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Date: Sun, 11 Mar 2001 15:28:21 -0800 (PST)
From: Sam Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [prj] "Terrorism" semantics

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Houston Chronicle
March 8, 2001, 6:39PM

Get definition straight on Palestinian 'terrorism'
By ROBERT JENSEN, professor in the Department of
Journalism at the University of Texas at Austin

WITH a new hard-line Israeli defense minister
promising to strike at the Palestinian "terrorists and
their masters," it is more important than ever to be
clear about the politics of the term "terrorism." A
bit of contemporary history might help here.

On Dec. 7, 1987, the U.N. General Assembly voted 153-2
(with one abstention) to approve a resolution that
condemned international terrorism.

The two nations rejecting the resolution were the
United States and Israel.

The story of those votes tells us much about the power
of some states to label the acts of others as
terrorism while avoiding accountability for their own
terrorist acts.

General Assembly Resolution 42/159 concerned "measures
to prevent international terrorism," and was made up
mostly of boilerplate phrases that seem hard to
contest: "deploring the continuation of all terrorist
acts," "deeply disturbed by the worldwide persistence
of those acts" and "convinced of the importance of
expanding and improving international cooperation."

The language seems uncontroversial, until one gets to
the section that reaffirms the legitimacy of the
national liberation movements of "peoples under
colonial and racist regimes and other forms of alien
domination"; nothing in the resolution should be taken
to deny "the right to self-determination, freedom and

The resolution also urges all states "to contribute to
the progressive elimination of the causes underlying
international terrorism and to pay special attention
to all situations, including colonialism, racism and
situations involving mass and flagrant violations of
human rights and fundamental freedoms."

Now the "no" votes by the United States and Israel,
and their positions on terrorism, become clearer. Both
nations oppose terrorism, so long as we have the
definitions straight.

>From the U.S./Israeli point of view, violence
committed by Israel against Palestinians is defensive.
So, Israel's military occupation of the West Bank and
Gaza, routine use of torture, arbitrary demolition of
homes and political assassinations are not examples of
terrorism, but are simply necessary for defense.
Palestinian violence in resistance, though always at a
far lower level, is terrorism.

Similarly, when Israel occupied Lebanon throughout the
1980s and '90s in violation of U.N. Security Council
resolutions, the violence of that occupation was
defensive, and Hezbollah's resistance to that
occupation was labeled terrorism.

The question is, of course: What is Israel defending?
Its people, or its program of conquest and expansion?

If we were to take seriously the moral call to end
domination by colonial regimes, certainly Israel's
occupation of Palestine would be among the first to be
addressed. Everyone is aware of the complexity of the
situation in Israel/Palestine, but we all should be
just as aware that Israel occupies land conquered in
war in violation of international law. That is

There is no doubt that both sides in the conflict have
killed, and at times, killed civilians. The 1987
General Assembly resolution deplores any taking of
"innocent human lives," but it also acknowledges that
the causes of terrorism often lie in "misery,
frustration, grievance and despair" that leads people
to seek radical change. Such sympathies for the
victims of occupation and repression, and hence the
resolution expressing those sympathies, were
unacceptable to Israel and the United States.

So long as the Palestinians accept the narrow limits
of what was until recently called "the peace process,"
Israel is willing to grant them some minimal rights,
mostly the right to rule over their own

But Palestinians revert to the status of terrorists
when they resist the daily humiliations of
checkpoints, closures and random violence against
them; or when they refuse to accept a subordinate
status that allows
Israel to retain the best land and the water
resources. If Palestinians demand a state with true
sovereignty and self-determination, the condemnations
from Israel begin once again.

If one abandons morality and considers only power, it
is easy to see why Israel refused to vote to condemn
terrorism. It's also easy to see why the United States
followed suit. For decades the United States has
invested in Israel as a strategic partner to help
maintain U.S. dominance in the Middle East. So long as
policy-makers see value in that strategy, the United
States is unlikely to put serious pressure on Israel
to seek not just peace, but a just peace, in the
Middle East.

The likelihood of such pressure for justice for the
Palestinians will increase dramatically, however, if
U.S. citizens understand better the history of the
region, realize the complicity of the United States,
and demand that U.S. policy support "the inalienable
right to  self-determination and independence of all
peoples" that the U.N. resolution reminds us is  the
foundation of international law.


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