-Caveat Lector-


Friday March 9, 2001; 2:59 p.m. EST

Lasater Pal Fingered in Fed's Roger Clinton Pardon Probe

A former business partner of Clinton pal, convicted cocaine
distributor Dan Lasater, is at the center of new allegations that
are currently the focus of an FBI probe into whether first
brother Roger Clinton sold presidential pardons.

George E. "Butch" Locke, a former Arkansas state senator and
Lasater investment banking partner, was allegedly part of a
scheme to shakedown the families of imprisoned Arkansans using
Roger Clinton's name.

At least one victim of the pardons-for-cash scam has produced
cancelled checks totalling $200,000 made out to a now-defunct
Arkansas firm, CLM LLC, founded by Dickie Morton, according to
Arkansas state records.

Morton's connection to Roger Clinton, if any, is so far unclear.

But Butch Locke, CLM's other partner, has a long history with the
first brother -- and may be the connection that ties him into
burgeoning pardons-for-cash scandal.

Journalist Paul Alexander and commentator John Batchelor detailed
the new Pardongate wrinkle to WABC Radio's Sean Hannity last
week, before the FBI entered the case.

"The family members almost always dealt with, well mostly with
Dickie Morton, but also with (former) State Senator Locke,"
Alexander told Hannity.

"The allegation that the family is making is that the partners in
the Clinton company represented to him that because of Roger
Clinton's involvement this company he, of course, would be able
to facilitate the pardons."

"Roger Clinton is always a fuzzy character in the background,"
Alexander added, "as in, one family member would be talking to a
partner in the company and they would say, 'Hold on, Roger's on
the phone. I got to talk to him.'"

Batchelor and Alexander said Guy Lincecum and his family paid
more than $200,000 to CLM, an apparent acronym for Clinton, Locke
and Morton, to purchase freedom for his brother Garland, who's
currently in an Oklahoma federal prison.

Though no one has yet claimed that Clinton himself pitched pardon
deals, there's no question that Roger knows CLM partner George
Locke well and may have in fact recommeded him for his own
presidential pardon.

Clinton and Locke go back together to their involvment in a
1980's Arkansas cocaine ring; an involvement that would send them
both to jail, along with a major backer of Roger's brother, Dan

Locke was charged on drug conspiracy charges in 1985 in an
indictment that named Roger Clinton as an unidicted
co-conspirator. At the time Roger had already been convicted
twice on cocaine related offenses.

Prior to his indictment, Locke had been partners with Lasater in
Collins, Locke and Lasater, Inc., a Little Rock bond house.
Lasater was convicted on cocaine distribution charges himself in
1986, based in part on Roger Clinton's testimony.

In 1990, then-Gov. Bill Clinton pardoned Lasater on state drug
charges. But Lasater told the Washington Post last month that his
request for a federal pardon from President Clinton was denied in

Locke had also hoped to win a pardon through his connection to
Roger, who did get a pardon from his brother. But like Lasater,
Locke's application was denied.

"I thought when Roger got his, I'd probably get mine," Locke told
the Wall Street Journal in early February.

Two weeks ago Roger Clinton said he was "miffed" at his brother
for failing to grant pardons he personally requested for six of
his friends. He declined to identify those friends, but they
apparently included Lasater and Locke.

The New York Post reported Friday that the FBI has opened a
formal investigation into Lincecum's claim that he paid money for
pardons promised in Roger Clinton's name.

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

                     *Michael Spitzer*  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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