Note the one item re the kid who drew a soldier; now in this one school
in our area, kids were told to view West Side Story as part of class
project or review.....this was the beginning of the trashiest movies
ever made......knives, guns, murder - and oh such a Romeo and Juliet

Be interesting why a move of this type would be of interest to 13 year
old in his class?

Next will be classes in sodomy and I can hardly wait to see if they dare
in this area.......perhaps now that Blush is in, well things
change.....maybe the sodomists will be put back into the closets -
between the two, I will take the Skull and Bones.


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Jackson Finally Crapping Out

“Members of the black clergy have begun suggesting
publicly that the Rev. Jesse Jackson's role as the
pre-eminent African-American figure is on the wane and
that the time is right for new leadership."

- New York Times, 3/26/01

It’s a Joke Alright … But It’s Not Funny

“And in his adopted home state of  New York, Clinton
will accept the John Dewey award from the United
Federation of Teachers and give a speech May 12 at the
union's spring convention, the New York Post reports.
The newspaper finds two union members who oppose the
award. One, Morris Martin, who teaches history at a
high school in Brooklyn, tells the Post, ‘Come on,
you're kidding. Clinton isn't a role model for adults,
let alone children. This is just insane.’”

- “Best of the Web,”, 3/26/01

Ah, Yes … The Old Malaria Defense

“One day after being indicted on federal fraud
charges, ex-Rep. Edward Mezvinsky (D-IA) ‘filed a
lawsuit claiming he developed mental problems after
using a malaria drug and subsequently ran up millions
of dollars in debt.’ Mezvinsky and his wife, ex-Rep.
Marjorie Margolies-Mezvinsky (D-PA), filed suit
against Roche Holding AG, Presbyterian Medical Center
in Philly, a Montgomery County pharmacy and Mezvinsky
physician, Dr. Bradley Fenton.  Mezvinsky took the
drug Lariam for ‘dozens’ of business trips to Africa
in the '90s.  From the suit: ‘As a result of the
psychiatric syndrome caused by his long-term use of
Lariam, he invested rashly in bad investments ...
[and] depleted his own financial resources, his wife's
financial resources, as well as his wife's
inheritance.’ Mezvinsky attorney Michael Barrett:
‘Clearly the responsibility lies with the

- Philadelphia Daily News, 3/26/01

Hey, Young Man!  Put Down That Pencil!

“A third grader at the Lenwill Elementary School - his
last name is Walker and he's a honor student - has a
relative serving in the U.S. Army.  He's rather proud
of this relative.  Looks up to him.  He drew a picture
of this relative in uniform.  The soldier was holding
a canteen in one hand, a knife in the other.  He drew
the Army fort where his relative might be stationed.
He listed what weapons and supplies might be found
inside the fort.  Then he showed his drawing to
another student, and a teacher got a glance.  The next
thing you know young Walker finds himself suspended
from school. The Principal of this wonderful
government institution said that ‘We have
zero-tolerance for drawings with guns.  We can't
tolerate anything that has to do with guns or knives.’
 Another school official said that the picture
depicted violence.”

- Neil Boortz,, 3/26/01

Free Speech … But Only When We Say You Can

“Morgan Nyman, an eight-year-old Wisconsin girl, is
suing her school because she was ordered not to give
her classmates homemade Valentine's Day cards ‘with
such sayings as 'Jesus loves you' and 'Freely rely on
God' because they were religious,’ the Milwaukee
Journal Sentinel  reports. School lawyer Mark Vetter
tells the paper that for Morgan to give out the cards
during class ‘violates the separation of church and
state and would be unconstitutional and
impermissible.’  But ‘if Morgan had wanted to pass out
her valentines or other religious materials before or
after school or during lunchtime, she could have done
so, he said.’  Ah yes, that would be the famous
Lunchtime Clause of the First Amendment. Somehow we
doubt the authoritarians at the ACLU would go along
even with that. For them, only one policy toward
religion in government schools is acceptable: zero

- “Best of the Web,”, 3/26/01

Life’s Not Fair

“I am 13 years old, and I would like to share a couple
of opinions with you about Sen. Clinton's office
space.  I attend Floral Park Memorial High School, and
my choral teacher has to pay for our sheet music,
because my school can't afford it. (How much sheet
music would $514,149 buy, anyway?) My parents are
hard-working citizens who expect their taxes to be
going to something useful. All over New York, children
are going without essential supplies for their
education, while Sen. Clinton lives in the lap of
luxury. It's just not fair.”

- Katie McCabe, New York Post letter-to-the-editor,

Supremes To Decided Reefer Madness Case

“This week, the U.S. Supreme Court will make its first
foray into the medical-marijuana debate, hearing
arguments in a case the federal government filed in
hopes of shutting down the Oakland Cannabis
Cooperative and five other California marijuana
distributors. At issue is whether patients and their
suppliers can claim 'medical necessity' to shield them
from prosecution on federal drug charges."

- Houston Chronicle, 3/26/01

Recipe for Electoral Success:  Run As a Republican

“If you haven't heard yet, Republican Liberty Caucus
member, libertarian Republican leader, Ron Paul
fanatic, and my good friend, Leon Drolet, has won his
special election for the Michigan State legislature.
He won with 60% in a run-off.  This is the greatest of
great victories.  Leon could possibly be the most
hardcore libertarian ever to serve in a state
legislature anywhere in the United States, ever!”

- Eric Dondero, Republican Liberty Caucus National
Committeeman, 3/26/01

Thought For the Day

“Politicians and diapers have one thing in common.
They should both be changed regularly and for the same

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* Is it time to renew the CODE OF ETHICS FOR GOVT
SERVICE ?  Get 24 wallet sized copies of the Code Of
Ethics that congress actually passed in 1958, PLUS a
58 page minipocketbook US Constitution with superdura
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SEND $5 cash or check to: Taxpayers Network, W67 N222
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shipped first class snailmail within 2 workdays of
receipt.  Thanks, Michael Riley, founder of Taxpayers
Network Inc.  See also

*  Full-Day Campaign Training Seminar:  “Grassroots
Preparation” conducted by Chuck Muth and sponsored by
the Leadership Institute.  Saturday, April 7 at the
Sheraton 4-Points Hotel in Culver City.  Registration
begins at 8:30 a.m.  Limited to only 20 participants
to ensure maximum personal attention.  $69 includes
breakfast, lunch, seminar notebook and all handouts.
Just $69 ... MONEY BACK GUARANTEE.  To reserve your
spot of get additional information, contact Rick
Marshall at (310) 534-8615 or

*  Republican National Committee’s annual State
Chairman’s meeting will be held in Miami, Florida
April 19-21.  Contact RNC at (202) 863-8500 for
additional information.

Published by:
Chuck Muth, Editor
3659 Scotwood Street
Las Vegas, NV  89121
Phone:  (702) 454-0350
Fax:  (702) 454-7798

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