-Caveat Lector-

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Dear John Keller:

Here is one thank you from Canada for your courage in speaking up to tell
some of the older and younger folks a little truth. Bear in mind that many
of the more cowardly will not listen because nothing hurts so badly as does

Honest people such as yourself would make good leaders in government in
order to restore a government which has gone rotten to the core. If enough
Americans would recognize that fact of life, what has happened throughout
many years of neglect by the electorate and treason by many of the elected,
could soon be reversed and then begin the restoration of what had been the
world's best freedom document.

Your present administration now has well over 400 traitors from the Council
on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, Communist Party USA, Bilderberg
Group, Round Table Group, Committee Of 300, and the Fabian Socialist
Society, working like little beavers undermining the constitution so that
they can capture the entire world under the Rockefeller-Carnegie founded and
funded United Nations.

And most certainly it will hurt you to finance the murder of innocent
victims of this coterie of criminals now running your government, but you
really do not have to pay that 30 percent out of your wages if you find and
examine some of the large advertisements in some of your larger newspapers
in which some of the more honest people from the tax department have
resigned and are now telling the people that there has been no income tax
ratified which would require you to do so.

You will also be happy to lear that the First World War, Second World War,
Vietnam War, Korean War, and the some three hundred wars waged by the UN
since 1945 - have all been just as phoney as the paper money which financed
them. The treason at the top goes at least as far back as Woodrow Wilson.
Keep on learning and become active.

Yours very truly,

Cliff Hume.
An Open Letter to Jonah Goldberg by John Keller

Mr. Goldberg:

I’m an "ordinary" American conservative. I scratched my head when we invaded
Iraq, and since I was in high school, my main concern was that my reservist
Uncles make it home safely. I didn’t understand why my relatives should be
in harm’s way to fight someone
else’s war in the middle east, but went along with the "we have to win it if
we’re in it" attitude. After high school, I went to Georgia Tech. I knew the
US was helping one side in some "Bosnian War", and that the other side was
supposedly doing "really bad things". It sounded fishy, but I was in school
and didn’t have the time to care.

I graduated with an Electrical Engineering degree, and took a job happily
building the Internet infrastructure that makes email and the web possible.
I disliked being in the 30%+ tax bracket, but compared to student poverty,
60+% of my pay seemed pretty good.
I met and married my beautiful Serbian bride a few months before anyone had
ever heard of Kosovo. I got quit a shock when I discovered she was one of
the "bad guys" but that her family had been ethnically cleansed from
Sarajevo by the Muslims. Here was
a side to the story I had never heard. She told me the US was going to start
another war over Kosovo and was helping the Albanians. I nodded my head at
the time, but still didn’t quit believe that the media would actually lie
about something so dangerous as a war.

So, when the claims of a genocide started, I was shocked. She had called it
correctly. CNNAOLTIMEWARNERNBCCBSABCMSNBC all spun into action. The most
ludicrous claims of Jamie Shea and James Rubin were parroted without
question. "100,000 rounded up in a Pristina soccer stadium." Pictures of war
refugees were shown as "proof" of the genocide and ethnic cleansing, after
the bombs started falling of course. You probably think we were right to bomb.

You’re wrong. We armed the KLA while "brokering" the "peace deal". We setup
the massacre at Racak. We ripped up the Rambouilett agreement that
Yugoslavia signed but the KLA didn’t. We drafted a new one with an
ammendment that turned Yugoslavia into a NATO
puppet state and bombed them when they didn’t sign. In violation of the NATO
charter. In violation of the US Constitution. We bombed hospitals, power
grids, the Chinese Embassy, a market, civilian factories, a commuter train,
a TV station, an Albanian refugee column, and countless civilians. We bombed
within a kilometer of my in-laws
home in downtown Zemun outside Belgrade. We bombed past the 60 day limit of
the Unconstitutional "War Powers Act". We bombed in spite of all norms of
decency, morality, and common human kindness.

Somewhere early on in that personal nightmare I realized that we have become
an Empire. Now, paying tribute to the government sickens me. I know that my
money went to fund an illegal, unethical war. As we approach the two year
anniversary of the bombing, I look back at my political transformation: my
joy at finding Antiwar.com, a site dedicated
to the truth; my sudden libertarian epiphany when Justin Raimondo’s links
brought me to Lewrockwell.com.

So now, as I read National Review (via links from Lewrockwell.com), I ask
myself. "How can anyone with a shred of morality advocate aggressive war?"
It’s a question more and more Americans ask themselves, and each other.
Perhaps it’s a question you should ask
yourself. Have you ever seen the Chinese Embassy with your own eyes? Do you
understand how shocked and ashamed I was to see bombed bridges, buildings,
power plants, and factories as I toured welcoming Yugoslavia last summer?
Probably, you do not. When you write about invading Africa, policing Iraq,
and peace-keeping in Bosnian and Kosovo, you mean the abstract United States
military to do it. You don’t mean my high school and college friends that
went into ROTC, but they’ll be the ones who go. When you use your
convienient abstration skills to call me a hairsplitting, ideological kook
you don’t mean me specifically. But, here I am, along with a lot of other
ordinary Americans.

We’re out here, Mr. Goldberg. And we’d rather read Lew Rockwell’s sanely
written, informative, and funny essays than yours. We’d rather read Justin
Raimondo’s conspiracy theories and "Follow the Money" polemics, than your
Imperial blather. We’d rather read Rothbard, Sobran, Reese, (Walter)
Williams, Sowell, Kantor, Dietman, Sapienza, Calahan, and (gasp!) even Bob
Murphy before delving into your "invade the world" screed.

I’m not anti-American for questioning the sanity of our current government.
I’m just an ordinary American, sick of being told to fork over my money for
politicians to buy votes and bomb my relatives.

March 10, 2000

Copyright © 2001 LewRockwell.com
The libertarian therefore considers one of his prime educational
tasks is to spread the demystification and desanctification of the
State among its hapless subjects.  His task is to demonstrate
repeatedly and in depth that not only the emperor but even the
"democratic" State has no clothes; that all governments subsist
by exploitive rule over the public; and that such rule is the reverse
of objective necessity.  He strives to show that the existence of
taxation and the State necessarily sets up a class division between
the exploiting rulers and the exploited ruled.  He seeks to show that
the task of the court intellectuals who have always supported the State
has ever been to weave mystification in order to induce the public to
accept State rule and that these intellectuals obtain, in return, a
share in the power and pelf extracted by the rulers from their deluded
[[For a New Liberty:  The Libertarian Manifesto, Murray N. Rothbard,
Fox & Wilkes, 1973, 1978, p. 25]]

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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