seen whether or not this will be a good
piece of journalism or a whitewash. But if Jon's previous work is anything
to go by it should be humourous and closer to the former!
It will be interesting to see whether or not the issue of Bilderbergers
colonising the European Commission, the management board or 'cabinet' of
Europe, will be dealt with. For me this is the most anti-democratic and
deceptive aspect to Bilderberg activities at the present.

Jon Ronson's website aboput 'Them' is at http://www.jonronson.com

2. 'Imagine Yourselves to be Dictators of Europe'

The single market programme in the mid-80's was the sucessful relaunch
package of economic and arguably political integration in Europe. Jean
Monnet, father of the EU had always felt it crucial to rein back
monopolistic big business but the success of the single market turned this
policy on its head. The relaunch document (see below) was prepared for the
European Commission by Philips Industries in Holland and researched by
unnamed Philips staff. The staff were told to "imagine yourselves to be
dictators of Europe."

Few realise how pivotal the 2001 Bilderberg chairman, Viscount Etienne
Davignon, was in this process. As European Commissioner for Industry and
the Internal Market from 1977 to 1980 he looked for ways to put big
business in the driving seat of European policy. In 1985, as Industry
Commissioner, he challenged Pehr Gyllenhammar, CEO of Volvo, (also
administrator of United Technologies, Vice President of the Aspen Institute
and one of the five partners of Kissinger Associates) to organise a group
of the top European businessmen to lobby the Commission. Davignon argued
that the Commission would be obliged to respond to the demands of some of
the largest European industrialists. The Gyllenhammar group was to
become the highly influential European Round Table of Industrialists or
ERT, drawing up policy for Europe.

Extract follows from:
The Politics of Big Business in the Single Market Program,
by Maria L. Green, The American University, Visiting Fellow, CSIA, Harvard

School of International Service, The American University, 4400
Massachusetts Avenue NW, Washington DC 20016.

Paper presented for the European Community Studies Association, Third
Biennial International Conference, May 27 1993, Washington DC.

This is an essential document for anyone curious about the origins of the
present policies and direction of the European Union. The above paper has
the following structure. The opening section of chapter, IV, is reproduced

Introduction   I. The Early Years: The Rise of the Multinationals in EC
Policymaking   II. The Origins of the ERT: Setting the Agenda for a New
Europe   III. The ERT and the French Connection   IV. The Dekker Paper, the
Political Agenda and   a Constituency for Delors   V. The Delors
Commission's Policy Alternative and the Eurpean Council Vote   VI. Ensuring
the SEA's Implementation: The Internal Market Support Group   (Committee)
VII. Conclusions

IV. The Dekker Paper, the Political Agenda and a Constituency for Delors -

Repackaging the message: The Dekker Paper

On January 11, 1985, in Brussels, Wisse Dekker, CEO of Phillips, unveiled a
plan, "Europe 1990", before an audience of 500 people including many of the
newly appointed EC commissioners. The plan laid out in precise terms the
steps needed in four key areas - trade facilitation (elimination of border
formalities), opening up of public procurement markets, harmonization of
technical standards, and fiscal harmonization (elimination of the fiscal
VAT frontiers) -- to open up a European Market in five years. For the first
time a plan was produced which identified some 50 measures needed to
eliminate non-tariff barriers to trade and to relaunch the European Market.
The Dekker paper was revolutionary -- not only because it was proposed by
the head of a major multinational, but because it produced what had escaped
national and European policymakers -- a simple plan for a unified market.

The Dekker paper was an internal Philips project led by Dekker's government
affairs representative in Brussels, Coen Ramaer. It was the result of the
company's growing dissatisfaction with the inability of government
officials -- national or EC -- to produce a concrete proposal for a
European market. While Mitterrand was promoting an industrial initiative,
there were no specifics to the French President's plan. Moreover, when the
Commission did produce a comprehensive package of proposals in late 1984,
there was no outpouring of support for the initiative. The Commission
document developed by Commissioner Narjes listed hundreds of pre-existing
pieces of legislation -- ranging from standardisation to social actions to
environmental issues -- deemed necessary for the creation of an internal
market. Business leaders, while pleased that a package was produced, found
the Commission package "unwieldy" and lacking "a precise time-table."
Moreover, there was no strategy to ensure its implementation and no
rationale for industrial growth. It became apparent to the heads of
multinationals that industry needed to produce its own concrete program.

With Dekker's support, Ramaer assembled four Philips experts who had long
dealt with the four key areas later outlined in the Dekker speech. As
Ramaer explains, he instructed the men to:

"imagine yourselves to be dictators of Europe and that you have decided
that the job must be done in five years. And they [the experts] started out
"but this is impossible! Be realistic!" And I told them that I couldn't
care less if we were realistic or not.

Once they had picked up this idea, they found it fascinating. And they
discovered   that it could be done -- given the political will, of course."
[Interview, September 24th 1992]

Some of the experts set up informal meetings with their counterparts in the
Commission to discuss the project and to hammer out key problems. Dekker
stressed to Ramaer that the proposals had to be complete -- he did not want
the outcome to be simply another speech on the necessity of European

"Europe 1990" was not simply another speech. In addition to introducing a
precise agenda, the paper introduced a number of new conceptualisations of
what a unified European market might entail. In the trade facilitation
area, for example, the "ultimate goal" of the plan was to create "frontiers
without formalities for goods traffic and the replacement of paper
documents by data transmission via a telecommunications network used by
traders, transporters, banks and statistical and tax authorities..." Of
course, to implement this strategy, member states would also be required to
allow for the development of a trans-European telecommunications network.
The paper left little doubt of the importance of creating a united European
market. As Dekker noted in his introduction: "The survival of Europe is in
fact at stake."

When the "Europe 1990" plan was presented, it was not for Brussels'
consumption alone. Dekker sent the plan, along with a letter, to the heads
of government and state of the European Community. One letter went to The
Rt Hon Margaret Thatcher, January 7th 1985, from Dr. Wisse Dekker. The
letter opens as follows "Europe's industries - both large and small - will
have little future if the common market is not created as intended by the
Treaties of Rome. This we all know..." Dekker concludes by submitting
"these proposals for the consideration of you and your government, hoping
that you will promote the action necessary to get Europe out of the
deadlock in which it has been for a number of years. You will agree that
this is an urgent matter. There is little time left to correct the
consequences of a lack of dynamism in the past decade.

[end of extract]
[from footnote - Margaret Thatcher refused to meet with ERT who were
promoting 'Europe 2000'.]

3. Bilderberg book delayed for 18 months

January 2001 - Book about Bilderberg 'delayed' - 'Private   Capacity' by
Renata Adler
US publishers: Perseus   http://www.publicaffairsbooks.com
Available from Amazon and most online bookshops - IF it is ever published!

Public Affairs publishing are sending out mixed messages about the
publication of 'Private Capacity' latest information first here: {TG}

01Feb01 - Message 2
From: "Taft, Gene" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Subject: FW: Renato's book

Mr. Gosling,
I'm not certain, but I think you are referring to Renata Adler's
forthcoming book on the Bilderberg conferences. If that is the case, the
book is currently scheduled for publication in June 2002 and it is
therefore significantly premature for Ms. Adler to give interviews.
Gene Taft Director of Publicity PublicAffairs
212/397-6666 x234

02Jan01 - Message 1

Mr. Tony Gosling,
The publication of Renata Adler's Private Capacity, a book about the
Bilderberg group, has been postponed. The author is still writing but a new
publication date has not yet been set.
Robert Kimzey Managing Editor PublicAffairs

4. Disillusioned MI6 spy Richard Tomlinson's book 'The Big Breach'
available online

"The Big Breach: From Top Secret to Maximum Security", is the spy book that
MI6 banned for nearly five years. Last month it was made available to you
in the High Street, this month it is delivered free to your computer.

The book is in it's original published form and is available in the
following formats:

Acrobat PDF
Zipped   - http://thebigbreach.com/download/bbpdf.zip
Unzipped - http://thebigbreach.com/download/bbpdf.pdf

MS Word
Zipped   - http://thebigbreach.com/download/bbword.zip
Unzipped - http://thebigbreach.com/download/bbword.doc

Zipped   - http://thebigbreach.com/download/bbtxt.zip

5. Bilderberger to head ICANN study at the heart of the net

Sender: Grattan Healy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [Green Party Energy adviser
at European Parliament]

Grattan refers to both his and my commentary and pictures on last year's
Bilderberg meeting just outside Brussels:
Tony's Pages  http://www.bilderberg.org/2000.htm


Dear friends,

My colleague Laurence, who deals with Info Society questions in our
Committee at the EP (ITRE),  spoke to me earlier about ICANN, which I
decided to take a peek at this evening.  I was aware that Esther Dyson was
involved in such things, as I came across her when she attended last year's
Bilderberg meeting here in Bruxelles.  In fact she was the founding
Chairperson of ICANN, and has just retired from that role.    On their page
I noticed that Carl Bildt has been wheeled in to do a key study (see below)!


How curious, as we filmed him entering the very same Bilderberg meeting!!

I did wonder why Esther was present.  It seems possible that the elite
figure they need to get a hand on this delinquent medium, since they pretty
much own
every other one.  And it offers them a possible route to influence over
what is already a growing economic force, and may become a global political
structure.  So watch out!!

Note that Bildt helped set up a media company in Bosnia, and I had some not
so flattering reports about that adventure!

Ciao, Grattan

ICANN Launches At Large Membership Study - Carl Bildt to Chair Study

26 January 2001 (Marina del Rey, CA, USA) - The Internet Corporation for
Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) announced today that it was commencing a
comprehensive study of the structure of its At Large membership. The study
will be conducted by an At Large Membership Study Committee that will make
recommendations to ICANN's Board of Directors on how individuals can
effectively participate in ICANN's policy development, deliberations and
actions for technical coordination of the Internet.

Mr. Carl Bildt, the former Prime Minister of Sweden and noted United
Nations envoy, will serve as Chair of the nine member Study Committee. An
international statesman and information technology advisor, Bildt's current
duties include Special Envoy of the Secretary General of the United Nations
to the Balkans, Member of Parliament of Sweden, and Advisor and Board
Member of several Internet and technology-related corporations.

"The Board's approval of the Study Committee and Carl Bildt's selection as
Chair is a demonstration of ICANN's commitment to finding an effective way
for the perspectives of individuals in every country to be heard and given
due consideration," said Vint Cerf, Chairman of the ICANN Board of
Directors. "We are extremely fortunate to have someone with Carl Bildt's
international consensus building experience to lead this critical effort."

The Committee, which is chartered to seek input from all interested parties
and to work toward a broad consensus on ICANN's At Large membership, will
use multiple mechanisms for input, including public forums, mailing lists,
and a public website. The Committee will encourage the participation of
organizations and individuals worldwide, including the development of
independent studies and analyses from across the global Internet's

"ICANN's actions affect the whole world's Internet users, and I look
forward to the challenging task of forging a consensus on the best method
for representing this ever-growing constituency," said Bildt. "This will be
an international cooperative effort, and I am counting on the participation
of a diversity of Internet stakeholders that have an interest in ICANN to
help us deliver a workable solution."

The Board invited Charles Costello and Pindar Wong to serve as the
Committee's Vice-Chairs. Costello is director of the Carter Center's
Democracy Program, and served as an outside monitor for ICANN's At Large
elections held last year. Wong served as an ICANN Director and Vice
Chairman of the Board during 1999-2000. He also is an active Internet
policy leader in the Asia Pacific Region, and Chairman of VeriFi (Hong
Kong) Ltd., an Internet infrastructure consultancy. The remaining members
of the committee will be announced at a later date.

ICANN also announced the appointment of Denise Michel as the Committee's
Executive Director. Ms. Michel has extensive experience in both private and
public sector technology policy development, having served previously on
the staff of the U.S. National Science Foundation, the American Electronics
Association and the U.S. Department of Commerce. From 1993-95, she was Sr.
Technology Advisor to the Secretary of Commerce, Mr. Ronald Brown.

Following public comment, the Board also adopted a charter for the study to
ensure a consistent base of expectations on the scope and details of the
study committee's work. ICANN has posted the charter on its website at


Denise Michel
+1 310 823 9358

Power Elite Public Information Service  -
http://www.bilderberg.org/bilder.htm#pepis  -  to join/leave list
To bypass search engines why not put in a link to http://www.bilderberg.org
- now funded for another 2 years
This is an occasional (max. 1 per month) email list as part of the campaign
for press access to and public awareness of Bilderberg and similar elite
meetings. See www.bilderberg.org/bilder.htm for more info.
Archives:  http://www.mail-archive.com/ &
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