-Caveat Lector-

Taercel wrote:
> -Caveat Lector-
> From
> http://www.newaus.com.au/news216nzrpt.html
> }}>Begin
> Libertarians not welcome
> in New Zealand
> New Zealand
> TNA News with Commentary
> Saturday 23 March 2001
> The following story was emailed to me recently under the heading, Is Libertarianism
> a Crime? Knowing that there are many third world countries where advocating freedom
> of the individual can be hazardous to your health, I was especially horrified to
> read that this story in fact, happened in New Zealand.
> To explain; Jim Peron, a Libertarian writer from the USA, now residing and working
> out of South Africa, applied to immigrate to New Zealand to open up a bookstore, a
> libertarian publishing house and to open a new branch of the International Society
> for International Liberty (ISIL).
> The Immigration Official declined the application ostensibly for two reasons:

I have always loved and admired New Zealand. Now they have gone up through the
stratosphere in my esteem. If their policy of keeping out Libertarian Riff Raff
continues, I will start packing soon. Unfortunately, New Zealand's policy
regarding Libertarians means that they will continue to reside in the US.

The best thing about Libertarians is that there are so few of them.

> 1) Mr Peron is not a key employee of ISIL since he does not yet hold the position in
> New Zealand that needs to be filled. However, to get entry into New Zealand he must
> already be employed. But to be employed he must gain entry into New Zealand. Catch
> 22.
> 2) The Official argues that ISIL cannot apply as a relocating business because it
> has non profit status in the USA. Yet the bookstore in New Zealand would be profit
> making, as would be the publishing venture. And she refuses to divulge any other
> category under which ISIL could apply. If her ruling stands then it would appear
> that all non profit groups in the world are banned from New Zealand.
> The subsequent rejection of Mr Peron’s application was, of itself, not unusual. What
> was, however, was the personal political summation behind the rejection.
> The Official who declined the application stated in her report that because ISIL is
> a libertarian organization, this “places a question mark over the desirability of
> such an organization, and whether Mr Peron would be ineligible for residence because
> of his association with such an organization.”

What sensible bureaucrats. They know undesirables when they see one.

> Further, she has listed a number of
> positions which she has used to support her views: Firstly, an ISIL conference had a
> speaker talking about legalizing marijuana, secondly, ISIL produced a pamphlet
> which:
> a) opposed censoring pornography, b) questioned the validity of gun control, and c)
> supported a bill of rights. These are the positions listed by the official which
> prove libertarians are “radicals” and not desirable for entry into New Zealand. The
> Official continues: “It (ISIL) is a radical libertarian organization that fosters
> individual action, using their freely chosen strategies...where the guest speaker
> speaking on civil disobedience as a marketing strategy.”
> While Mr Peron is appealing his case, we should think about the dangerous precedence
> this would set if his appeal was overturned.

What dangerous precedence? You're SO presumptuous.

> Firstly, in declaring libertarianism “undesirable” in potential immigrants, New
> Zealand would have also forbidden entry to all the American Founding Fathers,

Great! What incredible good sense to keep those elitist plutocrats out. Look
how they've ruined this country.

> including Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, John Adams, Patrick Henry, Thomas Paine
> and George Washington. We would have tossed out John Locke, Adam Smith and Henry
> David Thoreau, and most certainly shown the door to such known ‘radicals’ as
> Frederick Bastiat, Ayn Rand, Milton Friedman, Ludwig Von Mises and F.A. Hayek.

I wish WE could have. These scum are the most evil, greedy, slimy, nasty,
ruinous, Mammon worshipping elitist assholes ever.

> And
> no doubt, our officious bureaucrat in Immigration would be quick to point out how
> this raffish group of individuals with their contumacious ideas have done nothing
> but hinder the progress of a truly civilized society.
> Secondly, and all joking aside,

Ha, ha, ha, ha, what joking?

I would have thought that an individual willing to be
> wholly responsibility for his own actions, contributing in a purposeful way to
> society through the creation of jobs and wealth, and opposed to the use of force
> upon others, would have been the perfect immigrant for any country.

What philosophy are YOU talking about. You are really self dilusional. A
Libertarian trait. Something you have in common with Liberals. You both just can't
understand why everyone else can't stand you.

> It would be interesting to know just what this official does understand the word
> ‘libertarian’ to mean. If, upon enquiry, it  was to be found that she does actually
> have some understanding of the term, then the rejection of Mr Peron on the grounds
> that “libertarianism is undesirable” is not only highly offensive to all thinking,

Not ALL thinking buddy boy.

> rational, freedom-loving men and women everywhere, but it should most certainly be
> treated as a catalyst to stepping up pressure on a government that seems intent on
> further reducing individuals’ freedom of movement, freedom of expression, freedom of
> speech and their freedom of association.

How dare you impose your stupid drivel on a society which chooses to reject it.

Don't THEY have the freedom not to choose Libertarians? New Zealand is a decent
place. They understand community better than most because they are an island
society. Sick, exaggerated individualism, as professed by Libertarians, would
ruin their country AND THEY KNOW IT.

I hope this is a wake up call for you clowns.
Libertarianism sucks. No offense. ;}


> End<{{
> @
> http://www.seventhquest.net/isil.org/
> > International Society for Individual Liberty
> > What's New
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> > Welcome!
> > Welcome to the the home page of the International Society for Individual Liberty
> > (ISIL). We are an association of individuals and organizations with members in over
> > 80 countries dedicated to building a free and peaceful world, respect for 
> > rights and liberties, and an open and competitive economic system based on 
> > exchange and free trade. Members and affiliated organizations pursue this goal
> > through independent action, using their freely chosen strategies. The association
> > exists to promote the exchange of information and ideas, to study diverse 
> > and to foster fellowship.

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