-Caveat Lector-



Friday March 16
, 2001

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Published on Thursday, March 15, 2001 in the Guardian of London
Oil Firms Stoke Up Sudan War
Christian Aid report accuses foreign companies of complicity in mass displacement
and killing of thousands
by Victoria Brittain and Terry Macalister

Oil companies operating in Sudan are complicit in the systematic depopulating of large 
areas of the country and atrocities against civilians, tens of thousands of whom have 
been killed and displaced from the areas around
the oil fields, according to a report to be published today.

Christian Aid, in a searing report on the consequences of Sudan's new oil bonanza, 
accuses the oil companies of deep involvement in the government's war machine against 
southern civilians.

The companies are protected by government forces and allow their airstrips and roads 
to be used by the military, while the revenues from oil are funding expansion of the 
war, the report says.

The report includes dozens of eyewitness accounts from villages where people have been 
driven out by bombing and ground attacks.

"Oil has brought death," said one Nuer chief, Malony Kolang. "When the pumping began, 
the war began. Antonovs and helicopter gunships began attacking the villages. All the 
farms have been destroyed, everything around the
oil fields has been destroyed."

Christian Aid's report calls on foreign oil companies - from Canada, Sweden, China, 
France and Austria - to suspend their operations in Sudan. It also calls for BP and 
Shell to divest their shares in firms whose parent co
mpany is involved.

The report accuses the oil companies of trying to   distance themselves from the 
catastrophe of southern Sudan by claiming they are not responsible for the behaviour 
of companies in which they are shareholders.

BP said last night it had no intention of disposing of its interests in PetroChina 
"because there is no reason why we should". The Chinese company, in which BP bought a 
$578m stake 12 months ago, is not active in Sudan, a
lthough its parent group, China National Petroleum Corporation, (CNPC) is.

Toby Odone, a spokesman for BP, insisted there was no operational connection between 
PetroChina and CNPC. "When PetroChina did its IPO [listing on the US stock market] it 
assured the Securities & Exchange Commission that
it had no interests in Sudan because of the sanctions issue," he explained.

A Shell spokesman said it had no exploration or production interests in Sudan either 
directly or through its Chinese partner Sinopec. Dave Stuart said: "Although Sinopec 
did at one stage control interests in Sudan as a re
sult of the restructuring of the Chinese state oil industry, that stake was moved back 
to CNPC during 1999."

He said Shell would not agree to Christian Aid demands that it withdraw from its 
shareholding in Sinopec because there was no connection between Sinopec and CNPC.

Rolls Royce admits it provided 34 diesel engines to help pump oil along a 1,000-mile 
pipeline from Sudan's oil fields to an export terminal on the Red Sea.

Martin Brody, a Rolls Royce    spokesman, said the company always took advice from the 
British government on where it could do business but also had its own criteria. He 
added: "As a supplier of equipment we always take a
 responsible view of our actions. We gave a lot of information to Christian Aid   and 
will need to look at its report in more detail."

Glasgow-based Weir Group is also being criticised for a £20m contract to provide 
equipment for pumping stations on the same pipeline. Emrys Inker, a spokesman for 
Weir, confirmed its involvement in Sudan but said all the
work had been done with the approval of the Department of Trade and Industry and the 
British government.

Weir had no comment on accusations that it is complicit in human rights abuses, or on 
speculation that it is involved in a second contract to supply pumps.

The report gives harrowing details of the lives of refugees from the oil areas who
have walked hundreds of miles to very precarious areas of southern Sudan, already
wracked by decades of civil war.

"All the villages along the road have been burned," said John Wicjial Bayak, a local
official driven from a village close to the main road built for access to the oil
fields. "You   cannot see a single hut. The government doesn't want people anywhere
near the oil."

One man described fleeing the bombing with six of his grandchildren to hide in a
forest. "We dug a hole for the children and put a blanket on top," he said. "We
stayed 20 days in the forest eating wild fruit."

Systematic attacks on the villages began in March 2000, according to village chiefs.
One was bombed 10 times before government troops finally burned out the residents.

Across southern Sudan life is on a knife-edge and the government's strategy of
banning aid flights to Upper Nile is fanning fears of a new famine tragedy similar
to that of 1998, in which tens of thousands died.

© Guardian Newspapers Limited 2001
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The libertarian therefore considers one of his prime educational
tasks is to spread the demystification and desanctification of the
State among its hapless subjects.  His task is to demonstrate
repeatedly and in depth that not only the emperor but even the
"democratic" State has no clothes; that all governments subsist
by exploitive rule over the public; and that such rule is the reverse
of objective necessity.  He strives to show that the existence of
taxation and the State necessarily sets up a class division between
the exploiting rulers and the exploited ruled.  He seeks to show that
the task of the court intellectuals who have always supported the State
has ever been to weave mystification in order to induce the public to
accept State rule and that these intellectuals obtain, in return, a
share in the power and pelf extracted by the rulers from their deluded
[[For a New Liberty:  The Libertarian Manifesto, Murray N. Rothbard,
Fox & Wilkes, 1973, 1978, p. 25]]

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