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---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2001 19:21:58 +0200
From: Hebron <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: News from Hebron:Police foil terrorist attack in Jerusalem

News from Hebron
The Hebron Press Office
March 21, 2001

Police foil terrorist attack in Jerusalem

Israel radio has reported that a car bomb was discovered at
"Kikar HaShabbat" - in the Mea Sha'arim - Geula section of
Jerusalem. After neutralizing the car bomb, police reported that
the car was filled with several different explosive devices, due
to be exploded via a cell phone.

The Hebron Testimonial Dinner in NYC

Pesach in Hebron

New on the Hebron Web Site:
The New Hebron Today Magazine - See and/or download

Torah from Hebron:
Parshat HaShavuah from Hebron

The Jerusalem Post, March 21, 2001

Raise that Flag, Limor!
By Michael Freund

Israel is famous for many things, but civil discourse isn’t one
of them. In a political culture oddly reminiscent of American
professional wrestling, with its outlandish scripts, bizarre
characters and predictable cliffhanger finales, Israel’s
democracy is as vibrant as it is chaotic. But whereas America’s
wrestlers deliver blows that are staged for effect, Israel’s
political pugilists strike with far more painful force.

Indeed, Israel’s intellectual vanguard has wasted little time in
directing its acrimony at newly appointed Education Minister
Limor Livnat. Livnat was just settling in to her new position
when she came under fire for daring to suggest that the Jewish
state ought to be teaching Zionist and Jewish values in its

This “sin” was compounded by her decision to remove an
inflammatory poem by a Palestinian militant nationalist from the
Israeli school curriculum.  Livnat further raised the left’s ire
when she barred an Education Ministry textbook deemed unfit
because it distorted Israeli and Jewish history.

Sadly, rather than criticizing Livnat on the merits of her
decisions, many of her detractors have resorted to the lowest of
schoolyard tactics:  name-calling. Examples, unfortunately,

Columnist Gidon Spiro compared Livnat’s actions to the repressive
measures adopted by the Chinese Communist party against its foes
(Kol HaZman, March 16). Hebrew University Prof. Eli Poudeh warned
that if Livnat continues on her current course, “the Education
Ministry will turn into, in the words of George Orwell, the
Ministry of ‘Truth’ ” (Ha’aretz, Hebrew edition, March 19).

Even more distressing is that some of Israel’s leading writers
have joined the fray, tossing aside thoughtful analysis in favor
of mudslinging. Tom Segev, considered to be one of Israel’s top
journalists, labeled Livnat the “Batwoman of Zionism” and
asserted, “Her fury transforms her into a sister of the
Buddha-smashing Taleban in Afghanistan” (Ha’aretz, March 16).
Columnist Yoel Marcus invoked the shadows of the past when he
wrote, “What will she do next? Burn books in the downtown
districts of Israel’s cities?” (Ha’aretz, March 16)

It is simply astonishing that a government minister is attacked
for trying to instill in Israeli schoolchildren the most
cherished values and beliefs of our people. That, after all, is
why schools exist. Not merely to teach the mechanics of
mathematics, but the qualities of good citizenship. And to be a
good citizen in Israel means to appreciate and understand the
country’s history, traditions and heritage.

Equally astonishing is the manner in which this “debate” is being
conducted. Those opposing Livnat have vilified her rather than
criticized her. They claim to be coming to the defense of our
children’s education – but the manner in which they do so only
sets a poor example for those very same kids.

It is clear that Israel’s schools desperately need a strong
injection of Zionist and Jewish values. Israeli youth need to be
reminded why they are here and why the State of Israel is far
more than just another Levantine state with decent cable TV.

To infuse Israeli students with a greater sense of attachment to
the country, we can start by insisting that every schoolroom be
adorned with a large, outsized Israeli flag next to the
blackboard. There is no reason why the national symbol should be
virtually invisible at our nation’s schools.

Similarly, the singing of Hatikvah, the national anthem, should
become a regular part of every school’s routine. Growing up in
the United States, I recited the “Pledge of Allegiance” at the
beginning of every school day, and I remember it still. With its
beautiful words and stirring music, Hatikvah should resonate off
of students’ lips every morning.

Another untapped resource is Israel’s wealth of national and
historical sites. Though occasional school trips incorporate such
places in their itinerary, it is essential that they become a
more frequent part of the curriculum. Nothing can be more
powerful or educational than to visit the sites of our people’s
triumphs and tribulations.

Finally, we need to remind ourselves and our children that
nationalism is not a dirty word. Jean-Jacques Rousseau, the 18th
century French philosopher and a favorite among Western liberals,
wrote, “Do we wish men to be virtuous? Then let us begin by
making them love their country.” How sad that his would-be
intellectual heirs in Israel seem to have forgotten this basic

The writer served as Deputy Director of Communications and Policy
Planning in the Prime Minister’s Office from 1996 to 1999.

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

                    *Michael Spitzer*  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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