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Monday, March 19 11:37 PM SGT

Powell delivers stern warning to
Russia, Iran
WASHINGTON, March 19 (AFP) - US Secretary of State Colin Powell delivered a
stern warning to Russia and Iran Monday, putting both nations on notice that
the United States was watching their actions closely and would respond should
they make moves that could destabilize the Middle East.
In an address before the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, Powell
said Washington would not turn a blind eye to repression by Tehran or arms
sales by Moscow to the Islamic Republic.
The secretary said while President George W. Bush's administration was
reviewing its policy toward Iran, it was troubled by Tehran's continued
support for terrorism, opposition to Middle East peace efforts and its
treatment of minorities, particularly Jews.
"It is apparent that certain aspects of Iranian government behavior ... are
of deep concern," Powell said, adding that Iranian Jews had been "unfairly
charged and harshly imprisoned" in a series of recent criminal cases.
"This is of deep concern to the United States and to the American people, and
we will not turn aside and ignore this kind of behavior," he said to
enthusiastic applause from the pro-Israel crowd attending the speech.
At the same time, Powell said the Bush team was intrigued by recent events in
Iran that indicated a resurgence of moderate sentiment against the
conservative Islamic government.
"We are aware of the intellectual and political foment taking place within
Iran," he said. "Things are happening, things are changing and we will
continue to watch these developments closely and hopefully."
Powell also picked up on heavy criticism of Russia levelled by US officials
last week after Moscow announced plans to boost military and nuclear
cooperation with Iran.
"We are also concerned about Iranian efforts to develop weapons of mass
destruction and to increase its conventional military strength," he said,
noting that he had raised the issue in meetings with Russian officials,
including Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov and national security advisor Sergei
"I have gone so far as to raise with senior Russian officials the role that
Russia is playing in these dangerous and destabilizing efforts," Powell said.
"We will not overlook what Russia is doing to cause this sort of problem."
Washington has warned Moscow that it may face US sanctions should it sell
advanced conventional weapons or sensitive technology to Tehran.
Russia has dismissed the US concerns saying any weapons sales to Iran will be
defensive in nature, will not violate non-proliferation agreements and will
not affect the balance of power in the Middle East.


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