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* Intellectuals Wanted *
High Pay - Good benefits * Kill countries

One of the features of the New World Order's outreach to poor countries is the attempted seduction of these countries' intellectual and semi-intellectual middle class.

This seduction is possible because of a widespread problem: contempt among such more-or-less-intellectual folks for the 'backward' customs of local farmers and workers. Which really means: contempt for national culture.

The American Empire provides two carrots for the more-or-less intellectuals: money (more, not less) which is always popular, and jobs in National Self-destruction, a growth industry. The latter must be disguised as the introduction of democracy and local self-management and reform and modernization and so on. Euphemisms are important because these folks are sensitive souls. They do not enjoy doing it to backward workers and farmers with their eyes open.

While NATO proxy forces have invaded southern Serbia, the pro-NATO forces presently controlling Yugoslavia are working to dismember Yugoslavia from within.

The written program of the DOS parties now in control (and the stance of the ideologues behind Yugoslavia's 'transition' and 'turn toward Europe') includes 'Radical Decentralization'.

Does 'Radical Decentralization' sound obscure? It should for it is a euphemism. Its real meaning: "Yugoslavia must be broken into tiny controllable pieces."

Former State Department senior policy adviser Robert Manning wrote:

"The United States and its NATO allies appear to be stumbling backward into turning the former Yugoslavia into series of protectorates one province at a time. Where does this lead? A swath of Eurasia -- from the Balkans to the Caucasus to Central Asia -- is full of troubled or failing states." ('The Washington Post', February 15, 1999)

The DOS politicians and their semi-intellectual supporters are stumbling backward in step with NATO. But decency forbids speaking of tiny protectorates, or "one province at a time." Decency requires: 'Radical Decentralization.'

Montenegro is to be separated from Yugoslavia. The provinces of Kosovo in the south and Vojvodina in the north (pronounced 'Voyvadina') are to be broken off from Serbia.

Hungary wants Voyvadina province. To this end, Hungary covertly supports an alliance in Voyvadina of Serbian quislings and others in the DOS parties with ethnic Hungarian secessionists. This alliance has launched a reign of terror against Yugoslav loyalists and Serbian refugees from other parts of Yugoslavia living in that province.

If DOS/NATO has its way, the area around Belgrade will be broken into several administrative pieces. (This area was known as the Pashalik of Belgrade during the Ottoman Empire. It first gained nominal independence in 1830. It is not to survive the New World Order.)

As for southern Serbia, NATO has concocted a show of phony 'ethnic tensions' there by sending NATO-trained and NATO-armed Albanian terrorists in from Kosovo. NATO presents this as a local crisis based on grievances. The solution to this crisis will be to annex this area, in some form, to NATO-occupied Kosovo. This would serve two purposes. It would give NATO direct control over a key part of the strategic communications route known as Corridor Ten. And it would feed the fantasies of NATO's attack dog, the Kosovo Liberation Army or KLA, which dreams of a 'Greater Albania'.

The plan to shatter Yugoslavia into small pieces alongside a NATO-dominated Greater Albania and a NATO-dominated Hungary has one big obstacle: the resistance of ordinary people in Yugoslavia and elsewhere. And there are indeed rumbles of resistance from the people.


Below we have reprinted a post received on a Balkans email discussion group. It announces a university conference. Behind a scholarly facade, the goal of the conference is to build ideological support for and help plan the dismemberment of Yugoslavia, Serbia in particular. The language of the email is 100% euphemisms.

The euphemisms used - "Decentralization of government... devolution of of local and regional self-government" are nicely post-modern. Small is beautiful when the nation to be shrunk is a target of the ever-more-bloated U.S. Empire, which could really use shrinking.

The conference organizer is one Nadia Skenderovic Cuk of the "Agency for Local Democracy". Ms. Cuk has been associated with Freedom House, the U.S. government-related group that has done a lot running pro-Washington groups in the former socialist countries. Here is the Agency for Local Democracy's self-description:

"As an institution of the European Council it is situated at the OPEN UNIVERSITY and deals with various educational, promotional and monitoring contents that establish and materialise democratic processes mostly on the level of local community. This project consists of the School of Civil Society, tribunes, seminars, round tables, workshops, various forms of connecting our local community with European towns, scientific conferences. ALD continuously co-operates with towns and states formed on the territory of former Yugoslavia (Osijek, Maribor, Tuzla)."

The 'Open University' describes itself as follows:

"Open University Subotica has developed on the long and rich tradition of people's and worker's universities...The new identity and name (since 1992) is based on a flexible project organization, on new programs of alternative and civil education, high professionalism and market orientation. As to its status, OPEN UNIVERSITY is an independent and non-governmental..."

These self descriptions project a satisfyingly 'alternate' appearance of free-thinking rebellion: the ideal cloak for Empire. A few things give the game away.

First, the Agency for Local Development boasts that it cooperates with the town of Tuzla. A bit odd for an Agency to cooperate with a town in another country (Bosnia). And Tuzla is a stronghold of the Islamist/Fascist movement in Bosnia.

So what do we have? "Free thinking Islamist Fascism." It is enough to make your head spin.

Second, while harking back to "the tradition of worker's universities", the Open University describes itself as having a "market orientation". Why would an Open University have any kind of orientation regarding markets? 'Market Orientation' is code for 'supporting the platform of the DOS political parties.' In the context of current Yugoslavia, 'market orientation' suggests the DOS/IMF program of closing local businesses and selling them cheap to foreign banks and companies.

And then there is "Civil Society". This phrase was invented by Washington. It is used to describe groups set up by a U.S. government agency, the National Endowment for Democracy, and similar outfits.

So we have an appearance of social activism (to allow conference participants to feel progressive and modern, post modern even) but we have the reality of: the US Empire. Below is the email, as received.

-- Written by several people at Emperor's Clothes.

Conference Announcement

<< Subj: [balkans] CfP: Conference in Yugoslavia on Local Government, Subotica, 15-17.3.2001 Date: 13/01/01 (etc.)

For additional information please contact the organisers: Contact persons: Nadia Cuk Skenderovic, Director of Agency: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Stanka Parac, AGENCY OF LOCAL DEMOCRACY Subotica, Trg cara Jovana Nenada 15, Yugoslavia

Call for papers:

International Conference: Decentralisation of government and concepts of regionalisation Comparative Analysis and Practice in Southeast Europe (Case study: Autonomous Province of Voivodina) Subotica, Yugoslavia 15 - 17 March, 2001. Agency of Local Democracy, Subotica is convening an international Conference to analyze, discuss and compare main aspects of decentralization of government, concepts and forms of regionalisation in Southeast Europe, with special regard to Voivodina, a region and autonomous province in the north of Yugoslavia.

Recent profound democratic changes in the country have urged a need For reconstruction of entire state structure, thus opening up perspectives of regionalisation in Yugoslavia. This conference's main objective is to exchange views on various models of regionalisation in Europe (Southeast Europe in particular) and possibilities of redefinition of the concept of regional autonomy inherent to Voivodina and its long historic background. Beside legal, economic and political aspects, the following issues May also be examined: * local and regional democracy * management of local and regional self-government * devolution of powers * decision making at local and regional level * regionalisation and modernisation * regionalisation and multiethnicity.

Apart from the participants from Yugoslavia, invited are the experts from: Check Republic, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary [Note from Emperor's Clothes: Hungary covets Voyvadina], Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Romania, Bulgaria. The 15 selected will be notified and asked to submit a two page summary of their report by 28th February, 2001. A Collection of Reports presented at the Conference will be published in English and Serbian and therefore the selected ones should be submitted by 10th March 2001 at latest.

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