-Caveat Lector-

Saturday March 24, 4:27 pm Eastern Time
Californians warned power bills could soar
By Andrew Quinn

SAN FRANCISCO, March 24 (Reuters) - Californians were warned on Saturday
that their power bills could skyrocket by anywhere from 50 to 100 percent as
the state scrambles to find ways to keep the electricity flowing until its
cash-strapped utilities get back on their feet.

The prospect of higher power bills was floated late on Friday by senior
aides to Gov. Gray Davis, who has repeatedly vowed to fix California's
energy mess without passing along sharply higher power bills to consumers.

Davis spokesman Steve Maviglio said on Saturday the governor ``is still
hoping and has the expectation'' that the fix can be accomplished within the
existing rate structure.

``Any numbers put out now are still wildly speculative,'' Maviglio said,
adding that the Friday briefing involved a number of different scenarios.

Davis aides delivered the bleak assessment of California's power outlook in
a briefing with Democratic lawmakers, saying the state may need to issue $23
billion in bonds over the next two years to cover energy purchases, more
than double Davis' original estimate.

To cope with the soaring expense, California rate-payers could be stuck with
increases of anywhere from 20 to 50 percent, with a worst-case scenario
involving rate hikes of as much as 100 percent, according to some estimates.

Maviglio stressed that the numbers were part of a broad discussion of
potential outcomes for California's energy crisis, saying that factors such
as the state's negotiations over a rescue package for the utilities and
possible federally-ordered refunds from power generators could radically
alter the landscape.

``They were tossing around all kinds of possibilities,'' Maviglio said.


Any rate increases would apply to customers of PG&E Corp's (NYSE:PCG - news)
Pacific Gas & Electric and Edison International's (NYSE:EIX - news) Southern
California Edison, which together serve about two-thirds of California's 34
million residents.

The two utilities, which together are more than $13 billion in debt, have
been pushed close to bankruptcy by soaring wholesale power costs, which
under the terms of California's 1996 power deregulation law they have been
unable to pass along to consumers.

The credit crunch, combined with extremely tight power supplies across the
U.S. West Coast, has forced California power grid operators to impose
rolling blackouts across the state four times this year. Industry analysts
warn the cuts are likely to become more frequent this summer as higher
temperatures push up demand for air conditioning power.

Davis in January launched California on an emergency power buying program of
its own, dishing out a total of $3 billion in taxpayer money so far to keep
the lights on. That total is rising by some $50 million per day.

Davis also set the proposed $10 billion bond issue, expected in the next
several months, to cover long-term energy contracts being negotiated by the
state Department of Water Resources. He said the money would gradually be
recouped through a portion of consumer energy bills once California's power
situation stabilizes.

That assessment appeared less likely in the near term on Saturday after the
prediction by Davis' aides, who said the state's power purchases this year
could top $16 billion with another $7 billion required next year.

Such a dramatic increase in financial outlay would almost certainly mean
higher consumer rates, which have already been raised nine percent and are
slated to increase automatically by another 10 percent by March 2002.

Consumer activists, sharply critical of Davis for what they say is a massive
bail-out of the energy industry, reacted with outrage to the prospect of
greater consumer rate hikes -- saying power generators have reaped billions
from California's energy crisis.

``The idea that the consumers should be paying for this disaster counters
any kind of appropriate response to the energy industry's abuse of our
deregulation system,'' said Doug Heller of the Foundation for Taxpayer &
Consumer Rights.

``The idea of any rate increases should be entirely off the table,'' Heller
said. ``Davis is choosing to punish the victim instead of the criminals, and
that is the weakest way out of our crisis.''
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