-Caveat Lector-

A list of all gun grabbing bills in congress

S25 - Firearm Licensing and Record of Sale Act of 2001

- Sponsor: Sen Feinstein, Dianne, - Sen Boxer, Barbara - 1/22/2001,
Sen Corzine, Jon - 1/31/2001, Sen Schumer, Charles E. - 1/22/2001
Self Explanatory, currently in the judiciary committee.

S330 - Firearms Safety and Consumer Protection Act of 2001
(Introduced in the Senate
http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/D?c107:2:./temp/~c107bILEpq:: -
Sponsor:  Sen Torricelli, Robert G. Cosponsor - Sen Corzine, Jon -
A bill to expand the powers of the Secretary of the Treasury to regulate
the manufacture, distribution, and sale of firearms and ammunition, and
to expand the jurisdiction of the Secretary to include firearm products
and non-powder firearms. - Currently in judiciary.

HR671 - Firearms Safety and Consumer Protection Act of 2001
(Introduced in the House)
http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/D?c107:3:./temp/~c107bILEpq:: -
Sponsor: Rep Kennedy, Patrick J. Cosponsers - Rep Blagojevich, Rod
R., Rep Conyers, John, Jr., Rep Filner, Bob, Rep Markey, Edward J.,
Rep McGovern, James P., Rep Meehan, Martin T., Rep Pascrell, Bill,
Jr., Rep Tierney, John F., Rep Towns, Edolphus, Rep Woolsey, Lynn C.
In House judiciary and crime subcommittee. Same as Torricelli's bill.

HR 731 - To prohibit the discharge of a firearm within 1000 feet of any
Federal land or facility. (Introduced in the House)
http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/D?c107:5:./temp/~c107bILEpq:: -
Sponsor: Rep Andrews, Robert E.
Self explanitory and ridiculous - Judiciary

HR408 - Gun Ballistics Safety Act of 2001 (Introduced in the House)
- Sponsor: Andrews, Robert E.
To provide for the establishment of a national database of ballistics
information about firearms for use in fighting crime, and to require
firearms manufacturers to provide ballistics information about new
firearms to the national database. - Judiciary

HR 726 - To amend title 18, United States Code, to ban using the
Internet to obtain or dispose of a firearm. (Introduced in the House
http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/D?c107:7:./temp/~c107lDEOCh:: -
Sponsor:  Rep Mink, Patsy T. Cosponsors: Rep Schakowsky, Janice D.
- 3/6/2001 Rep Stark, Fortney Pete - 3/6/2001 Referred to Judiciary.

HR70 - Child Gun Safety and Gun Access Prevention Act of 200
-Sponsor: Rep Jackson-Lee, Sheila
Child Gun Safety and Gun Access Prevention Act of 2001 - Amends the
Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act to: (1) raise the age of handgun
eligibility to 21 (currently, 18); and (2) prohibit persons under age 21
from possessing semiautomatic assault weapons or large capacity
ammunition feeding devices, with exceptions. - It's also a lock up your
safety law - Judiciary and subcommitte on crime

S436 - Child Safety Lock Act of 2001 (Introduced in the Senate)

-Sen Kohl, Herb (introduced 3/1/2001) Cosponsors - Sen Boxer,
Barbara -3/1/2001 Sen Chafee, Lincoln D. - 3/1/2001 Sen Corzine, Jon -
3/1/2001 Sen Durbin, Richard J. - 3/1/2001 Sen Feinstein, Dianne -
3/5/2001 Sen Kerry, John F. - 3/1/2001 Sen Reed, Jack - 3/1/2001 Sen
Schumer, Charles E. - 3/1/2001
Title: A bill to amend chapter 44 of title 18, United States Code,
to require the provision of a child safety lock in connection with the
transfer of a handgun and provide safety standards for child safety locks.

HR 422 - Bullet Tracing Act To Reduce Gun Violence (Introduced in the
House) http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-
-Sponsor - Rep Becerra, Xavier
To require ballistics testing of the firearms manufactured in or imported
into the United States that are most commonly used in crime, and to
provide for the compilation, use, and availability of ballistics information
for the purpose of curbing the use of firearms in crime.

HR 891 No Guns For Violent Perpetrators Act (Introduced in the House)
-Sponsor: : Rep Moore, Dennis (introduced 3/6/2001) Cosponsors: Rep
Frank, Barney - 3/6/2001 Rep Gonzalez, Charles A. - 3/6/2001 Rep
Holt, Rush D. - 3/6/2001 Rep Lowey, Nita M. - 3/6/2001 Rep Maloney,
Carolyn B. - 3/6/2001 Rep McCarthy, Carolyn - 3/6/2001 Rep McCarthy,
Karen - 3/6/2001 Rep McGovern, James P. - 3/6/2001 Rep Miller,
George - 3/6/2001 Rep Mink, Patsy T. - 3/7/2001 Rep Morella,
Constance A. - 3/6/2001 Rep Smith, Christopher H. - 3/6/2001 Rep
Udall, Tom - 3/6/2001
Title: To prohibit the possession of a firearm by an individual who has
committed an act of juvenile delinquency that would be a violent felony if
committed by an adult. - Judiciary

HR 233 Child Safety Lock Act of 2001 (Introduced in the House)
- Sponsor:Rep Millender-McDonald, Juanita Makes it unlawful for a
licensed manufacturer, importer, or dealer to sell, deliver, or transfer a
handgun without a locking device and specified warnings to any person
other than a licensed manufacturer, importer, or dealer, with exceptions
for law enforcement officers and governmental entities

HR255 Safer America For Everyone's Children (SAFE Children) Act
(Introduced in the House)
http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/D?c107:20:./temp/~c107NMZBHs:: -
Sponsor: Ben Gilman To provide grant funds to units of local government
that comply with certain requirements and to amend certain Federal
firearms laws. -ALSO an ammo ban - Judiciary(WATCH THAT ONE)

HR 693 Childproof Handgun Act of 2001 (Introduced in the House)
- Sponsor: Rep Pascrell, Bill, Jr. (introduced 2/14/2001)Cosponsors: -
Rep Barrett, Thomas M. - 2/14/2001 Rep Brady, Robert - 2/14/2001 Rep
Capuano, Michael E. - 2/14/2001 Rep Carson, Julia - 3/8/2001 Rep
Delahunt, William D. - 2/14/2001 Rep Evans, Lane - 3/5/2001 Rep Farr,
Sam - 3/5/2001 Rep Gutierrez, Luis V. - 3/8/2001 Rep Kennedy, Patrick
J. - 3/8/2001 Rep Lantos, Tom - 3/8/2001 Rep Maloney, Carolyn B. -
2/14/2001 Rep McCarthy, Carolyn - 2/14/2001 Rep McGovern, James
P. - 3/5/2001 Rep Schakowsky, Janice D. - 3/5/2001 Rep Stupak, Bart -
3/5/2001 Rep Weiner, Anthony D. -  2/14/2001
To ban the manufacture of handguns that cannot be personalized,
to provide for a report to the Congress on the commercial feasibility of
personalizing firearms, and to provide for grants to improve firearm
safety. - Judiciary and crime

S16 21st Century Law Enforcement, Crime Prevention, and Victims
Assistance Act (Introduced in the Senate
http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/D?c107:23:./temp/~c107NMZBHs:: -
Sponsor: Sen Daschle, Thomas A. Cosponsors: Sen Biden Jr., Joseph
R. - 1/22/2001 Sen Boxer, Barbara - 1/22/2001 Sen Breaux, John B. -
1/22/2001 Sen Clinton, Hillary Rodham - 1/22/2001 Sen Corzine, Jon -
1/22/2001 Sen Dorgan, Byron L. - 3/1/2001 Sen Durbin, Richard J. -
1/22/2001 Sen Johnson, Tim - 1/22/2001 Sen Kennedy, Edward M. -
1/22/2001 Sen Kerry, John F. - 1/22/2001 Sen Leahy, Patrick J. -
1/22/2001 Sen Levin, Carl - 1/22/2001 Sen Rockefeller IV, John D. -
1/22/2001 Sen Schumer, Charles E. - 1/22/2001 Sen Torricelli, Robert
G. - 3/1/2001
A bill to improve law enforcement, crime prevention, and victim
assistance in the 21st century. Also has a CRAPLOAD
of draconian gun laws

HR 138 - Handgun Licensing Act of 2001 (Introduced in the House)
- Sponsor: Rep Nadler, Jerrold (introduced 1/3/2001) Cosponsors: Rep
Carson, Julia -1/30/2001 Rep Clay, Wm. Lacy - 2/28/2001 Rep Crowley,
Joseph - 1/3/2001 Rep Engel, Eliot L. - 1/3/2001 Rep Gutierrez, Luis V. -
 2/14/2001 Rep Israel, Steve - 1/30/2001 Rep Jones, Stephanie Tubbs -
1/3/2001 Rep Langevin, James R. - 2/14/2001 Rep Lee, Barbara -
1/3/2001 Rep McGovern, James P. -1/30/2001 Rep McKinney, Cynthia
A. - 2/28/2001 Rep Miller, George -2/28/2001 Rep Rush, Bobby L. -
1/30/2001 Rep Schakowsky, Janice D. -1/3/2001 Rep Weiner, Anthony
D. - 1/3/2001 Rep Wynn, Albert Russell -1/30/2001
To amend title 18, United States Code, to require persons to
obtain a State license before receiving a handgun or handgun

Sponsor: Sen Feinstein, Dianne (introduced 3/9/2001) Cosponsors: Sen
Kennedy, Edward M. - 3/9/2001 Sen Schumer, Charles E. - 3/9/2001

Title: A bill to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to regulate
certain 50 caliber sniper weapons in the same manner as machine guns
and other firearms, and for other purposes.

HR225 Anti-Gunrunning Act of 2001 (Introduced in the House
- Sponsor: Rep Wexler, Robert (introduced 1/3/2001) Cosponsors(all 59)
RepAbercrombie, Neil - 2/27/2001 Rep Andrews, Robert E. - 2/7/2001
RepBecerra, Xavier - 2/7/2001 Rep Blagojevich, Rod R. - 2/7/2001 Rep
Blumenauer, Earl - 2/7/2001 Rep Brady, Robert - 2/7/2001 Rep Brown,
Corrine- 2/7/2001 Rep Capuano, Michael E. - 2/7/2001 Rep Carson,
Julia - 2/7/2001Rep Conyers, John, Jr. - 2/27/2001 Rep Davis, Danny K.
- 2/7/2001 RepDelahunt, William D. - 2/7/2001 Rep Deutsch, Peter -
2/7/2001 Rep Engel,Eliot L. - 2/7/2001 Rep Eshoo, Anna G. - 2/7/2001
Rep Faleomavaega, Eni F.H. - 2/7/2001 Rep Fattah, Chaka - 2/27/2001
Rep Filner, Bob - 2/7/2001 RepFrank, Barney - 2/7/2001 Rep Hastings,
Alcee L. - 3/6/2001 Rep Holt, RushD. - 2/7/2001 Rep Jackson, Jesse
L., Jr. - 2/27/2001 Rep Jackson-Lee,Sheila - 2/7/2001 Rep Kennedy,
Patrick J. - 2/7/2001 Rep Lantos, Tom -2/7/2001 Rep Lee, Barbara -
2/7/2001 Rep Lewis, John - 2/7/2001 RepLipinski, William O. - 2/7/2001
Rep Maloney, Carolyn B. - 2/7/2001 RepMarkey, Edward J. - 2/27/2001
Rep McCarthy, Carolyn - 2/7/2001 RepMcGovern, James P. - 2/7/2001
Rep McKinney, Cynthia A. - 2/7/2001 RepMeehan, Martin T. - 2/7/2001
Rep Meek, Carrie P. - 2/7/2001 RepMillender-McDonald, Juanita -
2/7/2001 Rep Mink, Patsy T. - 2/7/2001 RepMoakley, John Joseph -
2/7/2001 Rep Moran, James P. - 1/3/2001 Rep Morella,
Constance A. - 2/7/2001 Rep Nadler, Jerrold - 1/3/2001 Rep Norton,
Eleanor Holmes - 2/7/2001 Rep Olver, John W. - 2/7/2001 Rep Pallone,
Frank, Jr. -2/7/2001 Rep Pascrell, Bill, Jr. - 2/7/2001 Rep Payne,
Donald M. -2/27/2001 Rep Rothman, Steve R. - 2/7/2001 Rep Rush,
Bobby L. - 2/7/2001Rep Sabo, Martin Olav - 2/7/2001 Rep Schakowsky,
Janice D. - 2/7/2001 RepSerrano, Jose E. - 2/7/2001 Rep Sherman,
Brad - 2/7/2001 Rep Stark, Fortney Pete - 2/7/2001 Rep Thompson,
Bennie G. - 2/7/2001 Rep Tierney, John F. -2/7/2001 Rep Towns,
Edolphus - 2/7/2001 Rep Waters, Maxine - 2/27/2001 Rep
Woolsey, Lynn C. - 2/27/2001 Rep Wynn, Albert Russell - 2/7/2001
One gun a month. - Judiciary and Crime Subcommittee


Best Wishes

But when shall we be stronger ? Will it be the next week or the next
year?  Will it be when we are totally disarmed....Shall we gather
strength by irresolution and inaction? Shall we acquire the means of
effectual resistance by lying supinely on our backs and hugging the
delusive phantom of hope, until our enemies shall have bound us hand
and foot?  -Patrick Henry

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