-Caveat Lector-

radman says:

democrats fight back? yeah right!! when pigs fly....they're still busy
beating up on Nader...sheesh.. and considering Mary F. Berry (the Pacifica
demoness) is at point on the Civil Rights, (with Ashcroft now sticking his
nose in) it looks like the voting charades will continue indefinitely...I
don't expect anything except an increased measure of control when they
standardize the voting systems...as the vestiges of legitimacy crumble, the
measures of control become more forceful...we really are living in rad times...

[p.s.-- Does anybody know what Al Franken said or did?]

Online Journal - http://www.onlinejournal.com

03-11-01: It is time to fight back

By Jerry Fees

March 11, 2001-Thank you Al Franken. It's about damn time we woke up and
started using the word liar. Why is it that the Republicans and their
media mouthpieces can make up their facts as they go and continuously get
away with it? (Bill O'Reilly can claim he's not a Republican but we know
better and we sure as hell won't claim him.) Why is it that Herr
Goebbels', . . . I mean Rove's, propaganda machine runs unchecked
spitting out one distortion after another? I'll tell you why. It's because
we've been acting like a bunch of scared children, afraid we're going to
appear shrill and be called sore losers. That's what they're saying anyway
so what the heck, let's fight back!

As much as I respect Al Gore for his dignity and grace under fire, he had
no business allowing Bush and that bunch of self-righteous heathens to
talk to him like they did. The audacity of any one of that thieving, lying
Bush clan to call Gore, or anyone else for that matter, a liar. They have
no shame. Al took the high road and look at the mess it left us in.

We need to forget this whole civility charade and get on with the program.
It's only 21 months till the 2002 election and we've got work to do. I saw
that moron Hannity on TV last night, and he and one of his GOP puppets,
Bill Dal Col, (they call this guy a Republican strategist, I call him a
liar) were talking about the economy. Col made the observation that we
have a 7 trillion dollar economy with a 3.5 trillion dollar debt. What
happened to the other 2.1 trillion dollars of debt? Look it up for
yourselves. It would appear that, for the sake of political expediency,
the Republican strategists (see liars) want to confuse the public by
separating the amount of debt held in private hands overseas and in
central banks ($3.5 trillion) from the amount owed to the Social Security,
Medicare and other trust funds ($2.1 trillion). The last time the national
debt was $3.5 trillion was 1991.

Hannity then went on to cry crocodile tears about government spending. The
Republicans are up to their collective ears in pork and he knows it. They
went on a spending spree last year (a record $284 billion in non-defense
spending) that forever ended their right to call themselves conservatives.
Conservative about what? Certainly not in the use of lies. Hannity can't
hardly open his mouth that he doesn't tell a lie. The reason I even
mention these guys is that they're a microcosm of the problem as a whole.
Lies followed by misdirection and what do we do about it? Nothing! Turn
the other cheek. That's getting old real fast and it just plays into their
hands. We have absolutely nothing to gain from this tactic. Do you think
we'll win votes this way? We already have enough votes if we can just get
them counted. It's in our best interest to fight back and call them liars.
Let's just do it!

Bush proposes a budget with a 4 percent rate of increase, knowing full
well the Congress will have to spend more than that. Ask Pete Domenici.
He's already acknowledged it won't be enough. Of course it won't be
enough. As dumb as Bush is, he knew what he was doing. Now he can go to
the people and point out what the evil Congress is doing, especially those
mean old tax and spend Democrats trying to wreck the economy by funding
those wretched social programs. Liar, liar, liar. My Grandma Rohrscheib
would wash his mouth out with soap. If a little old lady with a southern
accent shows up in Washington looking for W with some Irish Spring in her
hand, I hope he gets what he's got coming.

Get with it Tom, Dick and the rest of you spineless wimps. We are your
people and we demand you go after these guys. The Black Congressional
Caucus and Terry McAuliffe look to me to be the only ones left that still
have their guts.

I have no idea why we as a party have decided to get sucked into this
civility ploy when it is such a transparent ruse. I do know this though,
if we continue to lie down for Rove and his propaganda machine, we will
pay for it.

We can ride this out together but our elected officials are going to have
to be a lot more plain spoken and we're all going to have to follow Al
Franken's example. Seek out a specific case of Republican lies,
investigate it and blow the whistle loud and hard. Blow it until someone
listens and then go out and find another lie. They're everywhere there's a
Republican mouthpiece. It's a target rich environment. Attack! Attack!

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