-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Dear Brigade,

I received this email last night and asked permission to send it to you.  It
is a draft platform for the Reform Party of Iowa. This type of effort is
on in state Reform parties across America.  In all but a very few states,
Brigades have taken over and are heading up party organizations.

I don't have to tell you that we are in the same situation that has existed
for decades.  The leadership of the Republican and Democrat party are
nothing more than two wings of the same bird of prey.  We will never be
able to change them.  It is a waste of our time and money.

The Reform Party is active and the framework is built in every state.
There are local meeting and state conventions going on right now.
Brigades are writing platforms, they are making rules, and they will bring
their ideas and goals to the national convention this summer.

Someone said to me that the Reform Party will never win.  I do know that
we Brigades will never win by supporting the Dem-Gops.  At least we
have the possibility to win if we stay together and form a solid pro-life/pro-
sovereignty political party.  One where American's will know that when
they cast a vote for any Reform Party candidate, that candidate has
pledged to support the party platform - he has not only read it, but
swears his allegiance to our Cause.

Right now, the Reform Party is still operating under the platform and
rules of the old Perot Wrecking Crew.  Across America, we Brigades,
are ripping out every trace of them - root and branch.  Come Convention
time, we will have in place a rock-solid organization, solely owned and
operated by Brigades.

Yes, this past election we lost - big time.  So what?  When the hell have
we ever won?  Our country is so far down the crapper we may never
recover.  But are you willing to give up and fall on your sword?  I am not.

Read the platform below.  Remember it is a draft version and only for the
Reform Party of Iowa -- much will be added to it, and taken out.  But I
have to say it brought tears to my eyes to think about the opportunities
we have ahead of us.  There is no limit in what we can achieve if we band

Visit the Reform Party website at: http://www.reform-party-usa.org

Much of the old material from the Wrecking Crew is still there, but the
site is getting an overhaul.  For a list of state contacts click on:

Find out what is happening in your state and ask to be added to their
email list since I can't possibly keep you updated on every state Reform
Party activity.

Brigade, it took a blood bath to take control of the Reform Party.  We
won it fair and square.  Now that we got it, what are we going to do with

I say lets make it become the New World Order's worst nightmare.

For the Cause, Linda


Date: Fri, 09 Mar 2001 23:18:09 -0600
From: David Doyle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Draft Platform: Reform Party of Iowa

OK Iowa Reformers,

I am forwarding the first draft from the State Platform Committee to you
for your review.  We have plenty of time before our State Convention in
April for you all to read this over and offer input.  Please read it over
carefully. There has been a lot of work that has gone into this.  If there
are any blatant omissions or any kind of problems that you see with it,
please speak up.  This is the good stuff folks, but keep in mind, in the
platform we "talk the talk."  If we commit to this, we need to be ready to
"walk the walk" after that.

For the Cause, Dave Doyle
Platform Committee Chairman
Reform Party of Iowa


Basic Platform of the Reform Party of Iowa

Statement of Purpose:

It is our conviction that we must be the Party that stands for a return to
Constitutional Compliance.  To that end we offer this Platform and pledge
our efforts to bring America back in line as the kind of Constitutional
Republic our Founding Fathers first envisioned.

Ø   America First Trade Policy:

We reject the loss of sovereignty and American jobs that has been
brought about by a misguided trade policy.  We support the repeal of
American participation in the NAFTA and GATT treaties.  We also
support an end of American participation in all international trade bodies
and associations, such as WTO, that seek to coerce changes in
American laws through the use of international trade sanctions.  As a
Party we advocate these additional actions;

*   Impose tariffs upon foreign imports at the same level as those placed
on goods made in the U.S.A. and use the revenue to slash income taxes
for all Americans.
*   Protect vital U.S. industries by passing tough anti-dumping legislation.
*   Require that ALL items used by the United States military be

Ø   Immigration:

Recognizing that we are all the products of immigration in this country,
we will strive to enhance the immigration experience for those entering
America legally, while at the same time protecting our culture, working
within the means of our country's infrastructure, and at all cost avoiding
the racist backlash that will be the result of uncontrolled growth in an
immigrant population.  We advocate the following policies to achieve this;

*   Halt illegal immigration by securing our porous borders and
strengthening internal enforcement.
*   Reduce the number of legal immigrants entering our country to the
20th century average of 250,000 to 300,000 immigrants per year.
*   Support a national campaign of assimilation to teach newly adopted
Americans our culture, history, traditions, and the English language.
*   We support laws in each of the 50 states that identify English as the
official language of the United States of America.

Ø   America First Foreign Policy:

America's current foreign policy is a recipe for disaster and has been
brought to this point by those who insist America is the global
policeman.  At the same time, one fourth of this country's national debt
is traceable to foreign aid that is being siphoned from the U.S. Treasury
at a rate of $30 million a day.  In order to reverse this situation, we
support the following steps;

*   Return to the foreign policy adage of President Theodore Roosevelt as
in "Speak softly and carry a big stick."
*   End the looting of the Treasury by ending foreign aid.
*   Modernize and rebuild the American military in an effort to undue the
8 years of neglect brought about by the Clinton Administration.
*   Bring our military troops home, from all missions set up by the United
Nations, and second, from all missions set up by NATO.
*   Refuse to allow any U.S. military personnel to take any oath of
service other than the oath taken to defend and support the United
States of America.
*   Refuse to allow any U.S. military personnel to take orders from non-
American military commanders.
*   End American membership and participation in the United Nations.
*   Require the United Nations to move its operations and house its
facilities in some other country.

Ø   Right to Life:

In the 27 years since the Supreme Court declared that abortion is a
Constitutional right, over 35 million unborn American children have been
killed.  We regard this as a travesty and a horrible misreading of the U.S.
Constitution by the Supreme Court.  As a Party we will work to achieve
the following actions;

*   Overturn Roe vs, Wade.
*   Defund the abortion industry from Planned Parenthood to UNFPA to
fetal-tissue research.
*   Support State laws that restrict abortions in all cases except when 3
physicians all agree, in writing, that the life of the mother is at stake. In
the situation where one life will be lost no matter what is done, the
decision of the mother, father, and immediate family must be respected.
*   Push for passage of a Human Life Amendment to protect all unborn
children and elderly.

Ø   The Environment:

We have an obligation to be good stewards of the land, and we all have
an interest in maintaining clean air and water and in protecting our
natural resources.  However, our focus must always be on conservation
rather than control.  We advocate an incentive-driven plan for community-
based stewardship that is pro-growth, pro-people, and pro-environment.
The specifics listed below will help us reach this goal;

*   Abolish the Bureau of Land Management and give the 500 million
acres of BLM lands back to the states.
*   Offer incentives to industry to develop resource-efficient technologies.
Today, steel cans are 60% lighter than in 1955, a compact disc holds
the equivalent to 5 tons of telephone books, and a single fiber optic line
requiring 65 kilograms of silica carries the data once transmitted by a
one-ton copper cable.  Industry needs to be encouraged to continue to
find solutions of this kind.
*   Oppose international environmental accords like the Kyoto Treaty that
would devastate American industry and obligate our country to onerous
environmental regulations that do not apply to other nations.
*   Require Congress to vote on every endangered species and
compensate property owners when their land is seized and converted
into protected habitat.  Unelected bureaucrats must not be allowed to
violate property rights in the process of saving wildlife species.
*   Hold polluters to high standards of accountability and establish
incentives for individuals and business to clean up the pollution they

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