Henry Kissinger & Marc Rich Bought Oil
from Iran During the Hostage Crisis

Excerpt from Metal Men, by A. Craig Copetas (Perennial, 1988), p. 211:

     Fox [Pictures] director Henry Kissinger was sleeping fitfully. An
article in the Spanish journal Five Days alleged that Rich and Kissinger had
jointly purchased $200 million worth of the Ayatollah¹s crude during the
hostage crisis, falsified certificates of ownership, and had the funds to
purchase the oil transferred to Tehran¹s control from the Zurich offices of
the Swiss Banking Corporation and the Chase Manhattan Bank. Kissinger was
awakened by a reporter from Fortune magazine who saw him napping in the
business-class section on a flight from Paaris to London and asked the
former secretary of state if he had ever met Rich. The fugitive trader¹s
friend ³K² said that he had met Rich only once ‹ at a movie premiere. [Note:
In fact, they were close friends and business partners at Fox and in the
movement of crude oil in the Middle East.]
     A few months after than encounter, the State Department¹s Bureau of
European Affairs began investigating the actions of America¹s Vatican
ambassador, [Knight of Malta] William A Wilson, because of his personal
intervention into the Rich case; State also launched a separate
investigation into his contacts with the Most Reverend Paul C. Marcinkus,
the Chicago-born prelate in charge of the Vatican¹s finances, known as
³God¹s Banker.²...

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