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Rumor Mill News Forum 



Date: Thursday, 22 March 2001, 1:44 a.m. 

  Thu Mar 22, 2001 3:55am 

  By David Booth 

  World War III began this month, and few of us noticed. Those that did know were, of 
course, those who started it. Depending, and rightly so, on a world consumed with to 
many matters/choices/etc. the forces of this conflict, having been arranged for the 
past quarter century, are now ready to consume us all in what is to them the ultimate 
sacrifice to powers and gods not known and most certainly not even thought about by 
any of us. But, that doesn't make it any less likely to occur. 

  The 'simple' facts are these: Sheep...Mir...Mars...Koran...Pan...Antichrist 

  The 'connections' are these: The current Foot and Mouth crises in Europe, and soon 
to be America, is a cover up to sacrifice to a god named Pan his 'due'. 

  The timing of this sacrifice is meant to both fulfill and mock the Koran, and those 
who believe in it. 

  This Fridays re-entry into the atmosphere of Mir is instead the beginning of a 
debris field from a collision this past year of a comet, 76P, and Mars. More to come 

  The ultimate goal of this past months events is to herald the coming of the 

  I've included, below, some basic information, for anyone interested, like puzzle 
pieces, to 'fit' together. 

  This site is one of the few left in the world where there are those who are able and 
willing to take the time to fit these pieces together too. As you do so though please 
remember, pass on to others what you know. 

  Here is the start of your learning, learn well. 

  As it turns out, we are visiting Iran at an important time. The animals in the 
street are a preparation for Eid al-Adha, or Feast of the Sacrifice. On this day, 
these animals will be sacrificed as a sign of faith in God. This may sound strange or 
barbaric to those in countries where animal sacrifice is illegal, but the meaning of 
the sacrifice is actually a reminder of Holy Scriptures and the importance of faith in 
God. This year, Eid al-Adha also falls just before the Persian New Year, so the 
ceremony will also serve as a good omen for the coming year. 

  Two religious feasts in the Muslim calendar which are holy and very special are Eid 
Al Fitr and Eid Al Adha. Eid Al Fitr is known as the Festival of Fast-Breaking which 
signals the end of Ramadan (a month of daily fasting from sunrise to sunset) and it is 
a three day celebration. 

  Although the celebration lasts for three days, the main activities occur on the 
first day which coincides with the first day of Shawwal in the Muslim calendar. During 
Eid Al Fitr, an obligatory charitable gift from every Muslim called Zakat Al Fitr is 
given to the poor and the needy. The purpose of Zakat Al Fitr is to purify the one who 
has committed any type of indecent act or speech while fasting. 

  "The worst woes will come to those who heap their grief by blood of sheep." 

  sheep- Sacrificed to Jupiter, Juno, Janus, Mars, Terminus, Faunus, and other 
deities, sheep were widely used by state religion. In cults, male lambs were offered 
to Divi, and females were offered to Divae. Ram blood was a popular ceremonial object. 

  March 20, 2000, 10:04 AM 

  The Egyptians do not all worship the same gods (excepting Isis and Osiris) or have 
the same religious practices. The Thebans sacrifice goats, but not sheep. 

  In contrast to the Thebans, the Mendesians sacrifice sheep but not goats. 

  Egyptians against the Egyptians--Lower against Upper: and Saitic against both. (See 
Isaiah 3:10). NEWTON refers it to the civil wars between Apries and Amasis at the time 
of Nebuchadnezzar's invasion; also between Tachos, Nectanebus, and the Mendesians, 
just before Ochus subdued Egypt. 
  kingdom against kingdom--The Septuagint has "nome against nome"; Egypt was divided 
into forty-two nomes or districts. 

  Now the reason why those of the Egyptians whom I have mentioned do not sacrifice 
goats, female or male, is this: - the Mendesians count Pan to be one of the eight gods 
(now these eight gods they say came into being before the twelve gods), and the 
painters and image-makers represent in painting and in 
  sculpture the figure of Pan, just as the Hellenes do, with goat's face and legs, not 
supposing him to be really like this but to resemble the other gods; the cause however 
why they represent him in this form I prefer not to say. The Mendesians then reverence 
all goats and the males more than the females (and 
  the goatherds too have greater honour than other herdsmen), but of the goats one 
especially is reverenced, and when he dies there is great mourning in all the 
Mendesian district: and both the goat and Pan are called in the Egyptian tongue 

  Moreover in my lifetime there happened in that district this 
  marvel, that is to say a he-goat had intercourse with a woman publicly, and this was 
so done that all men might have evidence of it. 


  March 20, 2001 - Muslims throughout the world are marking the festival of Eid 
Al-Adha. The festival comes at the end of the annual Hajj pilgrimage to Mecca in Saudi 
  Devotees offered special morning prayers at mosques, while many Muslims left the 
capital cities to spend time with their families in their villages and towns. Millions 
of goats, cows and sheep were slaughtered to commemorate the Prophet Abraham's 
willingness to sacrifice his son for God. 

  What does it mean 

  Meaning "visit to the revered place," the pilgrimage to Makkah, is the the most 
significant manifestation of Islamic faith and unity in the world. For those Muslims 
are able to make the journey to Makkah, the hajj is the peak of their religious life. 

  Who is it applicable to? 

  The annual pilgrimage to Makkah -- the Hajj -- is an obligation only for those who 
are physically and financially able to perform it. 

  Eid Al Adha is a four day celebration when Muslims from all over the world offer a 
sacrifice by slaughtering a sheep, cow, or goat following the traditional Islamic 
customs. It is also called the festival of sacrifice. The meat from the sacrifice is 
shared by friends, neighbors, relatives, and also distributed to the poor and needy. 
Eid Al Adha culminates in the Pilgrimage called Hajj of the Muslim faithful in the 
Holy places of Mecca and Medina. 

  The Pilgrimage is the largest annual gathering of Muslims. It is the greatest 
conference of peace known in the history of mankind. The theme of the Pilgrimage is 
peace; peace with God, peace with one's soul, and peace with each other. 

  During the religious feasts of Eid Al Fitr and Eid Al Adha, the old and the young 
put on brand new clothes, families gather, gifts are distributed among children and 
feelings of joy and cheer fill the air. These two feasts are truly very special 
throughout the Muslim world because of their strong religious meaning. Sweets and 
different types of foods are prepared and exchanged among families and friends. 
Children receive gifts and money called Eediyeh from all members of their families. 

  The beginning of both Eids are marked by the early morning prayers called Salat Al 
Eid to praise God. These are then followed by family visits starting with visits to 
the eldest family members followed by visits to relatives and friends and everyone 
asks forgiveness for any wrongdoing during the previous year. During both feasts, the 
UAE people, along with all other Muslims throughout the world enjoy a festive and 
joyous time. 

  Everybody has heard of Pan, and would even know him if they met him. A Greek god 
with the physique, not of a Greek god, but of a small man with a goatee beard and reed 
pipes, and the hind-quarters, horns and sexual habits of a goat. 

  We know about Pan because his worshippers were civilized, and wrote everything down, 
and so we have entire books of Greek myths, and Pan pops up in them everywhere. We 
know nearly everything about him, from his parentage, birth and childhood (the foster 
brother of Zeus himself), through numerous adventures right up to his (supposed) 
death. In fact so much Greek writings survive that there are several versions of 
nearly everything about him. 

  The other gods often referred to him as the youngest of them, but he was probably 
the oldest, having been first worshipped in Arcadia, where he was certainly being 
worshipped as early as the 6th century BC. This fertile plateau lies in the South of 
modern Greece, and there lived the pastoral ancestors of the heroes who later built 
the Greek empire. Pan was born there, on Mount Lycaeum, and in the hearts of a 
shepherding people who depended a lot on goats, and so naturally needed a goat-god. 

  "It has been given to me in vision in the 1980's, the 1990's and known March, April 
and May of this year that a comet called 76P Kohoutek,will cause an immense problem 
for the Earth some time in the next few months. It was shown to me that a collision, 
either with Mars or its moons, would cause Phobos, one of 
  the moons, to be set loose towards Earth. NASA reported a "Fly By" to Mars early 
this year with no impending danger. However, Heaven revealed in a vision, a collision 
would occur. If this is the case, Earth will be in great danger sometime in March, 
2001.I only learned this prophecy this morning.The Little Pebble gave the impact 
position as being between Canton Island and Hull Island in the Phoenix Islands at 
around 172º W, 3.5º Sin the South Pacific. 


Rayelan Allan, Publisher

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