Dear Kris, Thank you for your supportive email. We received an encouraging amount of positive emails full of prayer support, indignation, advice and concern. I am sure you are as appalled as we are at our circumstances. One of the amazing things, is that the Feds took my press card. Now why would they do that? Anyway, whatever struggles we go through, they can be used as examples for learning to resolve future problems with dealing with the World Order. We have also hoped that some of the cops who looked at my library, books and papers got a free education. Lord, may their blinders come off. We are thankful that no one was hurt. People are harder to replace than things. By the way, remember not to steal, the government doesn't like competition. We must also be slow to sling mud at the government lest we miss, but for our troubles end up with dirty hands. At this point, if we are too organized and come on too strong in resisting the system, they will try to use it to show that we are indeed ring leaders of something. They will also try harder to fight us. I would rather allow them all the rope they want, so they can hang themselves. The bigger the lie, the harder it will fall. The American Legal System moves slowly, so it will take some time for this mess to evolve, maybe not as long as they say it took for mankind, but certainly long enough for Americans to lose interest. But we will be here, continuing to continue. Pray for us. Do not be alarmed if I end up doing jail time, I believe that unless there is divine intervention, they will succeed in sticking me in jail. I don't expect my lovely wife will serve time, but who can predict the future, especially when it comes to our legal system? But rest assured we are seeking the best legal counsel to limit the amount of flying B.S. that will stick. We have already been offered the gift of some replacement computers, which will soon be on their way to replace the ones which they seized. We still have financial needs, for we lost one vehicle, a fair amount of money, and the ability to work or apply for jobs (a web site designer doesn't look legitimate if she doesn't even have a computer). Our primary freedom is in our hearts. We pray that the good Lord gives us the grace to face the future, and that people will become more aware of the World Order from all this. After all the story is really not us--the real story is much much bigger than us. The primary reason for this letter is to thank you for your love and support. It gives us good cheer to know that we are not alone, and that many Americans can see the bigger picture. We love you with that agape love that Christ showed us, and we will try to keep you informed of any major developments in our case if you wish, may you have peace and strength, Fritz Springmeier (writing for both of us.)

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