-Caveat Lector-


The wrong question

Thomas Sowell

     After every tragic school shooting — and many other shocking murders — the
question gets asked: "How could he do such
a thing?"

     This has become the centerpiece of a whole set of rituals.

     Another part of these rituals is the appearance of shrinks, like ambulance
chasers, at the scene of the tragedy and in TV
studios. Even when young killers had been given clean bills of health by psychiatrists
and psychologists before they unleashed a
murderous rampage, the shrinks have become confident know-it-alls after the fact
and have told us what needs to be done by all
and sundry. It always includes more use of the services of shrinks.

     Yet another ritual is the televised display of grief by family and friends,
and assertions of what good people the murder
victims were. But the grief of the bereaved is far too personal for the TV tube,
unless we are determined to turn all of life —
and death — into daytime shock TV. As for the virtues of the victims, even if
they had no special virtues, nobody had a right to
kill them.

     All these emotional releases shift the focus away from the outrage that
was committed and from the young killer or killers
who were responsible — and who need to be held responsible and forced to pay
a price commensurate with what they did. But
the whole thrust of questions like "Why did he do it?" is toward lessening personal
responsibility. Yet shrinks insist on explaining
what they cannot explain and demonstrably could not predict.

     Why did he do it? The question itself is so painfully naive as to be a harbinger
of hand-wringing futility. Human beings have
been killing other human beings for as long as we have written records. Ancient
skeletons of murdered people show that these
killings went on before humans were even capable of writing.

     The real question is: Why don't most other people do things like this? The
cave men were killers, and babies born into the
world today come equipped with no more morality than the offspring of the cave
men. If they turn out any better, it is because
morality has been inculcated into them during their childhood.

     Morality is civilization's first line of defense. Police and the criminal
justice system are the last line of defense for those
relatively few who are not stopped by society's other defenses. Unfortunately,
there seem to be increasing numbers of people
for whom morality means nothing.

     Some of this may be part of the general trends of our times. However, most
people are unaware of how much of the
breakdown of morality is not just a happenstance, but is part of a decades-long
systematic undermining of moral norms by the
schools themselves. There are educational gurus whose books and packaged programs
have been put into schools across the
country, devoted to counteracting the morality taught to children by their parents
with fads that used to be called "values
clarification" and which now go by a variety of names.

     Most moral principles do not require any clarification, nor is clarification
what these programs offer. Just what part of "Thou
shalt not kill" does anyone not understand? Is it rocket science to figure out
what parents mean when they teach their children
not to lie or steal?

     What "values clarification" offered, and what similar programs continue
to offer, is the prospect of having individuals —
children at that — create their own morality, as they are supposed to create
their own understanding of how to go about doing
math. For years, our American schoolchildren have finished at or near the bottom
in international tests of mathematics. So we
know this faddish approach to teaching math simply does not work.

     There is no reason to expect or believe that do-it-yourself morality is
any more successful. But that is what underlies many
programs that emphasize "decision-making" — meaning creating your own norms for
making decisions. That is the real message
of programs that get sold to the public as "drug prevention," "sex education"
or whatever other false colors may be used.

     The time is long overdue for parents and voters to stop buying the education
establishment's line, and get the public schools
out of the business of indoctrinating students or using them as guinea pigs.
But parents who themselves received a
dumbed-down education, garnished with psychobabble, may not be equipped to understand
what is wrong with what is being
done to their children or to have the backbone to be "judgmental" about it. But
if the fetish of being non-judgmental means more
to you than your children, then what kind of parent are you?

Thomas Sowell is a nationally syndicated columnist.

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