DNC hasn't returned
foreign campaign cash
Judicial Watch says Riady, Lippo Group money still in coffers


By Jon Dougherty
© 2001

The Democratic National Committee has yet to return illegal campaign
contributions made by members of the Indonesian Riady family and the
Riady-owned Lippo Group, contrary to assurances by DNC officials that the
money had been returned.

According to a statement released Wednesday by Judicial Watch, a Washington,
D.C.-based legal watchdog group, Justice Department lawyers told a federal
court Monday that "contrary to public statements, the DNC has never refunded
or disgorged the illegal foreign contributions" received from James Riady.

DNC officials could not be reached for comment yesterday.

Riady pleaded guilty Monday to campaign finance violations. The court
sentenced him to 400 hours of community service, two years of probation, and
fined him $8.6 million -- the largest fine ever imposed for a campaign
finance violation.

The Lippo executive voluntarily agreed to return to the U.S. from Indonesia
and face a court in exchange for the plea agreement. Had a trial ensued, if
found guilty Riady could have faced a fine in excess of $17 million. He was
facing 87 counts.

Indonesia does not have an extradition agreement with the U.S.; had Riady
chosen to do so, he could have remained there and escaped the charges

"The issue arose under the [Justice Department's] plea agreement because in
the unlikely event Mr. Riady receives the refunds back from the DNC, he must
turn them over to the United States," Judicial Watch said in its statement.

U.S. District Judge Consuelo Marshall accepted Riady's guilty plea over the
objections of Judicial Watch, which argued that he was not being
sufficiently punished for his crimes. The group submitted a legal brief
outlining their position in court on Monday, but Marshall did not allow them
to present oral argument in objection before she accepted the plea.

Judicial Watch lawyers and officers remain displeased, not only with Riady's
sentence but with the Clinton-era campaign finance scandal in general.

"None of the fat-cat 'white guys' at the DNC or the Clinton-Gore White House
have been held to account," said Judicial Watch chairman and chief counsel
Larry Klayman, "nor have the politicians" involved.

He said Sens. Ted Kennedy, D-Mass., Carl Levin, D-Mich., Robert Torricelli,
D-N.J., Mitch McConnell, R-Ky. (and husband to Labor Secretary Elaine Chao),
"and others who received illegal monies from Riady and his operative, John
Huang," have yet to be held accountable.

"Indeed … Chao arranged for [illegal] contributions from Huang to (former
New York Republican) Sen. Alfonse D'Amato," Klayman said. "There is a dual
system of justice, and the high Caucasian echelon of the Washington elite
are currently above the law."

Klayman and Judicial Watch are currently involved with 11 "Chinagate"
lawsuits, the statement said.

"Unlike the Bush administration, we will not be 'blackmailed' into failing
to represent the American people," Klayman said. "The Bush administration
seems afraid of the Republican involvement in the Chinagate scandal, and
this has caused it not to bring about justice."

Assistant U.S. Attorney Dan O'Brien said Riady's plea agreement and
conviction came after a year of steadfast negotiations.

"In return, you have a very high fine, the highest fine in the history of
the United States," he told reporters Monday. "We felt that was an
appropriate sentence because this is one of the more significant and
egregious violations."

WorldNetDaily DNC hasn't returnedbr foreign campaign cash.url

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