Title: Government Slush Funds
If this doesn't get you up out of your chair in protest, then go on back to sleep.

Government Slush Funds 

Most City, County, State, our Federal government, and other taxing authorities have created slush funds from overpayed taxes, called Government Investment Pools, and have invested these funds in the markets.  You should demand a copy of the "Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports" (CAFRs) from your State Comptroller to see just how much taxpayer's money has been hidden in these accounts.  The 1999 report for the State of Texas showed that they had in the composite accounts a total of $7.126 trillion (that's with a "T").  The total population of Texas, according to the 2000 Census, was 20,903,994.  This means that for each person (man, woman and child) in Texas at that time, using the 2000 and 1999 figures, this fund held $340,868.73 per person.

You can find this information on the Internet by going to http://www.financenet.gov/state/cafr.htm and looking for your state.  For residents of Texas, do a search for TexPool, and look for the account called Texas Government Investment Pool (TexPool) Trust Fund.  Each state has their own slush fund, and under different names, so check the records for your state, as described above for Texas.

We want these investment pools eliminated, and the money in these pools returned to the taxpayers in the form of tax rebates.  This money held by Texas should only be returned to those who have paid taxes in Texas, on a pro-rated share depending on the amount of taxes that they have paid.
We want all forms of out city, county, state and Federal governments to be reduced to the bare amount required to provide necessary services (as defined by the taxpayers), and then the taxes should be levied in the proper amounts to exactly cover these costs.

We want laws enacted to outlaw government slush funds forever.

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