-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Thursday, March 8, 2001 4:37 p.m. EST

Judicial Watch: Dems Using Blackmail to Quash Pardongate Probe

Democrats on the House Government Reform and Oversight Committee are
threatening to drag former president Bush into the Clinton Pardongate probe -
a move the public interest law firm Judicial Watch called "blackmail."

There's been a spate of reports recently suggesting that President George W.
Bush would like to see Congress drop the investigation and that GOP leaders
like Trent Lott are ready to comply.

In a press release Thursday, Judicial Watch noted a development reported by
the Miami Herald that may explain why the GOP suddenly wants to abandon ship.

"Democrats on the House Committee said they would like to pursue information
in the George Bush Library in Texas on the former president's pardons of
Casper Weinberger and businessman Armand Hammer, a GOP contributor."

The strategy may also include a request for the identities of Bush library
donors, some of which were kept secret at the contributors' requests.

"It's clear that the Bush-Cheney administration and the Republicans in
Congress have been blackmailed into doing nothing," Judicial Watch Chairman
Larry Klayman said.

"It's business as usual between the two major political parties, and the
loser is the American people."

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